Any word on linking steam to Facebook? Or Android? Or iOs?

Im pretty much losing ground because im tied to my PC so i only have a Small window of when i can actually play the game. Commuting on tehe train? Nope not for me, ill lose some PvP spots.

Lunch break at work? No thanks, ill just lose a cover.

Getting pretty old pretty quick.


  • same here
    I would also like to play on my phone or a tablet..
    linking accounts doesn't seem like a big problem to do.. I just don't know if there is a reason for them to not do it?
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  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not like the they haven't already done work into it being that some people already have this done during beta testings.
    There doesn't seem to be any issues with it either for people who do have them linked so?

    I assume they just can't be bothered to do it. icon_question.gif
    Or because they figure it won't increase revenue or their metrics show it'll decrease it.
  • On Android, once you make the Facebook link, you can switch seemlessly between phone and tablet. I was kinda happy when I found out there was a Steam version, but since it won't link to Facebook, there's no reason for me to play it.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    I tried asking CS to link my MPQ account to Facebook since I play on Steam a couple weeks ago. They told me to go kick rocks. icon_evil.gif
  • Puritas
    Puritas Posts: 670 Critical Contributor
    the word is basically "its way too much work and doesn't translate directly into $$$ metrics"
  • Steam users are a tiny portion of the player base, you should probably expect to never see it linked.
  • I'm one of the few that was allowed the beta link between my mobile and steam account. I must say it is pretty sweet, and I hope that they allow this for the other players. It's easier to play during crunch time, and also it's just nicer than just staring at your phone the whole time. I don't know how they will do this, but I do hope the rest of the players get this opportunity.
  • noobprime
    noobprime Posts: 403