Events introducing changes to powers

A number of characters need 3rd powers and or buffed powers. The "funbalancing" queue is mostly focused on removing broken characters, but for new powers and increases in character power, it would be fun to have a competitive event. GSBW and IM40 are two of the weaker 3* characters, so I use them as examples (this isn't really a thread over why to buff them particularly, I just needed some examples).

For example: Rags (needs 3rd Power) and IM40 (needs buffed powers)
Event: "Ragnarok"
Storyline: A rogue comet, named "Fenris" by scientists is carrying special "Black ISO" is crash landing in South America.
Gimmick: Separate Villain and Hero sub-events. First Hero (2-3 days) then Villain (2-3 days). IM40 gets buffed after completion of Hero Event (rework blue/yellow powers), then Villains strike back to steal the ISO. When events are completed, the new Rags cover is the prize.

For example:
Event: The Rise of Doom
Storyline: A historical mission set allowing players to replay the rise of Dr. Doom and his coupe that made him ruler. GSBW attempts to thwart his takeover and help the previous government escape in exile.
Gimmick: upgrades release as players reach certain objectives - a third power for Doom or a 20% increase in health pool of GSBW.

Examples of upgrades:
GSBW is good, but has very low health. For a "glass cannon" character, she does nothing most of a match. Either she needs a more consistent damage ability (a re-worked red power) or an increased health pool.

IM40 is a very slow character. The power drain + self stuns are worse than having no powers at all. Like GSBW, most matches, his powers won't be used. Yellow should be reworked - updrades should remove self stun and lower initial cost (3 star power seems about right, 4/5 are actually downgrades, 1/2 should be move expensive versions on 3* power). Red power is OK - situationally it is good. Blue power should be reworked. As a "ultimate power", it is very lacking. Cut the cost, lower the damage, remove the power drain, and make it into a countdown effect (just cuz there are not enough good countdown effects) that does damage and creates a defense effect "rubble".


  • Certainly the problem is D3 has no incentive at all to bother with anything like this -- if they just keep dropping brand new ***s every other week (half of them Lazy) it provides not less cover purchases than upping the old heroes would.

    And things like fun game or player goodwill was never on the top50 priority list.
  • I hate that the state of the game is such that when someone makes a suggestion that has potential to cause both useful and fun changes to the game that the knee jerk reaction is "Why on earth would the devs ever do that?"

    Either there is still hope the game will continue to grow in positive ways and we should encourage them, or we are all suckers and every day we don't walk away is another day wasted in a time sink that used to be fun.
  • it does seem odd that IM40's primary role is supporting other people. Even just a tiny tweak that recharge applies the stun when the countdown timers are placed and IM40 is back in the fight right as his extra AP comes in.

    Recharge should have Tony taking a short breather then popping back up ready to destroy some people. Not Tony taking a break and telling Captain to finish off everyone while he is taking a nap.
  • or we are all suckers and every day we don't walk away is another day wasted in a time sink that used to be fun.

    This. Can you tell the last time some suggestion was not ignored?

    Even -min work, trivial stuff like the Sunder bug is sitting there since Ares intro (how much time?) and not fixed beyond being announced away.

    Can you name a single change from the last 3 months that was not a L’art pour l’art gfx or served direct monetization purposes only?

    Bad news: covering your eyes does not make the world disappear. Not nice at all but that's what we're stuck with.
  • it does seem odd that IM40's primary role is supporting other people. Even just a tiny tweak that recharge applies the stun when the countdown timers are placed and IM40 is back in the fight right as his extra AP comes in.

    Recharge should have Tony taking a short breather then popping back up ready to destroy some people. Not Tony taking a break and telling Captain to finish off everyone while he is taking a nap.

    Back in the days IM40 had the most HP and insanely big amount of it, and the abilities were pretty strong at full levels -- not unbalanced with all the penalty stuff at all. He got MEH with every new character introduced, and that is a lot. IMO the shoot costs are okay just should do way more damage today. And yellow that is a great ability could cost 1 less from level 2 or 3 and/or be possible to access every variant from lower levels as option.

    If you play with patch the stun is actually convenient.
  • The problem is that since they can't even get the new characters right there's even less reason why they should bother with the old characters. As pointed out new characters make more money and if you're going to screw them up on balance, you might as well screw them up on the newer guys. Right now if they try to fix say IM40 it'd probably just break more things like say having Ballistc Salvo changed to 5 AP instead of 20 AP but if you're going to do something like that, you should do that to a new character and get more money for the same amount of screwup.