Account flagged as cheating???

I downloaded the game three weeks back and haven been able to join any allience since day one. I sent alot of E-mails to support and kindly got a reply. My account was flagged for cheating???How could i have cheated in any way? I have just played the storey n verses mode all the way n learned the game from online forums. My iphone was jail broken when i downloaded the game, but after i was still unable to join any allience i tried unjailbreaking my phone n currently using the phone without jailbreak. And the e-mail also stated i would no longer be able to receive any further help from customer support!!! Could someone here help me out please?


  • Unknown
    Just browsed through the forum and realized other could flagged players as cheaters, but shouldt the devs b able to check if any cheating has taken place? I finished top 2 in bk to bk PvP with just storm n im35 n the free charactor. And i have not spent a dollar on this game. Does that make me a cheater??? The Devs shld be able to see the hours i put in since i downloaded the game. Spending so many hours constantly and choosing the right opp i been able to do well in the events. Very disappointed to receive a e-mail stating i been cheating!!!
  • Unknown
    kalai84 wrote:
    I downloaded the game three weeks back and haven been able to join any allience since day one. I sent alot of E-mails to support and kindly got a reply. My account was flagged for cheating???How could i have cheated in any way? I have just played the storey n verses mode all the way n learned the game from online forums. My iphone was jail broken when i downloaded the game, but after i was still unable to join any allience i tried unjailbreaking my phone n currently using the phone without jailbreak. And the e-mail also stated i would no longer be able to receive any further help from customer support!!! Could someone here help me out please?

    Did you have any apps that let you fake making IAP purchases installed on your jailbroken phone? What about programs that allow you to speed up animations? I know that certain companies such as Square Enix have released games (Deus Ex: The Fall) that check for jailbroken status and disable or disadvantage play as a result. I have not heard about Demiurge/D3/whoever doing that.

    Other users have reported being banned for no reason. It would be interesting if all of you could get together and compare notes here to see if your devices have anything in common that might cause the issue.
  • Unknown
    Yes my jailbreak had the app from the beginning, something call a app cracker or something but to be penalised for that app is not fair. I have removed that cydia thingy from the phone. So hoping devs would consider thier descision.
  • Unknown
    kalai84 wrote:
    Yes my jailbreak had the app from the beginning, something call a app cracker or something but to be penalised for that app is not fair. I have removed that cydia thingy from the phone. So hoping devs would consider thier descision.

    That's simply not true. Evasion jailbreak comes with Cydia, but it does not automatically allow you to install pirated games and it does not include repositories that allow you to find hacking software that circumvents iAP.

    You must firm affirmatively find the sources for those hacks and add them to Cydia before you can install them. If you jailbroke your iPhone with something other than Evasion, please provide its name so we can warn others away from it.
  • Unknown
    My phone is a 2nd handphone so not really sure what it was jailbroken with. N cydia has alrdy been deleted. Any other way to check?