feature requests

jaydeflix Posts: 4
I had a couple of suggestions, I don't see anything saying I can't lump into a single post, so....

1) Give the AI a chance to NOT see a 4/5 match. Seems to be 100% chance they'll get it, and I'm sure if you looked at the user data, you'd find that humans probably don't hit >95% rate. (On the plus side, its nice to see that they never match the T)

2) If, at the end of a fight, there's a heal available, either through an environment or a hero special attack, apply it. Lets be honest, if the heroes are beaten up after a fight, and the Original Black Widow was there with that Heal X if no Countdown Tiles available all powered up, she'd fire it off and heal everyone. Same with the hot dog stand. Especially useful if you have an enemy that manages to kill themselves before you can apply the heal.

3) auto-sell expiring roster additions. I think that's a no-brainer.