Stop releasing game changing patches during tournaments

It didn't impact me, since I'm on android and apparently already had the much harder scaling in this event, it actually helps me by leveling the playing field for anyone who updated. However, it is just **** to wait til a day before the end of an event to change scaling for your ios players.

Last raid event spiderman nerf with 3 days left, this one major scaling update with 2 days left, its a really bad idea to change events / nerf covers in mid event.


  • Unknown
    And once again, a punishing change in the middle of an event is released. TINYKITTY.

    * actually typing tinykitty is fun
  • Unknown
    It is baffling. Changing the rules mid-event is a right they have as devs but it's not fair at all to those who try to play. Especially since the drastic change was done at a crucial time of the last day of event. AGAIN.
  • Unknown
    The problem is, there's ALWAYS an event going on.

    If they waited for Juggs to finish, then people would be complaining that the changes came during Kiss.

    Although, if they did happen during Kiss people wouldn't notice as badly since GSBW locks OBW.
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Patches/changes should NEVER be applied during an ongoing event. People puts a good amount of time and dedication on events, and you can destroy completely a player's strategy, thus nullifying all the previous effort; it is a big lack of respect to that person. Please also notice D3 has done it twice recently, within very shot time between.

    Shouldn't be THAT difficult to plan a moment with no events at all! (just extend a PvE to end same time as a PVP).
  • Unknown
    Nereb wrote:
    The problem is, there's ALWAYS an event going on.

    There are a few places on the schedule where there are (or can be) gaps, and they can always announce ahead of time that they're going to do it at a particular time and make sure there are no events then. The most logical is in the gap between events on Wednesday - roughly when this was - but with the really vitally important condition that they schedule a break in PVEs simultaneously.

    Doing it right before a minor PVE - like the one before the latest one where IM40 was the prize - is probably ideal, because people can use the minor event to get the handle on how to adjust, without risking losing a new character launch.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, a million times yes! Put patches at end of seasons, why not???

    To change the rules, often without telling people what they are (like scaling, matchups), never telling people when--this is just absurd.
  • tunguska1969
    I'm glad somebody said this as it's the suggestion I was going to make.
    I was all set to earn myself a She-Hulk cover and this change removed my chance to do so.
    It's almost the same thing as deliberately sabotaging players.

    Like when they changed The Simulator and I was going to earn Classic Spider Man tier reward.
    All of a sudden there was a "days left" on something that never had it before.
    Plus a few other changes that make me shake my head.

    Makes me wonder if there are meeting where someone stands up with "Hey, I have a totally stupid idea."
  • Unknown
    They shouldn't of done this mid-season. Making such a game breaking change in a middle of a running season is just plain obnoxious and distrupts the whole balance of the leaderboards etc.