New Character - Sam Wilson (Brave New World) 5*



  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards

    @WhiteBomber said:
    Oh, not to fight Juggs with that team, but as an offensive team, it's hard to imagine much better. I leave them on defense, but only for funsies, they win sometimes. Baku, Chasm, May/Namor is good on defense tho.

    I'm very confused about why people are still using Chasm. After the nerf, he doesn't do much. I see him all over sim though, what am I missing? He stuns you turn 1 then just sits there.

  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,084 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:

    @WhiteBomber said:
    Oh, not to fight Juggs with that team, but as an offensive team, it's hard to imagine much better. I leave them on defense, but only for funsies, they win sometimes. Baku, Chasm, May/Namor is good on defense tho.

    I'm very confused about why people are still using Chasm. After the nerf, he doesn't do much. I see him all over sim though, what am I missing? He stuns you turn 1 then just sits there.

    Chasm has kind of a defense in that people skip him out of habit.

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,052 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 8 February 2025, 01:39

    I think having two opening turns is a huge advantage on offense, especially in a landscape with supports where most matches can end in 1-3 turns. Similarly, not getting my opening salvo is a huge deterrent for me because those Chasm teams are likely set up to do big chunks of damage up front as well (and draining my AP to boot), causing me to use packs that I don’t want to use.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards

    If the actual answer is "he makes you use health packs," that's wild.

    I'm concerned about defensive teams I might lose to if something goes wrong, or teams that would take a long time to kill. If I have to spend 3 packs for a fight I'll win 100% of the time, in a couple minutes, that's a deal I'll take every time -- health packs are super cheap.

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,052 Chairperson of the Boards

    I mean I get it. I’m just saying why my miserly self would skip a Chasm team and at times opt to play Chasm. I love having two opening turns.

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 530 Critical Contributor
    • I haven't confirmed this with the dev team yet, but I would swear that there is code in there that usually favors the first turn on the board. Meaning, the first turn was supposed to be favorable for the person actually playing the game, and I'll be DAMNED if I don't see enemy Chasm getting waaaay more match 4's and 5's because of this. So if you don't bring your own Chasm, and Maysm slaps you with that boosted cascade, rage ensues!
  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,442 Chairperson of the Boards

    @WhiteBomber said:

    • I haven't confirmed this with the dev team yet, but I would swear that there is code in there that usually favors the first turn on the board. Meaning, the first turn was supposed to be favorable for the person actually playing the game, and I'll be DAMNED if I don't see enemy Chasm getting waaaay more match 4's and 5's because of this. So if you don't bring your own Chasm, and Maysm slaps you with that boosted cascade, rage ensues!

    You may be onto something...

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 530 Critical Contributor

    @BriMan2222 said:

    @WhiteBomber said:

    • I haven't confirmed this with the dev team yet, but I would swear that there is code in there that usually favors the first turn on the board. Meaning, the first turn was supposed to be favorable for the person actually playing the game, and I'll be DAMNED if I don't see enemy Chasm getting waaaay more match 4's and 5's because of this. So if you don't bring your own Chasm, and Maysm slaps you with that boosted cascade, rage ensues!

    You may be onto something...

    Hahaha, we say a prayer for the damage you are about to receive :pensive:

    I would bet at least $10 that code exists.

  • Seph1roth5
    Seph1roth5 Posts: 455 Mover and Shaker

    I don't like nerfed chasm at all. I really only use him for start of battle stun, and then he mostly beats the **** out of himself WAY more than the enemy, and gets one revive before he's gone forever.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,864 Chairperson of the Boards

    Nobody likes losing their first turn and taking two rounds of AoE from some of the teams out there. That has to be the main reason. In Sim, I run Juggs/May and someone else. If the third isn't Chasm on my defensive team, I get attacked. If it is Chasm, I pretty much only eat the retals.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards

    @WhiteBomber said:
    I refuse to believe you don't know the answers.

    • On offense AND defense, his stun is massive. It immediately invalidates 3 very high usage characters (BRB, Rocket and to a lesser but still very successful extent, MThor).
    • He gives you 2 turns on offense, with the right team, that's all you need to guarantee the win.
    • He his high health and match damage, which plays perfectly with top meta characters (May, Namor, Red etc.).
    • He tanks and heals, avoiding even more health packs (if the fight ever goes that long).
    • He slows their ability to ever cast actives by draining the life out of the board. Every match against him is guaranteed to be slower. That alone is a large deterrent for the masses, who play for speed.
    • Everyone hates Leapfrog? Leapfrog doesn't do a damn thing when the character it's attached to dies on the first turn while they were stunned.

    He is very beatable (as is everyone individually) but when combined with the right friends, he is easily still one of the most annoying characters to fight against, and I love him.

    The top (well known) all around (but definitely defensive) team in the game currently has to be Red Maysm, and that team is a target without Chasm.

    I was being serious! I never see him outside of sim, but he's in every fight there. The most common team I see is Chasm/Colossus/Omega Red.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards

    Sorry I derailed this.

    Back to Falcon -- have the devs confirmed anywhere that he's supposed to be doing what he currently does? Either he was bugged on launch or he's bugged now, and the answer to that question matters A LOT when evaluating him.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,598 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    Sorry I derailed this.

    Back to Falcon -- have the devs confirmed anywhere that he's supposed to be doing what he currently does? Either he was bugged on launch or he's bugged now, and the answer to that question matters A LOT when evaluating him.

    It was an interesting diversion. I do wonder if there is a Polaris Nerf coming at some point this now adds Juggs to the being looked at list. I hope not!

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,986 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    Sorry I derailed this.

    Back to Falcon -- have the devs confirmed anywhere that he's supposed to be doing what he currently does? Either he was bugged on launch or he's bugged now, and the answer to that question matters A LOT when evaluating him.

    To quote S0Kun from Discord yesterday:

    "Didn't have much to share yesterday cause we were working on updating the ability vs just changing the text to match how the ability initially rolled out. Glad to see it's working and if the Red/Yellows are still acting up, LMK and I'll check again internally."

    So yes the red, as it is now, is what they apparently intend going forward, at least for now.

    I haven't personally tried to see but apparently the yellow now only boosts friendly strikes and protects, and not enemy ones. It's been reported to be working correctly.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards

    @bluewolf said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    Sorry I derailed this.

    Back to Falcon -- have the devs confirmed anywhere that he's supposed to be doing what he currently does? Either he was bugged on launch or he's bugged now, and the answer to that question matters A LOT when evaluating him.

    To quote S0Kun from Discord yesterday:

    "Didn't have much to share yesterday cause we were working on updating the ability vs just changing the text to match how the ability initially rolled out. Glad to see it's working and if the Red/Yellows are still acting up, LMK and I'll check again internally."

    So yes the red, as it is now, is what they apparently intend going forward, at least for now.

    I haven't personally tried to see but apparently the yellow now only boosts friendly strikes and protects, and not enemy ones. It's been reported to be working correctly.

    That is the weirdest way of putting this -- were they actually considering just updating the text vs changing the ability itself? Do they not understand how fundamentally this changes the nature and usability of the character? What was the designer's intention here?

    Oh well -- that's an answer (mostly!), thanks.

  • Timemachinego
    Timemachinego Posts: 546 Critical Contributor

    @entrailbucket said:

    That is the weirdest way of putting this -- were they actually considering just updating the text vs changing the ability itself? Do they not understand how fundamentally this changes the nature and usability of the character? What was the designer's intention here?

    Oh well -- that's an answer (mostly!), thanks.

    That's probably what most of the discussion on their end pertained to, making the power work as designed vs changing the wording to how it was coded. I'm glad they went with the design; it was more work on their end but now he'll actually be good vs DOA.

  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 635 Critical Contributor

    @entrailbucket said:
    The Polaris version might be better...

    So Sam allows for certain combos that can be maximized with the right supports, etc.


    I'm having fun with him thus far...

    But I don't find the videos in this thread as concerning as some others seem to.

    Three turns seems quick... If there weren't 1 turn teams out there.

    Maybe the plan is to have several quick kill teams and that's how we get diversity in characters used.

    Also... leapfrog is tiny kitty ****... So I fully endorse this completely reasonable AOE, strike generating, damage increasing, work of art.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Blackstone said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    The Polaris version might be better...

    So Sam allows for certain combos that can be maximized with the right supports, etc.


    I'm having fun with him thus far...

    But I don't find the videos in this thread as concerning as some others seem to.

    Three turns seems quick... If there weren't 1 turn teams out there.

    Maybe the plan is to have several quick kill teams and that's how we get diversity in characters used.

    Also... leapfrog is tiny kitty ****... So I fully endorse this completely reasonable AOE, strike generating, damage increasing, work of art.

    Is there an unboosted team that can turn0 the challenge node?

    I'm actually asking -- I have no idea what the PvE people are doing.