Glowing or Pulsing Stars

Does anyone know the significance if one of your characters, or an opponents character in Versus, has glowing or pulsing stars in their character selection box?


  • Unknown
    The (Gold) 3* characters are upgraded versions of 1* or 2* characters. 2* Thor caps out at level 85. 3*'(Gold) Thor has all of the same powers with a 141 level cap and the extra health and damage that goes with it.

    The gold stars also let you know that the character is basically a cash grab by the devs.
  • Unknown
    Ah, thanks. I haven't capped anyone yet. So I guess when they cap, you can pay to move them up to the next level? (1* --> 2*, 2* --> 3*, etc.)
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    edited June 2014
    No, all these characters are completely separate and not interchangeable even. For example, in Heroic events (where rosters are limited) you may get to use Captain America, Thor, Mohawk Storm and lazy Daken, but NOT Daken**, lazy Thor, lazy Cap or modern Storm. You cannot upgrade from one tier to another, all these characters require separate roster slots, separate ISO leveling, separate health packs, etc.

    Edit: the only instance when they might be considered to be interchangeable is when you have to play against them in PvE. If a node has any version of Black Widow (Yelena doesn't count), Magneto, Spider-Man, Wolverine and these lazy/non-lazy characters (Storm, Thor, Cap, Daken), you cannot use your other versions of them.
  • Unknown
    no, you can't pay to upgrade them to the next level. There are multiple characters that have multiple star levels, and fall into two groups:

    * Unique characters - each character has its own move set and parameters. Example is Black Widow, who has a 1*, 2*, and 3* version with completely different looks, move sets, and stats. Wolverine has a 2*, 3*, and 4* in the same vain
    * 'Lazy' Characters - characters that have a 2* and 3* version (currently) The movesets are the same, but max level, strength is based on their max level capability. Looks can also be different. despite the similarities, they are considered different characters and have to be upgraded independently.

    Wolverine, Black Widow, Magneto, Iron Man all have Unique versions

    Thor, Captain America, Daken (sort of) have Lazy versions

    Storm has both a unique and Lazy version
  • Unknown
    I sort of get it. I'm really just trying to figure out the glowing stars thing.

    I'll be more specific. If I go into my roster, the stars on all the character's covers looks the same except for Storm Mohawk. She is a 3 star and those three stars are pulsing or glowing or whatever you want to call it.

    Similarly, I was just about to enter a Cage Versus match and my Opponent had a 3 star Captain America and his 3 stars were pulsing/glowing and no other characters were. I guess I'm just trying to figure out what that means and if it's significant.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    There is no practical significance to glowing stars.

    They denote "Gold" characters, which are 3* versions of existing lower-starred characters. So far, there are 4: Thor, Captain America, Daken, and Storm. There is no upgrade path between Gold & non-Gold. My guess is that the stars glow to better differentiate Gold and lower-starred non-Gold when looking at enemy teams, since they have the same name as their lower counterparts.
  • Unknown
    they are the mark of lazy
  • Unknown
    Let's just go at it slow from the top.

    First there were characters like that 1* Modern Storm you most likely have (or had). Then they thought that they should release a 3* version of it with all the skills totally (or for some cases, mostly) the same. These characters are called "Gold Characters" or "Gold Versions" and they show their "Gold" status with those bright glowing/pulsing stars. Most people just call them "Lazy Characters" because they feel this type of release a form of laziness from the devs.

    Even though they may have the same skills, you can't upgrade a 1* Storm (or any other non gold version) to a "Gold" Version and they are considered pretty much different characters by the game (e.g. if a pvp or pve event states that the 1* Storm is required, you can't use the 3* "Gold" Storm). The rule still applies though that you can only have 1 version of a character in your team at any one time (e.g. you can't have 2* Storm or 3* Storm in your team if you already have 1* Storm on your team).

    You can see the full list of characters here: ... Characters