Monitize($) "Challenge PvE"

esoxnepa Posts: 291
We want to support ($$$) your game.

Il Plalazzo (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=9523) wrote out what many of us are wishing for. A PvE challenge environment, that has no scaling and no PvP scoring aspect for rewards. A PvP that includes some battles even new one star players can face, running through battles that even 4* rosters will feel challenged and want to beat.

We know you need a way to make money off this. So here are a couple of my ideas. I'm sure the community will have many more. ( I will stay in the F2P bull mode, even though admitting a small monthly ($5-$10) real world currency amount would net you more money and a stable income stream. )

1. Let people buy-in with HP to a "Challenge" PvE event. An event would run each month for a full calendar month.
2. The event would offer NO HP rewards. (This is part of calculating a minimal currency ROI.)
3. Provide desirable event rewards for every level of challenge as you go along. Say 30+ nodes of increasing, difficulty, where 1* challenge rewards will provide solid progression rewards for new 1* players, then rewards making 1* players going to 2* happy, then nodes where 2*s trying to max their their 2*s fell progression, then 2* -> 3* progression, etc.
4. Find some type of "End Game" reward for your long time players and supporters. Perhaps clearing the last node gives them entry into a raffle to win a trip to tour your studio, join in on the beta of new characters, or win a signed cell of the featured character. This substantial reward will give the top players something to strive for and continue your income stream into the post-game.

I'm sure the community here will be able to provide you with other constructive ideas. We want you to profit, like a loyal customer base to a fun deep game. What we don't want is to feel that you are trying to profit like drug dealers on addiction.