MPQ 2025 Dev Update #2

S0kun ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 794 Critical Contributor

It’s time for our next Dev Update of the year and after talking about some changes to our character release cadence, we wanted to shed some light on a few topics that those with a keen eye may have noticed. Most notably, certain things that are missing from our upcoming activities that would normally be a part of our regularly scheduled program.

Events and Unity Engine Upgrade

While some may see this as scaling back, it’s actually not the case because behind the scenes, the long awaited Unity Engine upgrade is in its final stages of development and we’re shifting a few dev resources towards ensuring that the project reaches the finish line as soon as possible.

These are the current parts of the game that are affected by the aforementioned shifts:

  1. Character Releases
    Starting with 5 Star Sam Wilson (Brave New World), we’ll be doing single character releases every two weeks instead of our usual 4 Star / 5 & 3 Star releases. Expect to see a 5 Star release followed by a 2, 3, or 4 star character.

  2. Heroic Boss Events
    Upcoming boss events will run as Regular versions with an updated reward schedule of support specific items.

  3. Rebalances
    On hold for now until further notice, but we still have costumes that will be released during the expected release windows.

  4. Shard Cover Exchanges
    This unfortunately will have to wait until after Unity gets shipped in order to not add any new features that need to go through another round of QA testing in both engines.

Feature Parity

In addition to the shifts in our schedule, we also need to ensure that both versions of the game are identical versions of each other. Bringing both versions of the game to parity will minimize the risk of new bugs being introduced and ensure the most seamless transition possible for you, the player.

Hopefully the above explanation helps shed some light on the current status of the game. We’ve put in a sizable investment into this modern engine upgrade and while it may not appear all that exciting, this lull that you’re seeing is actually a very exciting time for us because we’re finally near the home stretch! Unfortunately it’s always the last bits that seem to take the longest, but we’re nearing the finish line and we’re excited to see where MPQ goes beyond it - especially once we begin to tackle some QoL updates and new features!


1. Why couldn’t you just get added resources onto the project to parallel path building Unity while maintaining the current live-ops schedule?
Considering we’re so close to the finish line, it made more sense to shift internal teams over instead of spending precious resources onboarding new hires and acclimating them to our current developments. This would’ve actually taken more time than pausing a few in-game developments.

2. When will the Unity Engine upgrade be done?
Soon🤞! As we mentioned, we’re in the final stages, but these are also the most important steps where something new can surface and cause some unwanted cascades (pun intended) down our dev stream. If all goes well, we’re hoping no more than a few months until we return back to our regularly scheduled program.