who's worth leveling? c.mags or hulk?



  • bonfire01 wrote:
    2 words... too slow 8). C.Mags has long animations for everything including his blue although I agree you can generate AP of other colours (if the board cooperates. No guarantee of a 5 match let alone a straight 5 and 4 matches will reduce your stock of blue ap as you go along. Once you are matching away blues there will be less and less on the board making restocking them increasingly awkward.). Without strikes you're only really getting damage done unless you're making crit tiles and matching a pair of 3's to gain 1 blue AP and look to continue your turn isn't doing a great deal of damage and is eating up time.

    From the point of view of trying to win a game quickly, making a 4 match with magneto's blue takes longer than making a match, letting the ai have a turn and making another match (if you're playing fast). So if you don't have strikes to be getting damage out of that time spent it's not great for higher point value PvP IMO. It does reduce damage taken in a match i'll admit but when shield hopping that's not my number 1 concern compared to speed of victory.

    Oh, I completely agree that Mags is quite slow, and if I want to win quickly I'll pair him with Patch. I was just disagreeing with your point that he's completely dependent on strike tiles, which he's not. He's just dependent on them if you want to win really quickly in PvP. If you're in PvE or playing nearer the start of a PvP tourney where speed is less of an issue, he absolutely doesn't need a strike tile generator with him IMO.
  • DaveyPitch wrote:
    Oh, I completely agree that Mags is quite slow, and if I want to win quickly I'll pair him with Patch. I was just disagreeing with your point that he's completely dependent on strike tiles, which he's not. He's just dependent on them if you want to win really quickly in PvP. If you're in PvE or playing nearer the start of a PvP tourney where speed is less of an issue, he absolutely doesn't need a strike tile generator with him IMO.

    Yep, i'll give you that one. Although, in the case of the OP, don't know if a C.Mags as his first 3* with level maxed for 10 covers works under any circumstances all that well.. Paired with an 85 Ares or Thor maybe? Don't see it as better than OBW with either though and C.Mags + OBW just doesn't work unless there's an ungodly amount of purples coming onto the board and the ai keeps grabbing the odd one for you to espionage away for Mags.
  • So pAiring cmags to obw is not gonna work? How about the green giant and obw?
  • Oh jist finish reading all the threads..based on what i read, i think i'll hold my iso a little bit longer until i get a more worthy 3* char..thanks for dropping by and for all the advice..