we need something new. fresh. we need boss mode.

I've been saying since...well, since I first joined the forum...that they should have true boss matches. Special situations and things like that. It's a little strange that they didn't to me honestly. Another lack of polish on a rather enjoyable game (at the time..but I digress).

I think it would go a long way having a mortal kombat style fight progression pve type mode. No "competition" against other players...just, did you or did you not complete it. They would require skill, luck, and most importantly...a high end roster to 100% finish.

Example format :

Section 1: 12 matches with various circumstances and enemy lvls built for lower lvl play. 3*** are not allowed. At the end is a weak version of the visa character. Every 3 matches wins you a progression reward if hp or iso or a special boss currency (more about that later). Beat this boss and earn 3 special boss tokens (see: heroic with higher chance for boss cover). Let's say, enemies max at lvl 100. Also, for those that don't know mortal kombat for some reason, you have to win a match to.move go the next one...so NOT like nodes...you only play these once.

Section 2: 24 matches with various circumstances. Enemy lvls are higher than in the last section (max 220?). Boss at the end has extra moves involved (as it functions diff than a normal fight, so a lvl system for the bosses would be arbitrary ar best). Reward at the end is 1 boss cover.

Final.section: 36 matches now. Lvls are even higher (note that matches with tricky circumstances will have a lower enemy lvl than a "raw" normal fight). Boss at the end is the "true" form of that boss with all the bells and whistles. Win thus fight and earn the other 2 covers.

Now for special New things:

1. "Circumstances" meaning extra conditions. Such as but nit limited to: enemies regen hp every turn, certain colors cannot be used, ap is drained every turn, enemy takes no match damage, enemy cascades do triple damage, enemy powers do double damage, all powers do double damage, all characters have 20% of thier max health and powers are deactivated, enemy match damage heals them, you take 10/20/30% of all match damage you inflict. ..etc etc.

2. These "boss fights" are special fight that further add a new layer to combat. Where the circumstances were simply you playing normally with some extra, generally negative, condition to make you think more on your team composition, boss battles are over-the-top new battles that function completely differently. for examples:,
-you could be in a battle vs doc oc where he wipes a column every turn randomly and wipes 3 columns every 3rd turn. He will appear above (out of board) these columns and to deal damage you need to either hit him with an active move or make a 4 match vertically (idea is that the line explodes up and down...which would "hit" him. If you explode a line wher his marker is located do do critical damage. Doc oc doesn't make matches but while all this happens he keeps dropping a 10 turn countdown "bomb" that, if it detonated, wipes out your team.
-you are fighting red skull. Red skull takes damage/stun/etc normally. He makes matches normally as well. His gimmick is that every 3 turns he drops a virus (doesn't drop it until the 5th turn of a match start though. That virus counts down for 2 turns. If it activates, then it explodes and 2 new lvl 2 virus tiles are created. These have 3 turns till they explode and do more damage. Each one that explodes adds 2 more. If one explodes at any time where 10+ are on the board...it wipes your team. And remember...every 3 turns he drops a new lvl 1 tile. A key point to note of this one is that his equivalent "hero" works well against him. Cap is a great countdown tile killer and this skull fight is mostly about these virus tiles. In the doc oc one, Spiderman's heal allies you to play longer, allowing you to gain more ap to launch active or line up verticle 4 matches.

3. Boss currency. As a new ,separate entity to pve and PvP, these progress based mode ill have its own currency. 1 coin for each match completed, and 5 coins at certain progress points. These coins are then used to buy "boss packs" which are different variety packs based around current and passed boss fights. Example packs:
-2** boss pack. Low boss currency price. It's a heroic but with a equal % to get the current boss as you would a 3*** or 4****.
-nefarious pack (side note: remember these? That's back when I felt the game was innovating instead of just becoming "the norm" of iap), unlike its waste of a pack brethren, this new and improved version is..well, still not what you should aim for. It's more expensive than a 2** boss pack, but basically just has a higher % for getting the new boss card. Let's say, remove all the other 3***. Still means you need to get a 3*** to pop, but if it is a 3***...it will be the current boss.
-Maleficent pack (sorry, no Disney crossover..lol). Same deal as the nefarious, but its a chance go drop old and new boss cards...not just the current one. Price is slightly higher, but not by much.
-BOSS ROULETTE! Pack. One item. Cost of x. The item will be, at random, either 30 of one of.the boosts (hp boosts included), 150% of the boss crystals used. 250% of boss crystals used. One of the gems of the infinity gauntlet (I'll get to that in a second). So again, roulette basically.
-horseman's pack (of the apocalypse). Pricey, but guarantees you a 3*** cover. Any kind, normal and boss.
-onslaught pack. Even more pricey. Guarantees you a 3*** of one of the boss character covers.
-galactus pack. Costs 250% the cost if a onslaught pack, but gives you one of each color for whatever you happen to draw.
-the collector pack. A special variety pack. Different every few days. One time it could be a guarantee of the new boss, the next week it could be a guarantee of an old boss. Idea is, you can wait to drop your boss tokens to get a specific boss cover (not color..just specific boss)at a set cost. Same cost as onslaught pack.
-infinity pack. Special pack that knows your desires. Allows you to select any currently or passed available cover pack from the collector pack series/onslaught/horsemen...but at a premium. Why the premium? Because....infinity gems.

4. Infinity gems are a new equipable item for boss mode (and pve?)that give you a special active ability that matches with the gem. An example would be a time gem that, when activated, stuns the opponent for 3 turns. This requires no ap, nothing, but it can only.be used once a match. You can launch on turn one if you want. While there are a limited # of gem types, you can easily add in different versions of each gem. A diff version of the time gem might be to remove all damage done (turn back time/full heal) to one character or to "slow" time and therefore increase enemy countdowns by 10 each (remember that red skull fight? Wouldnt THAT be helpful). NOT the best part though....why should you care about these gems? No new characters. Don't work in PvP. So it just makes it easier to win boss mode rounds? I am uber l33t, I don't need a game genie...you would say. Well, your real goal is to collect one of each gem....

-firstly, when you first open boss mode (its its own separate tab) you get a tutorial on the boss fights via fighting your best buddy..nick fury. It's a simple fight, something like a normal super high hp version of 5/5/5 fury (alone) who drops a 5 turn countdown every turn (that he doesn't have it out already) that when it reaches 0 it heals him for...10% of his hp. He cannot move tiles either, but he steals ap of purp/yell/blue every rune he has to drop that countdown tile. Simple.enough for a tutorial fight but with enough twist to make even it somewhat interesting. Thus is important as fury tells.you about the gauntlet and about ....thanos....seems Nicky boy had the scavengers steal something that turns out to be a replica of the infinity gauntlet made by some all powerful source (watchers?). It's your chance to beat back thanos. So part of.the goal.of boss.mode is to collect one if each gem via the use of boss coins. Nick will give you this odd eplica infinity gauntlet and a s.h.i.el.d made fake gem (everyone gets a random gem type...but they are all of suspeciously low quality..they are knockoffs afterall). For example,.If you roll the fake time gem then you get something that raises countdowns by 1. Garbage stuff, but you get to actually use something with your infinity gauntlet replica (and note: this gem does NOT count towards collecting one of each. Again...its a knockoff). Collect one of each via the boss coins being used for infinity packs or boss roulette annnnddd....

-THANOS BOSS BATTLE! A special boss battle bracket will become available when you collect one of each. At the end, is a battle vs thanos. Wonder who the best card in the game will be? 5***** boss battle thanos, that's who. You cannot buy him, only earn him. His negative? He costs 100 iso to use in PvP every match. Nobody will have him, but everyone will strive for him. Even ppl who buy covers in 10 sec after an event ends will have to look at him as a real trophy. Sure, there will be ppl buying boss coins (New currency = New purchases..no way they miss monetizing that) but the amount of money needed to be dropped to purely buy enough packs to get enough gems to even just 1/1/1 thanos (yea, you only get a 1/1/1 from beating him). To earn extra co ers you will have to repeat the process. You won't lose your gems, but they will become "faded" which means they cannot be used for calling thanos out of the void again. So to 5/5/5 thanos (ps. This is what a 5***** gets to do...be a 4**** but one with 5/5/5) you need to earn 5 of each stone type..and you cannot receive duplicates (dups wouldn't have a purpose besides pissing customers off). Is thanos op? Sure , probably. Restrictions could be made. Doesn't appear on def. Only appears on def when you are above or below a threshold. Etc. Point is, he needs to be useable in all modes...THAT is the reason for someone to invest in infinity gems....as a means to an end go get thanos.

-side note: they NEED to release a diff version of thanos too though. Thanos is liked enough to sell. They would be dumb to make the only version behind an elaborate set-up when thier goal is making easy bucks. Infinite Gauntlet Thanos is a 5****, insane, and the true thanos. He is a reason to keep veteran players interested maybe. Most ppl are not vets though, and so to Launch a 4**** to take advantage of his name sounds like a good plan.

5. New boss characters are ONLY available in boss mode. You can use pure hp on them (should the value be different? Not sure) unless it seems to make more sense to cost a certain amount of boss coins (as they can be bought now too). This is how special villians not related to the plot of dark reign will be released. Spidey villians, xmen villians, b tier villians, well known but inappropriate to the setting villians...they now have a way to get into the game.

6. Probably the most important new feature.....players finally having a reason to increase thier roster! Maybe one of the circumstances for the top tier boss battle is to use a team of 130+ (forcing the issue) or maybe those extra few lvls just finally start to make a diff when put up against real beasts. Nit just that, but the circumstance nature of the visa events mean that a fleshed out roster with multiple 141 is going to actually be useful. Normally run bp/thor/hood? Maybe not vs a boss with no ap or in a battle where black ap is stolen -3 per a turn. That patch/dakan/falcon spam might not work very well in a match where only active moves do damage. Spidey and dd might finally have a use vs a boss that has go be stunned to take damage. So yea, fleshed out rosters...which means more of a reason to keep expanding your roster and getting more iso into them.

I think something Like this would go a long way to keep players invested. Just look at how many ppl keep leaving or dropping thier play down to a minimum (which usually is just a long winded goodbye). Give low lvl players a taste and a goal. Give middle players something to aim for winning. Give og players a reason to keep playing. Go e ppl bored of the same old same old a reason to try the game again. I know it would be daunting for thier little whatever man team to build something so large onto the framework of thier game and the immediate gains wouldn't be worth the time. If longevity the goal, which is what the devs made it sound like 6-7 months ago, then something like this isn't even merely "should" but "need."

Do the right thing. Give spidey a reason to live. Give DD a reason to put on some real pants and go outside. Give ragnarok a reason to finally stop crying. Give Loki a reason to do something other than just annoy ppl. Give the amazing villians of the marvel-verse an outlet to shine. Give the customers some fun where anti-competition changes CANNOT occur (*cough...life finds a way..cough*). Go back to your roots from 7-8 months ago where this forum was happy and talking about how great the new event was and how we could do better in the lr, and actual real info was passed around and ppl enjoyed the forums and the game. Do the right thing. Be a boss. Make a boss mode.


  • This sounds like way to much fun. Noway we are ever going to see it.

    But i would very much like to...

    Agree, thumbs up.
  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    Probably should be in suggestion forum, but I thumb's up any game mode ideas that aren't competing against the top 5% of the player-base for prizes.

    Man vs machine, like PC games should be! icon_lol.gif
  • Awesome scenario. Would bring spice back to the game. Thanks for making us dream for a moment.
  • we need something new. fresh. something that doesn't require grinding, being on a certain time, and allows offline play. . . .

    Any ideas?
  • Without doing anything horribly complicated you can just make each node have a roster restriction, a forced character requirement, or character lockout (can be on top of the usual lockout for enemy characters), or all of the above.

    I'd imagine such an event would have a HP buy in. Your characters should be all selectable even while downed and automatically healed to full for the duration of the fight. Any loss immediately ends your attempt so getting free heals doesn't help, because you either win and continue or you lose. It should cost 5 health pack to try again at where you last died, but you can always start over for free. Therefore a 'continue' costs about 200 HP or 3 hours.

    Also, enemies in this mode should take cumulative damage (no Daken/Wolverine should ever be featured on the enemy list) if you decide to pay the continue cost, and some fights you could be expected to take more than one try to beat it.
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just made me realize that one of the main issues with this game is that EVERY event seems to be PvP.

    If they ran the odd event (I'm talking like maybe once a week), where there are no ranking or tables like Soe suggested would be a nice break.

    Purely just a special event for kicks and progression would certainly be a most welcome addition.
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    LoreNYC wrote:
    we need something new. fresh. something that doesn't require grinding, being on a certain time, and allows offline play. . . .

    Any ideas?

    No chance for offline play.
    Remember if their servers are down, you can't even play a single battle.

    *Please check your internet connection
  • yea good idea, if it's new, we need it

    p.s. TL;DR icon_rolleyes.gif
  • and most importantly...a high end roster to 100% finish.

    I like a lot of the idea's, but this isn't one of them. I've given up trying to grind for covers and just play casually now. I'm certainly not going to sink a bunch of money into randomly trying to get missing covers. If your intent is to further drive casual players away, then this would be a good step. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about competition and the best players getting the best rewards. However, this is not what happens at all. There may be some exceptions, but mostly it is just who is willing to spend the most money.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Twysta wrote:
    Just made me realize that one of the main issues with this game is that EVERY event seems to be PvP.

    If they ran the odd event (I'm talking like maybe once a week), where there are no ranking or tables like Soe suggested would be a nice break.

    Purely just a special event for kicks and progression would certainly be a most welcome addition.
    I agree with this guy. I am so for this.
    Phantron wrote:
    Without doing anything horribly complicated you can just make each node have a roster restriction, a forced character requirement, or character lockout (can be on top of the usual lockout for enemy characters), or all of the above.

    Also, I'm all for this too. Though I have my own ideas of what I would like to see, It would take entirely to long to write it out and drastic changes to the PvE structure of the game incorporating these two made ideas. I'm pretty sure that type of thing would sooner be realized by making my own Match-3 title following the example of Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords instead of waiting for Demiurge to get on that.
  • Twysta wrote:
    Just made me realize that one of the main issues with this game is that EVERY event seems to be PvP.

    If they ran the odd event (I'm talking like maybe once a week), where there are no ranking or tables like Soe suggested would be a nice break.

    Purely just a special event for kicks and progression would certainly be a most welcome addition.
    I agree with this guy. I am so for this.
    Phantron wrote:
    Without doing anything horribly complicated you can just make each node have a roster restriction, a forced character requirement, or character lockout (can be on top of the usual lockout for enemy characters), or all of the above.

    Also, I'm all for this too. Though I have my own ideas of what I would like to see, It would take entirely to long to write it out and drastic changes to the PvE structure of the game incorporating these two made ideas. I'm pretty sure that type of thing would sooner be realized by making my own Match-3 title following the example of Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords instead of waiting for Demiurge to get on that.

    If I had any knowledge on making videogames...lol... I probably wouldn't have the time still icon_e_sad.gif by the time I got something out it would be 5 years later and ppl would move to the next craze. Maybe live peer2peer versions of intensely graphic hangman ..sorry...hangperson (equality for the win!). Also, less of a chance for a google chance to go awry with "hangperson"

    Also, @boomer. Nothing you said contradicts what I asked for though. The quote in context means that all players are having fun and earning useful rewards. Expecting someone with a 85 roster to be on par with a 141 roster without an immense amount of luck and skill is to fully misunderstand the available option to a self contained progress event. They can make it too easy for elite players, and not force progression (bad for fun, stale game, and bad for thier bank account) or they can make it too hard for an intermediate player and force progression or "skill" to be used.

    When I was a mid lvl one of my most enjoyable times was playing against lvl 200 enemies with the knowledge that winning MEANT something to how well I would do. It wasn't easy, and I WANTED a better roster because of it. I beat it using skill, to supplement getting a better roster...and it wasn't a 100% chance of a win either. Maybe a 40-60% with max boosts? THAT was fun. That's the difficulty lvl goal here. Maybe some ppl can use some luck, a good board, and a good start to beat a boss with a lvl 85 team, but the lvl 141 should still be struggling and need to think and build his team to win.

    If anything, the lack of meaning to your team set-up beyond "best" is one of my biggest issues with the game. In card games there are counters to certain decks (I never played heavily, so this is educated conjecture)...fighters have counters to moves....moba and rts has strata and counter strays..and counter counter strays even. This game is "did I puck someone who damages them quickly and has high hp?". Part of.the issue is no real PvP, but that is not an excuse for SOME form of roster differentiation beyond simple preference. What I suggest would basically be an entire MODE of thinking about your characters; making a well built ROSTER, instead of just 3 characters, a boon.

    In the end the goal is two fold: something new and fun. Something where ppl can enjoy the game while not require them to have theladder lvl of sleep deprivation to feel accomplished. I am sure I could flesh this concept out more, and I am nit so juvenile or lucky to think I would get something perfect the first go, but I think something Like this would be nothing BUT a benefit to ALL players if done right. And yes, needing a good roster to finish a progression based mode's final stage is important. Especially when its suppose to mildly counteract the current issues for elite players in PvP and pve while not directly harming lower lvl rosters in the process.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bumping this cause it feels really relevant right now. Just saying.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Good call, as I've never read this before. There are some downright AMAZING ideas in this OP. All of that sounds like a game I want to play. (yes, it's a bit TL:DR, but do yourself a favor and read it anyway...its good to dream)
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    Phantron wrote:
    I'd imagine such an event would have a HP buy in.

    You monster.