How to maximize push duration at early 3* stage

Tharos Posts: 129
edited June 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
After months and months of OBW/Thor, I am starting playing with 3* having: level 141 punisher, and some other 3* at level 89 (or 102 for Hulk theorical max).
I am now forced by the game to play with 3* because of 3* opponents. It is a lot of fun after the 2* stage, but much more difficult/frustating, in a different way than before.

I want to know how did you manage to play for a long time when being in the 3* part of the game.

Before, I had OBW in every battle, so it was easy to heal before next one. I used health pack only when someone got killed by a luck cascade.

But now, I do not know how to do.
The best I can do now, it to play with featured/Punisher/OBW, but I seem to be a juicy target for all 141 teams. And when the IA got lucky, which happens fairly often, she is a way too easy target (hello Magnetic Translocation, good bye health packs).
If I remove OBW, I finish the fight with nearly half of the heath removed. So I need to put back OBW for the second game, or use health pack. So my play sessions must stop very early.
Of course, Spiderman is 2/0/0, so I can't use him.

How are you able to fight a huge number of full 3* teams before needing to heal/restore? Any advice?


  • Story healing. Take your real 3* team out for the event, then when you need healing go to one of the easier nodes where you fight a single enemy and just try to get as much blue AP as possible and heal as much as you can.