Less Tapping

The amount of tapping in this game is a bit ridiculous

When I open the game, it would be nice if it actually opened. I understand a loading screen, but the loading screen + splash screen + animation + tapping is really annoying.

As soon as I see a 1* or 2* reward animation start, I already want to sell it. The "Sell All" button is the best addition to the game since Ares.

Then there's the pop-ups, and the "Claim Reward"s, and "Continue"s, and "Next Reward"s.

Can't any of this be consolidated or eliminated?


  • I agree completely. It is annoying and only getting worse. When they changed the reward screen they added an extra one. I know some people will say it is just one click but when you add them all together if you play any significant amount of time each day that is probably over 100 extra clicks/taps per day, which if you played on a daily basis would be 36,500 on non-leap years. Now think about how much time it would take to sit and click or tap a button that many times. Assuming my estimation is close at 2 seconds a click that would be 20 hours and a little over 15 minutes you waste each year. So, they basically they are stealing a day of your life every year.

    Why do you have an unnecessary one when you turn in a cover? It doesn't do it on multi-packs. I will admit it is nice to see that gold cover come up before I click it and I do hesitate a bit, but it is not necessary.

    Why do you have an unnecessary one when you enter an event? You can always check the rules to see the pop-up information that you get when you enter the event. At the very least limit it to only coming up the first time you enter the event.

    Why do you need to click fight twice to enter a battle? Just take me to the 2nd screen that allows me to add boosts. You could include some of the information from the first screen if needed.

    Why do I need to hold down the button to level a character? Just make it level him.

    I don't mind the extra verification on spending HP though.