EU region huge problem

Sandilord Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
Let me start by saying I really like this game. I never play games on my phone but this was an exception and I've been playing it for months straight now. I'm at the point where my 2*s are complete and I want to transition to 3* but that's near impossible because I live in Europe (Netherlands).

Take season 2. (Nearly) every event ended at 6 am for me. To win a 3* cover you need to be top 50 and it can't be done. The very last event (lord of thunder) I played my **** off to see what I could achieve if I went all out. Played like crazy 'til 2 am (had to work next morning) and stopped at place 15-18. But that means there's still 4 hours left. The next morning I woke up and what was the result: I lost 212 points and placed 123rd. Tiny, tiny, tiny kitty.

This way it's nearly impossible to win 3* covers and I'm losing interest in the game fast because of it (and I want to keep playing). If this doesn't change I'm afraid you're about to lose a large portion of your EU players simply because they can't progress into 3*s unless they buy everything.

I've seen a reaction by IceIX saying that some region will always be at a disadvantage. True, but why not spread and share the pain then instead of cutting EU from the possiblity to place within the top 50. Sure, shielding is a way but I also need HP to buy slots. I would love to be able to finish an event at 8-11 pm every now and then.

I hope this will be adressed soon. Thanks in advance.


  • Unknown
    If You're trying to achieve good spot without shielding, You clearly don't understand how this game works.

    Also, instead of staying late, wake up early.

    I'm an EU player and for me event ending at 6PM is a problem.

    So who gave You a right to speak on behalf of EU players in general?
  • Sandilord
    Sandilord Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    Wow, slow down. Are you saying it's impossible (in general) to get into top 50 without shielding?
    And I understand you should play right before it ends but that's the whole problem: I'm not getting up at 5 am for a game.
    I'm not speaking on behalf of all EU players, it's what I think might happen. Please read carefully before jumping to conclusions. Clearly you are the veteran here (your tone proves that) and clearly you think I'm wrong.

    Please explain to me how it's fair that EU players have to get up at 5 am or have to spend dozens of HP to shield through the night and US players don't?
    And please try to level with me instead of sounding like an ****.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    My events end at 11pm and I still shield right up to the end. If you watch the leaderboards, you'll see that at any given time going right up to the end, the top 10 is either shielded, or unshielded and currently trying to make a push. You can make top 50 without shielding, if you start high enough but expect a downslide because people are pushing at the end. You may as well at least put on a 3 hour shield if you have a concern, and you get most of that back in the rewards.
  • Sandilord
    Sandilord Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    That's what I thought as well. Thx for your reply and maybe I should start using HP for shields now or I won't progress anymore. Still, if it would end at 11pm, I would play it out in the end without having to shield. Top 50 is good enough for me since it pays 3* covers.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Sandilord wrote:
    That's what I thought as well. Thx for your reply and maybe I should start using HP for shields now or I won't progress anymore. Still, if it would end at 11pm, I would play it out in the end without having to shield. Top 50 is good enough for me since it pays 3* covers.

    I usually still need whatever the top 10 cover is in addition to the top 50 cover so I still shield some. I figure that the hp cost is less than the upgrade cost (if I even have that color). I don't shield at all for about the first 500-600 points and usually don't start playing at all until a day into the tournament. This has helped me maximize my time/effort and need for shields. The last part of it I essentially shield to maintain my points and when it expires I come out swinging for a few and then shield up again. This has helped me get into the top 10 more often than not, except for the really hairy events where you needed like 1k just to place top. If I only wanted the top 50 like you then yeah, I'd probably take my chances without shielding as much. Also, I just got tired taking one step forward and two steps back, y'know? I don't get a lot of defensive wins. icon_e_smile.gif

    By the way, the current Hood tournament ends at 11am my time, which is right during work so I won't be able to do a lot those last three hours or so. I'm going to have to push tonight/first thing tomorrow to get the score I think will place and hope for the best.

    So ironically to your concern, I think this current event is more EU friendly? icon_e_smile.gif
  • Sandilord
    Sandilord Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    It is icon_e_smile.gif This is the first event (of my knowing) that ends tomorrow at 6 pm for me. It's a good start
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sandilord wrote:
    It is icon_e_smile.gif This is the first event (of my knowing) that ends tomorrow at 6 pm for me. It's a good start
    And 6 PM is freaking worthless if you're playing the Steam version of the game instead of the mobile version.

    The devs knew full well what they were getting into it when the made a globally released game and they knew full well what they were doing when they pooled the mobile players together with the PC players. Now it's about damned time they step up and take some responsibility for fixing the timezone problem with event ending times.
  • Unknown
    If I ever got that indignant over a mobile game, I'd probably institutionalize myself.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sandilord wrote:
    It is icon_e_smile.gif This is the first event (of my knowing) that ends tomorrow at 6 pm for me. It's a good start
    Of the three weekly PVPs the one that starts Monday morning ends Wednesday evening.
    So for PVP 1/3 events ends at a friendly time for us.
    IF you're not Emeryt icon_razz.gif
    And if you play on a mobile device.
  • Unknown
    As a Brit I know what you mean - but to be honest the 5pm finishes are even worse than 5am because I'm working all day (now personally I would love 6am rather than 5am!). I'm pretty sure there's not a good finish time for everyone icon_e_sad.gif

    You'll find there are plenty of EU players who work with it and score highly, e.g. morning is a great time to play while the US sleeps..... But yeah shielding or an early start is required
  • Unknown
    Why not have each event end 4 hours later than the previous event. That way everyone would have some events that finish at a time good for them and some that end at a bad time.
  • Unknown
    Clearly you are in the wrong job if you cannot play MPQ at work icon_e_wink.gif
  • Unknown
    Yeah, the work i like and enjoy doing, not getting paid for picking my nose all day and playing games.

    EU is screwed pretty hard, you either have to wake up at 5am or earlier or you have to be a jobless person who can afford playing during daytime instead of doing something with their life.

    As i posted in one of the threads: If they are screwing some region, they could at least screw all regions equally, make each event end 1h later than the previous one, rotating 24h in 24 days, so everyone would be screwed equally all the time, end of story. Or just break game into big timezones i don't care playing with less ppl, but knowing we all have equal chances.

    Preferably for EU players events could end at night 11 pm or something like that.

    At least they could do decent rotation, 1 event ends US good time, 1 EU good time, not 5 in a row US good time, 1-2 EU good time.
  • action711
    action711 Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    As i posted in one of the threads: If they are screwing some region, they could at least screw all regions equally, make each event end 1h later than the previous one, rotating 24h in 24 days, so everyone would be screwed equally all the time, end of story. Or just break game into big timezones i don't care playing with less ppl, but knowing we all have equal chances.

    That sounds fair. But do the USA realise there are other countries apart from them and Mexico?
  • Unknown
    probably they think they matter the most, because they are working on the game, and probably most of the players are living in the US timezones...