Skip Tax improvement

Sidlon Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
In general, I've used the skip for 3 cases:
* retaliations
* players with less event points (net loss when they retaliate)
* players with much stronger teams

Thanks to R55, we no longer get taxed for skipping retaliations.

Could we maybe take the next step, and stop taxing skips of players with less event points?

The remaining case seems like what the Skip was really intended for. Within 3 skips, I can hopefully find a team with higher points that I actually have a shot against.


  • Good idea, but I don't see it happening exactly how you said it. I could see us maybe getting no cost for guys 15 points and below. I would add in no tax for guys you've already skipped in your current session.
  • Sidlon
    Sidlon Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    Do you mean people who have 15 less mission points? Or who actually have less than 15 points? (feeder accounts?)

    If I have 600, attacking someone with even 599 is a useless move, right? (if you assume they're going to retaliate)
  • Sidlon wrote:
    Do you mean people who have 15 less mission points? Or who actually have less than 15 points? (feeder accounts?)

    If I have 600, attacking someone with even 599 is a useless move, right? (if you assume they're going to retaliate)
    I meant the fight is worth 15 points, since 25 point fights have about the same points as you. Yea, hitting guys with less points is useless, but I meant I don't think the devs will give us this completely, so I figured at best we could skip people with significantly less points.
  • I would actually love to see instead of a Skip Tax, a chain bonus.

    You win one battle in a row without skipping you get +10 Iso Bonus, then every sequential win without skipping adds 5iso to the bonus. Win 20 battles in a row have a 100 iso bonus.

    Now one might wonder, why not cap it? Have you hit 20 battles in a row without skipping? I think the most I've done was 12 or so.