Add "Visual Effects" reduction option

The visual effects sometimes feel like a camera flash is going off every second. I find I have to look away from the screen. How feasible would it be to add some sort of a Visual Effects reduction option? Perhaps a choice to have no animation upon power activation. My eyes would thank you.


  • The visual effects sometimes feel like a camera flash is going off every second. I find I have to look away from the screen. How feasible would it be to add some sort of a Visual Effects reduction option? Perhaps a choice to have no animation upon power activation. My eyes would thank you.

    In last session IceIX said we're supposed to watch all the anims over and no options to turn off is provided because then everyone would use that and they work put into all that unwanted stuff would be wasted.

    So expect even more of such things coming no less and shame on you for wanting to turn off or even away! icon_evil.gif
  • Yes, it seems they are going in the opposite direction. Anyone else notice that now your health bars flash when you heal? These devs REALLY love the flash effect. If you watch closely, it seems just about everything has a flash associated with it: Game opening screen - flash, Match tiles - flash, Use a power - flash, Heal -flash, Open a token - flash...

    The should sell special MPQ sunglasses to cut down on flash burn. Look, another way to make money!
  • pasa_ wrote:
    The visual effects sometimes feel like a camera flash is going off every second. I find I have to look away from the screen. How feasible would it be to add some sort of a Visual Effects reduction option? Perhaps a choice to have no animation upon power activation. My eyes would thank you.

    In last session IceIX said we're supposed to watch all the anims over and no options to turn off is provided because then everyone would use that and they work put into all that unwanted stuff would be wasted.

    So expect even more of such things coming no less and shame on you for wanting to turn off or even away! icon_evil.gif

    Sounds like a noob mistake in the business world to leave unwanted things as it is just because you invested time and money in it. Wish they'd realise that not everything they work on it actually a good thing. To be honest, the animations are nothing fancy at all but the brightness of it all are way too flashy. I keep having to look away when a power activates.
  • I think there is a topic like this every week :

    last one :

    Mine, earlier :

    It becomes a real problem for me. I played more than usual last days, due to a 'fantastic' pve (something like 1h30 sessions, 2 by days)

    I had a constant headache for 2 days, i find hardly the sleep, and my left eye blinks, with some remanent flash from time to time. For now, my head and eyes 'remember' the trauma : when i start MPQ, they hurt (i don't know how to explain well in english).

    I may quit the game because of this, I won't lose my health because of a mobile game !!!

    Should we (i can) create a topic with a petition : WE WANT ANIMATIONS BEING OPTIONABLE !!!
  • I'd love to turn this off. My biggest frustration with the powers are the time it takes. Magneto is the worst because every move he's using his red ability. Pair that up with the flying numbers from attack tiles and it becomes very irritating. This is especially when I'm rushing to get my points up in PvP before someone attacks me.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    I've never noticed this or at least had an issue. Maybe dim your screen?
    I agree about the timing though. I never want to play a Uber Daken, Falcon, and Hood team again...
  • This needs to be an option. Almost all games with long battle animations have this. It sounds odd but some people don't want to wait 30 seconds while Magneto is spamming his projectiles. Keep the animations in the game and give people an option to turn them off. It can't be part of the game that it takes some teams two to three times as long to win the match while the next guy is Stormcalling every single Match.
    I suppose nobody on the dev team played a Final Fantasy game. And if they did I bet they had a swell time watching all the summons.

    The reason is also not a reason at all. The Consumer doesn't care what you spend your budget on. Animations are cool and are part of the game, but how many times do we need to see every single one of them? Surely after somebody has seen them 100+ times it's enough to justify the effort. If you really want, give only an option that says "Turn off animations that have been used 100 or more times".

    Light flashes are a real problem when you are playing in the dark and it's a mobile game.

    In fact from now on I will always look away during animations just to spite the Animators.