Nalaar Aetherjet doesn't work as written, neither does Racer Pilot

Nalaar Aetherjet produces it's effect two turns late! Racer Pilot gives itself +X/+X at the end of greg's turn not at the start of combat as written. Nalaar Aetherjet is a token support created by Pia Nalaar, Chief Mechanic, a new Masterpiece.

Skip to 1:46 and you see I end my turn with a 114 shield support. At the start of my next turn Nalaar Aetherjet should give +114/+114 to my Racer Pilot, but instead does this the following turn (skip to 5:20) despite the support having 201 shields at that time!!

Also, Nalaar Aetherjet should either create a Racer Pilot token (if there isn't one) or "instead" give the Pilot +X/+X (shield count of your biggest support). It produces a Racer Pilot every turn.

The Racer Pilot token should give itself a buff at the start of combat, but seems to do this at the end of greg's turn instead.****