We are wrong...



  • ambrosio191
    ambrosio191 Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker

    Ive not done any math or looked at what events have actually run. From a purely "feel" point of view, we are getting more events and resources, but those events take forever to complete, and they are stale. They all seem to require 10-12 fights to fully complete, plus a lot of highly restrictive objectives or restrictions. I'm so tired of playing Duets of Mana every single weekend. We have been playing the same versions of revolving planeswalker for 2-2.5 years now.

    It honestly feels like I've been playing the exact same game for at least a year now. The onslaught of new cards hasnt been enough to make the game feel fresh. Maybe that's because the resources we are getting are from years ago, so we arent really playing with new stuff.

    DSK was such a poorly handled set in terms of access to it. FDN has been much better, but if all these events keep rewarding FDN packs after the new set releases we will be in the same boat, playing overused events with "old" rewards. Knowing that standard is 3 years now just gives me dread with any new event knowing we are stuck with it for so long.

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 698 Critical Contributor

    @ambrosio191 said:
    Knowing that standard is 3 years now just gives me dread with any new event knowing we are stuck with it for so long.

    Perhaps it's time to think about cutting down Standard to 2 years worth of sets rather than 3 again.

    When Oktagon first asked us about this, I think a lot of us thought that it was better to keep the rules of MTGPQ close to paper MTG when possible... it gives players of both games less things to keep track of and smooths the transition of paper MTG players trying to get into MTGPQ.

    But Webcore have done a couple of things since then:

    1) absurd power creep and
    2) changed the rules away from paper for no good reason anyway

  • naabaldan
    naabaldan Posts: 639 Critical Contributor

    We have more events and those events are now scheduled on a regular basis.
    This is a good thing.

    BfA is an event that profits from this change as it gives some benefits:
    Exclusive cards booster than can be saved for the next set and conversion of gold to pinkies.

    Other events are played so often, we lost our interest for them. This is the downside.

    New players benefit from those changes while veteran plays get bored.

    How can this be handled?

    First of all, the need for resource changes over time. First it is runes and than shifts to gold and pinkies. While booster and orbs are interesting for all players until you reach a full set.

    One possible way is to introduce a new currency that allows you to buy stuff you need. This way playing events gives you Runes and lets call them mtgpq coins. You go to the shop and buy what you need ...

    To make even repeated events more interesting we need a higher goal and more variations. Lots of games gives you something to build while playing or have a story that is progressing allowing you to earn resources, cosmetic items or even special items that can be obtained nowhere else and are worth chasing.

    Looking at variations:
    In the past lots of events were just copies of previous ones with different objectives and event supports. This is easy implementation but boring over time.

    Wc has introduced new events with certain limitations that makes it more interesting to play with. But after running those events for some time, interest is fading.

    Introducing a meta goal is one way to keep us playing. Alternatively events can be suspended for a few months or coalition events are available as a non coalition one. This will boost the number of available events and old coalition events that are not available anymore can come back as usual events.

    Think about AM as a non coalition standard event with an adjusted boss health you can play for the whole week until it's done giving you a good final reward worth playing it.

    Changing the decks or objectives from time to time for pve events may also be an option.

    Maybe you have your own ideas to share with us?

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,754 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 18 February 2025, 07:37

    @naabaldan One possible way is to introduce a new currency that allows you to buy stuff you need.

    No! For the love of god, no new currency!!!

    What you propose already exists in the current currency gold and in real money. What is needed is access to buying, not a new currency. Ingame currency is a horrible thing that obfuscate and manipulate players to use too many real money.

  • naabaldan
    naabaldan Posts: 639 Critical Contributor

    What ever you think.
    Take gold as the only additional resource to allow you to buy whatever you want.
    It's the purpose not the item that is relevant.

    I want to decide what I need the most at the first place and not be dependent on what the event will give me. That's the point.

    So forget about the (mtgp) qcoins.

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,754 Chairperson of the Boards

    @naabaldan - fair enough. Perhaps I see red when anyone proposes a new currency. I have played apps which have 50-60 ingame currencies and that is just ridiculous. One of the great things about MTGPQ is its complexity is in playing the game, not the meta game revolving around managing your currencies.

    After having read your post once more. I like your thoughts on variations.
    It has been a recurring theme on these forums (over the years) that we (the players) want variety. It seem like the players wants new ways to experiment with the cards in our library. Sadly, the shifting of devs have hampered this.

    One of the problems with the variation ideas has been that new players don’t have enough cards to be able to partake in events. I’m sure there are ways to fix that, but for now any variation would help.

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 241 Tile Toppler

    @naabaldan I agree with @Tremayne that we have plenty of complexity already but would like to see a way to exchange currencies.

    A lot of people are concerned that converting currencies will unbalance the game’s economy and I think that concern can be avoided by simply placing a cap on the amount that could be converted during an arbitrary time period.

    I’ll leave the debate about what exchange rates might look like and what the arbitrary cap should be to the maths people.

  • wraszowixuXuxi
    wraszowixuXuxi Posts: 72 Match Maker

    One of the problems with the variation ideas has been that new players don’t have enough cards to be able to partake in events. I’m sure there are ways to fix that, but for now any variation would help.

    You know, I think we've had some events with a way of dealing with this, the issue of walling points and rewards away from those that don't have a lot or all of the cards or strategies available in their collections - and that is events repeatable for rewards (perhaps EvReFRe?), where you could keep playing the first (or any of its) node(s) and still increase your reward progression.

    We still have a few around. The Guilds of Ravnica PvE event (I know, because a glut of those packs, and not a lot of Ravnica Allegiance - missing you Sphinx of the Guildpact), and You've Found an Entrance... for D&D AFR (though this one might not be as noticeable because you first have to progress far enough to have the option: winning any of the prebossboss nodes just takes you one way or another to the next along the line, but you can then beat bosses without full objectives to keep playing those and then have access to all chapters after beating the Bard (with or without full objectives) - by then, YFaE kinda fits in as an EvReFRe, but as a bit of an odd duck).

    In the past we also had the "original" Dominaria event(s) (A Journey Through History?), with three or four different versions that were definitely EvReFRe, but I haven't seen these run in a while. Even if events like this had objectives that you either couldn't or didn't want to reach, you could still repeat them for at least half points by just winning the battles, and just doing about twice as much battles to complete rewards. One might not have the cards, or they might be avoiding using some too much to avoid going up in tier too soon or such (which probably is on the face that we still haven't figured a bracket or matchmaking overhaul yet for sure. Yes, you could keep some playable planeswalkers at lower levels and thus face less high level/power opponents, but this isn't always a guarantee as sometimes you will still get matched with a level 60 or it may take minutes to give you a match to face if at all because, face it, it may be a dwindling pool of players who still do this as some planeswalkers get designed where their defining features are not until later (Kalemne, I found out the hard way, doesn't give haste until A1/L1 support is in the fourth level; Commodore Guff doesn't allow repeating vanguards until the last level as well at lvl 60; with early levels of Daxos' A3/L3, at first it doesn't gain you life and then only debuffs the first opposing creature (note, this is not a bug report, this is just how the feature levels progress), and Kasmina, if you want it that way, doesn't mass convert until she is lvl 40 and up (... though being a Desert Degenerate, I like to keep my alt's Kasmina at lvl 39, and because to note the differences that happen without the mass conversion; can't face that nerf there if I don't have it)). Besides ability features, the ocassional objective of win with more than 80 or a 100 life blocks out a lot of lower level Planeswalkers from effective use there, as well as even some lvl 60 ones as well. (Dihada is beautiful otherwise)

    So, sorry about the detours and tangents, but it could be nice to have some more events be EvReFRe. One could say "just get the cards to be able to get the full objectives", but this may take more resources than you realize if one is starting from scratch these days. For an alt that wasn't playing when Streets of New Capenna was fresh in Standard, it takes either luck or a lot of orbs to even pull Sleep with the Fishes, which many may think of as a requirement or given with that set, to help survive games enough to get objectives. It takes a lot of orbs and thus a lot of packs. You basically already have to be invested to get into this game at times.

    As is, I dread stuff like Implicit Maze as it limits in multiple ways. Yes, it gives a chance to dust off old cards, but it almost requires having old cards and has kinda weird planeswalker color restrictions for each node (though I think most of them do at least allow green, as your starter). Can't always just use mastered cards as often by the set restriction and objectives you have to use a lot of cards that you may have hardly touched (maybe the only saving grace of that being that if hardly used it may take a few times playing the event before they do wind up mastering and tiering you up). And to make full points, you have to complete every objective and do every chapter. Unless secretly missed - not an EvReFRe.

    A middle ground is the events where there is a surplus of nodes to complete progression, such as Fables of Eldraine. Have a node where objectives are prohibitive? Just play it to win and continue on to the next one, no need to worry. Or perhaps with Commoner Cup, Silver Duel, and Plague Control: Infestation (which doesn't seem to have an events page here), where it is a PvP that can be played any number of times. No need to worry about nodes; just play until complete. Duets of Mana kinda fits into that surplus variety, as you can miss a few objectives and still get to the last round of pink jewels. Only one can be missed to get to the last runes though, in case those are needed.

    Gist or TLDR: To help with players with limited resources and strategies to still get progression, maybe have more events that have nodes that can be repeated for progression rewards (EvReFRe) or events that can be played enough, even with some missed objectives, such as either by unlimited nodes or by a surplus of chapters. It's players' time that is being put in.