Revamp reward structure

With 1* and 2* covers literally being handed out like candy I think it is time to change the event reward structure.

The upper ranks can stay roughly the same but possible with a small reduction in HP awarded.
Remove the 2* cover, to be given a two star as a "reward" after picking up half a dozen just fighting in a tourney is insulting.
Set the HP awards so the bracket that missed out on a 3* reward gets more HP than those who also scored one or more covers.
Maybe something close to this:

1 = 4* + 3*x2 + 50 HP
2-5 = 3*x2 + 50 HP
6-10 = 3*x2 + 25 HP
11-25 = 3* x1 + 50 HP
26-50 = 3*x1 + 25 HP
51-75 = 150 HP
76-150 = 125 HP
150-250 = 75 HP

As it is now the ones earning the most covers are also earning the most HP and can buy more shields/healthpacks/covers to keep themselves on top
Adjusting it so the bracket just below those earning 3* covers receives more HP means theses players can save up better to work towards an advantage. If they are behind in covers and HP then it is pure rich get richer and so many just stop trying because their progression stalls out entirely.