OutlawAvengers Recruiting

edited April 2014 in MPQ Alliances
Outlaw Avengers assemble!!! Hello players, I'm Munkeeboi69. I'm looking to recruit members for new alliance, the Outlaw Avengers. My intention with this alliance is to bring together a group of fun loving, skilled, F2P members! I know many people put a lot of money into this game and go very far, but I'm trying to see how far we can go as a ragtag group of free players. My requirements are simple. Only F2P members (players who have payed need not apply), I want players who play consistently, but I understand that we have lives outside of the game (try to play as often as you can), I want people who are going to communicate with the rest of the alliance (communication is how we strategize and go far). Above all, my number one rule/requirement is to have fun...otherwise, what's the point? Let's do this!!!! As of right now, we are 4/5. Let's show these Pay to Win players that they've wasted their money! If this type of alliance interests you, send me a PM, I will be sure to get back to you and we can discuss business. Let's do this!


  • Hi im still looking for a home lol
  • Hi im still looking for a home lol
    Send a request and I'll take a look. I'm still waiting to hear from another potential member, but If he doesn't get back to me in a timely manner, I'll let you know.
  • Hey just thought I'd drop by see how things are going. I've referred quite a few F2P players your way, so I hope that's helped out with the recruitment. Let me know how you're getting on, and as we're both F2P alliances then I wish you good luck!
  • Hey just thought I'd drop by see how things are going. I've referred quite a few F2P players your way, so I hope that's helped out with the recruitment. Let me know how you're getting on, and as we're both F2P alliances then I wish you good luck!
    Hey Fluffy, thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. We're currently full and I'm saving up to buy another slot. As of right now we're doing pretty decent in the events. How are you guys doing?
  • Slowly but surely expanding... just a heads up, there was a post made recently about sigs having to adhere to a set size, hence why my sig has shrunk... I think my sig is at max height, so you might need to change yours soon...