Suggestion: Scaling HP Costs for Leveling Covers

Enoc99 Posts: 141
I have a suggestion that might be of interest to both the devs of this game as well as to the players. Scaling HP costs for leveling covers.

Here is an explanation of my suggestion:

Once you have a single cover, there is a standard cost for adding a "star" to it. For example, it costs 1250 hero points to purchase the second cover for a 3*** character.

My suggestion would help greatly with the 2* to 3* transition, as well as help the developer's cash inflow. Half the cost for the second cover, and increase the price for each subsequent cover.

For example:
Say I have the Hulk with 1 black cover. With my suggestion, it would cost 625 HP to increase this to 2 covers. It would then cost 950 HP to get the 3rd cover. 4th cover would be 1250 HP, and the Fifth and final cover would cost 2500 HP.

This would cost 5325 HP if you were to purchase five covers outright, which is 325 HP more than the existing model. However, it would also encourage a strategy to the community to spend HP if you were to have a second cover in your roster available to train. Many would choose to purchase the other covers to "save" that 2500 HP cost for the final cover. And if they were going to wait, that cover they have in their roster expires in 7 days, so they would have to spend the money now to buy the covers or have to use it and lose out on the potential cost savings. This would cause many people to want to spend the HP to buy covers 2-4 and use the cover for that last one, thus encouraging the community to spend more HP while helping the progression between 2* and 3*.

Hopefully I am explaining this well... Please ask questions if this is not clear.


  • A well thought out and actually appealing suggestion. I like it.