Bracket the alliances already

I am tired of having zero chance for my alliance to earn covers. The way it is going the top alliances will only get stronger and the alliances below them will end up with virtually no chance to catch them. I don't mind competition, but now they are taking top players from weaker alliances, which makes them stronger. The losing alliance is likely just out of luck since they won't be able to attract another top player. I can't really blame someone for going to one of the top alliances if they get the chance since it appears that is the only way you will get Nick Fury anytime soon.

Another possibility that might stem alliance hopping is to lock people out from joining a current alliance for a limited amount of time. It could either be a standard amount of time or last until the end of all current events. This still wouldn't solve the problem of the top alliances continually dominating leaderboards. It would just prevent losing players during the current event.


  • Are you in a 20 member alliance?

    I agree, it's probably time for them to start bracketing alliances.
  • prash wrote:
    Are you in a 20 member alliance?

    I agree, it's probably time for them to start bracketing alliances.
    "Gentle nudge" or any other way?
  • In the case of alliances it'd make more sense just to expand the prizes if the game is growing. Rather than having say an 'easy' bracket of alliances, just double the rewards. Otherwise how do you decide how to bracket the 'easy' bracket? That'd mean the alliance that's slightly worse than 50% of the alliances could be #1 in the easy bracket! And if you do it by number of people, you'd still run into the same thing like '10 (or 15, or whatever the max is) man alliances always win the easy bracket!'