Which character should *eventually* have the most variants?

Right *now* we have 3x Black Widows, 3x Wolvies (sorta), 2x Iron Man...etc. etc.

But further down the line, which Marvel character do you think *should* have the most variant versions overall, and why?

For business reasons, the best picks for D3P would probably be Wolvie or Iron-Man. Because movies. (new Wolverine movie recently came out, new X-Men movie coming soon, Avengers 2 coming out later, etc. etc.). This is also why I expect at least 1 more variant of Cap in the near future, if not more, with the Captain America 2 movie coming.

Otherwise, I would vote for Spidey. I would say he's *the* iconic Marvel super hero character and he probably has had as many or more variants of himself in different costumes/universes than any other character (black Venom suit, Iron Man suit, Scarlet Spider, etc. etc.).
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  • Wolverine would make the most sense as he's been on every team imaginable at some point or another and has had so many different iterations.
  • I'm partial to Spidey -- he's certainly had enough different costumes, different teams, etc. over his history... I just wouldn't have expected one of the variants to be Bag-Man.

    Oh, and if Wolverine has 3 varients (incl Daken) then Black Widow is currently continuing to lead the pack at 4...

    Seriously, someone at D3 is obsessed with her.
  • Easily ironman.

    1. You start with him..he is your first cover.

    2. He is the main character for nearly all the little intros to prologue levels.

    3. He is the only one listed with a stage 1 cover so far and may be the only. (Black widow..but I don't think she gets a 4 star)

    4. He has tens to hundreds of different suits plus warmachine/iron patriot if you wanna count that in a way. Sure spidey has suits, but they are usually different realities or something (or diff ppl) ironman is tony stark. Period. Spiderman is peter parker. .... Except when he is not.

    5. He is clearly the central character of the avenger movies and the posterboy. This is clearly more "avenger" based than mere "marvel" based. At least so far.

    Could be wolverine, I could see it. Ppl love him. He is all over the universe. Main character in TONS of things. So do they go back and make a 1 star variant of him though? I doubt it. Which automatically gives IM a leg up having a 1 star. If they do..give him a 1 star that is..it will be bone claw wolvie.

    Thor will prob get a 4 star card and no 3 as ragnarok takes that spot sort of.
  • IMO Spidey, going by the criteria of most interesting variants. Give me Scarlet.
  • Howard the Duck.

    Classic Howard, Modern Howard, Master of Quack Fu, Presidential Candidate Howard, Iron Duck, Howard the Doucheblade, Marvel Zombies Howard, the list goes on. So many that Movie Howard can be skipped.

    ...If this gets implemented I want my own set of Kidney Lady covers.
  • I wanna see a carnage-spider icon_e_smile.gif
  • Kiamodo
    Kiamodo Posts: 423 Mover and Shaker
    Iron man and spidey will no doubt always top the list. Tons of hulk versions, but still waiting on the first!
    Off the top of my head I can think of..
    Planet or Galdiator Hulk
    Joe Fix-it
    Smart or Pantheon Hulk
    Current Indestrictible Hulk
    Compound Hulk
    War Hulk

    Then you have 2099, Red, and Maestro but those or technically different Characters. They could also do movie versions of all of these characters. Scarlett johansson Black Widow is about the only version of her we don't have.
  • Slightly off topic but do we have a lot of comic book readers on these boards? When I saw this post I figured all of the replies would be jokes/back handed comments about Wolverine and his overall presence in the marvel universe.
  • I voted Wolverine before I even read through the post simply because of his popularity and obvious presence throughout the Marvel Universe. From X-Men to The Avengers to Spider-Man to Hulk to The Secret Defenders to Witchblade to Blade to Daredevil, et cetera . . . Logan is everywhere. Due to the tie-ins with the Marvel produced movies, however, I can see it being Iron Man. I must say however, my newfound Iron Man love has a lot more to do with Robert Downey Jr.'s portrayal of him than my long-lasting childhood love of Wolverine. icon_razz.gif

    On a side note, I'd love to see a version of Woverine with a Beserker power. icon_e_biggrin.gif Also, I'd like to see Gambit but, that's neither here nor there. Lol.
  • I hope we don't see anymore variants for the foreseeable future! There's over 5000 characters to pick from - we don't need the same 7 dudes repeated over and over. From the story and characters we already have it would be easy to introduce some rivals to the mix:

    Although he doesn't really change in the Dark Reign story Osborn needs a Green Goblin to counter Spidey.
    Dr Strange to counter The Hood/Dormammu
    Nick Fury + Secret Avengers to counter H.A.M.M.E.R
    Reed Richards + Fantastic 4 to counter Doom (Would love to see The Thing)
    Prof X to Counter Mag + Hundreds of X-Men dudes & Brotherhood Baddies!
    Sabretooth to counter Wolvy
    THE HULK!!!
    Odin vs Surtur

    That's not even mentioning the insane galactic baddies and their heralds! - The one above all - Beyonder - Galactus (Silver surfer - Morg - Tyrant) - Apocalypse - Onslaught - Thanos etc etc.

    The list is endless - Pleeeeeeease don't repeat anymore!!!! Haha I'll even go with DefectiveChicken's Howard the Duck - Iron Duck suggestions over another black widow! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I really don't want to week too many variants anymore. We don't need three black widows (four if you count Belova). I want them to start putting in different characters... *cough*squirrelgirl*coughcough*
  • Long as they get around to 1* noir spidy, 2* 4 arm spidy, 3* iron spider and 4* cosmic spidy I'll be okay
  • People say Wolverine is Marvel's most popular character, but I beg to differ. Spider-Man is Marvel, and he always has been. Spider-Man is to Marvel what Superman is to DC - the icon. Spider-Man carries 4+ comic books a month (by himself, no teammates) and has since the 80s. His movies have outgrossed the X-Men films, and everyone from your 3-year old nephew to your 87-year old grandmother has heard of him.

    There are plenty of possibilities for more Spider-Man covers without dipping into the alternate-reality Spider-Men. In addition to the existing 'Classic' Spider-Man there is:

    Secret Wars Spider-Man - Spider-man wore his black costume for years and it was extremely popular. Even after Peter ditched the symbiote, he wore a mundane version of this costume (made by his girlfriend the Black Cat, for you trivia fans).

    Civil War Spider-Man - Used when Spidey was allied with Iron Man, Tony Stark made Peter a gold and red costume with three creepy arms.

    Superior Spider-Man - Doc-Ock took over Peter's body and made a few cosmetic changes to the classic suit.

    Cosmic Spider-Man - Remember when Peter was possessed by the Captain Universe persona? I do.

    But honestly, the developers wouldn't have to go with all the crazy costumes. There could be a Spectacular Spider-Man, Amazing Spider-Man... etc, all using his classic red & blues.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,315 Site Admin
    Civil War Spider-Man - Used when Spidey was allied with Iron Man, Tony Stark made Peter a gold and red costume with three creepy arms.
    I'd vote for this one personally. Loved the Iron Spider suit.
    Thinking about storylines other than Dark Reign and Spider-Man suits reminds me of one of my favorites of Venom: Ms. Marvel.
  • IceIX wrote:
    Civil War Spider-Man - Used when Spidey was allied with Iron Man, Tony Stark made Peter a gold and red costume with three creepy arms.
    I'd vote for this one personally. Loved the Iron Spider suit.
    Thinking about storylines other than Dark Reign and Spider-Man suits reminds me of one of my favorites of Venom: Ms. Marvel.
    It's my lock screen wallpaper on my phone. I'd pay real money for him.
  • IceIX wrote:
    Thinking about storylines other than Dark Reign and Spider-Man suits reminds me of one of my favorites of Venom: Ms. Marvel.

    Could we get regular Ms. Marvel first? icon_e_wink.gif We have Venom and Dark Avengers Ms. Marvel, no need for Venom Ms. Marvel yet icon_razz.gif