MPQ 2025 Dev Update #1



  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,560 Chairperson of the Boards

    Free stuff is free stuff! Just do what you can/want!

  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,703 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DAZ0273 said:
    I don't even know that he did all that badly! He got two 5*, nine 4's, some CP and 700 HP not 49 team-up boosts and a kick in the scrotum

    I didn't get any 5★ covers. Out of 48 pulls I did get 2 LTs, 2 Classics, 11 4* covers (including 2 out of the 4 each of Samurai and Echo,) the Ascended Magik and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff. I would have liked the Ascended Elektra but >shrug< that's the way it goes. It's not as if she'll be worth anything as a 5★ -- just another rewards generator.

    The 5★ covers and the Ascended 3★s are the real plum rewards in these vaults (the things you can't get anywhere else.) For just one season it's fine, but I do think letting us be able to always claim them is important, even if it's only one Ascended 3★.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,560 Chairperson of the Boards

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    I don't even know that he did all that badly! He got two 5*, nine 4's, some CP and 700 HP not 49 team-up boosts and a kick in the scrotum

    I didn't get any 5★ covers. Out of 48 pulls I did get 2 LTs, 2 Classics, 11 4* covers (including 2 out of the 4 each of Samurai and Echo,) the Ascended Magik and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff. I would have liked the Ascended Elektra but >shrug< that's the way it goes. It's not as if she'll be worth anything as a 5★ -- just another rewards generator.

    The 5★ covers and the Ascended 3★s are the real plum rewards in these vaults (the things you can't get anywhere else.) For just one season it's fine, but I do think letting us be able to always claim them is important, even if it's only one Ascended 3★.

    I didn't get any 5s or any Ascended. Of course as a player I am always in favour of more stuff for us but do have to have some perspective I feel.

  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,703 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 4 February 2025, 00:32

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    I don't even know that he did all that badly! He got two 5*, nine 4's, some CP and 700 HP not 49 team-up boosts and a kick in the scrotum

    I didn't get any 5★ covers. Out of 48 pulls I did get 2 LTs, 2 Classics, 11 4* covers (including 2 out of the 4 each of Samurai and Echo,) the Ascended Magik and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff. I would have liked the Ascended Elektra but >shrug< that's the way it goes. It's not as if she'll be worth anything as a 5★ -- just another rewards generator.

    The 5★ covers and the Ascended 3★s are the real plum rewards in these vaults (the things you can't get anywhere else.) For just one season it's fine, but I do think letting us be able to always claim them is important, even if it's only one Ascended 3★.

    I didn't get any 5s or any Ascended. Of course as a player I am always in favour of more stuff for us but do have to have some perspective I feel.

    Yeah, fair enough. Trouble is, I already had the Ascended Magik (point of fact it helped me get her to 5★ status, she's one of my two 3|5★s) so it wasn't particularly valuable to me.

    I'm not saying that I'm pissed, that's just the luck of the draw, but I'd definitely say it's hard to complain of one's luck if one pulled any of the 5★s (even if you had them maxxed, that's still a cover you can convert to someone else.)

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,848 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Scofie said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @slidecage said:

    @Scofie said:

    @slidecage said:

    @Scofie said:

    @slidecage said:
    60 item vault says a third though missions so that is only 20. Say 15 with over level if lucky. That is only 35 so your still only going to have a 50 chance at getting the ascended .

    They need more info like

    If you complete all 50 levels you will earn 20 tokens

    Compelet all rewards will earn you say 15 more

    There will be a chance to buy hp packages that will earn you up to 15 more

    The final 10 tokens you must buy with cash

    Though I'm guessing that be higher then 10

    Face it it's never coming back to the way it was and really not even worth the hassle anymore they just screwed this up too badly

    Anyone notice this last 2 star did not have the ascended vault

    I think it's fine to speculate about how many tokens are available to buy versus how many are free. It's already been said that there will be more tokens available than rewards, so it could be 70 "free" v 20 "bought" or 30 "free" and 60 "bought" or 80 "free" and 80 "bought".

    What I don't quite understand is being annoyed about the guess you've just made in advance of it being proved right or wrong. You're right that it won't go back to the way it was and I think the reasons for that are pretty clear. There were many people on this forum that said "this won't last because it's too generous". And it hasn't.

    And it depends on your definition of "screwed up", I suppose. They did something overly generous, spotted it and reversed it too far, listened to that criticism and found a good halfway measure. The alternatives are to start with the bad version always and increase it slowly to avoid complaints. Personally, I'd rather they make generous mistakes, bank the extra stuff and not worry about what comes next.

    However many there are, the tokens are still "free". Even if only one token is free, you can still get the ascended character. By reducing the vault size, the chances of getting one item is increased so there's that (though reducing the number of ascended characters diminishes the chance of getting any ascended character). What you're talking about is guaranteeing getting it with free tokens to avoid RNG which is a mechanism that the game lives on. It's why a 5☆ only token would never work well for the game. It's great for players but you need to experience the lows of a long run of owning CT/LTs without a 5☆ to fully enjoy the highs of 4 in a row.

    Mostly all I'm asking is it will be nice if they will put out the numbers of

    How many you get by clearing 50 stages
    How many you get if all missions
    How many will be by hp
    How many hy cash

    So people know the numbers before playing

    Even if it's 5 tokens by cash that means still a chance you could do everything and still miss out on the best item

    In the past I wanted all the ascended and make sure I did all the daily but then figure out it be years before I ever make them higher so mostly stop chasing

    I think the first one only got less then 20 covers added so it will be many many years before I can ascended then

    I think writing that now is a hostage to fortune. They'll want to iterate it and balance rewards across events and all sorts of things. So it won't be published now or in advance. That's basic sales - you will not sell a bundle of tokens on day 3 if you know you've got a 75% chance of getting the rewards for free. Keeping that hidden is a way to capitalise on FOMO.

    I also don't understand why you'd need to know that begin playing? Surely if you're not bothered you'll just get as many as you get without trying and open them? If there's something in there you want, you'll try to get a many as possible and buy if you don't get it?

    The ascended character is by far the most objectively valuable thing in the vault but I like the 5☆s and costumes as much. I'm fine with getting or not getting things for free. If I desperately want something and I dint get it through free tokens, I'll buy vault tokens until I do. It's not a case of all or nothing.

    simple cause if i know if i can earn say 50 out of 60 for free then i will have a reason to make sure i get all missions done.. now if its 30 or 40 out of 60 then i really wouldnt care as much as i know there is still a 50% chance i will not get what i want

    will the X sesonal vault end or will it still go on for 33 days

    This makes no sense whatsoever.

    My only interpretation is that time spent on earning a reward should be proportional to the reward. So Quests that requires a load more effort aren't worth trying for if you have a minimal chance of getting the thing you want anyway. Which I sort of understand: an additional 3 hours playing the game is 3 less hours spent on other things, and you want it to be worth something. Quite where the cut off is between effort and probability, I'm not sure, but I'm very much in the camp of try and see what happens - most quests can be completed with very minor tweaks to gameplay.

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    I don't even know that he did all that badly! He got two 5*, nine 4's, some CP and 700 HP not 49 team-up boosts and a kick in the scrotum

    I didn't get any 5★ covers. Out of 48 pulls I did get 2 LTs, 2 Classics, 11 4* covers (including 2 out of the 4 each of Samurai and Echo,) the Ascended Magik and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff. I would have liked the Ascended Elektra but >shrug< that's the way it goes. It's not as if she'll be worth anything as a 5★ -- just another rewards generator.

    The 5★ covers and the Ascended 3★s are the real plum rewards in these vaults (the things you can't get anywhere else.) For just one season it's fine, but I do think letting us be able to always claim them is important, even if it's only one Ascended 3★.

    I didn't get any 5s or any Ascended. Of course as a player I am always in favour of more stuff for us but do have to have some perspective I feel.

    Yeah, fair enough. Trouble is, I already had the Ascended Magik (point of fact it helped me get her to 5★ status, she's now one of my two 3|5★s) so it wasn't particularly valuable to me.

    I'm not saying that I'm pissed, that's just the luck of the draw, but I'd definitely say it's hard to complain of one's luck if one pulled any of the 5★s (even if you had them maxxed, that's still a cover you can convert to someone else.)

    I have FOUR ascended Magiks. It's annoying.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,419 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Borstock said:

    @Scofie said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @slidecage said:

    @Scofie said:

    @slidecage said:

    @Scofie said:

    @slidecage said:
    60 item vault says a third though missions so that is only 20. Say 15 with over level if lucky. That is only 35 so your still only going to have a 50 chance at getting the ascended .

    They need more info like

    If you complete all 50 levels you will earn 20 tokens

    Compelet all rewards will earn you say 15 more

    There will be a chance to buy hp packages that will earn you up to 15 more

    The final 10 tokens you must buy with cash

    Though I'm guessing that be higher then 10

    Face it it's never coming back to the way it was and really not even worth the hassle anymore they just screwed this up too badly

    Anyone notice this last 2 star did not have the ascended vault

    I think it's fine to speculate about how many tokens are available to buy versus how many are free. It's already been said that there will be more tokens available than rewards, so it could be 70 "free" v 20 "bought" or 30 "free" and 60 "bought" or 80 "free" and 80 "bought".

    What I don't quite understand is being annoyed about the guess you've just made in advance of it being proved right or wrong. You're right that it won't go back to the way it was and I think the reasons for that are pretty clear. There were many people on this forum that said "this won't last because it's too generous". And it hasn't.

    And it depends on your definition of "screwed up", I suppose. They did something overly generous, spotted it and reversed it too far, listened to that criticism and found a good halfway measure. The alternatives are to start with the bad version always and increase it slowly to avoid complaints. Personally, I'd rather they make generous mistakes, bank the extra stuff and not worry about what comes next.

    However many there are, the tokens are still "free". Even if only one token is free, you can still get the ascended character. By reducing the vault size, the chances of getting one item is increased so there's that (though reducing the number of ascended characters diminishes the chance of getting any ascended character). What you're talking about is guaranteeing getting it with free tokens to avoid RNG which is a mechanism that the game lives on. It's why a 5☆ only token would never work well for the game. It's great for players but you need to experience the lows of a long run of owning CT/LTs without a 5☆ to fully enjoy the highs of 4 in a row.

    Mostly all I'm asking is it will be nice if they will put out the numbers of

    How many you get by clearing 50 stages
    How many you get if all missions
    How many will be by hp
    How many hy cash

    So people know the numbers before playing

    Even if it's 5 tokens by cash that means still a chance you could do everything and still miss out on the best item

    In the past I wanted all the ascended and make sure I did all the daily but then figure out it be years before I ever make them higher so mostly stop chasing

    I think the first one only got less then 20 covers added so it will be many many years before I can ascended then

    I think writing that now is a hostage to fortune. They'll want to iterate it and balance rewards across events and all sorts of things. So it won't be published now or in advance. That's basic sales - you will not sell a bundle of tokens on day 3 if you know you've got a 75% chance of getting the rewards for free. Keeping that hidden is a way to capitalise on FOMO.

    I also don't understand why you'd need to know that begin playing? Surely if you're not bothered you'll just get as many as you get without trying and open them? If there's something in there you want, you'll try to get a many as possible and buy if you don't get it?

    The ascended character is by far the most objectively valuable thing in the vault but I like the 5☆s and costumes as much. I'm fine with getting or not getting things for free. If I desperately want something and I dint get it through free tokens, I'll buy vault tokens until I do. It's not a case of all or nothing.

    simple cause if i know if i can earn say 50 out of 60 for free then i will have a reason to make sure i get all missions done.. now if its 30 or 40 out of 60 then i really wouldnt care as much as i know there is still a 50% chance i will not get what i want

    will the X sesonal vault end or will it still go on for 33 days

    This makes no sense whatsoever.

    My only interpretation is that time spent on earning a reward should be proportional to the reward. So Quests that requires a load more effort aren't worth trying for if you have a minimal chance of getting the thing you want anyway. Which I sort of understand: an additional 3 hours playing the game is 3 less hours spent on other things, and you want it to be worth something. Quite where the cut off is between effort and probability, I'm not sure, but I'm very much in the camp of try and see what happens - most quests can be completed with very minor tweaks to gameplay.

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    I don't even know that he did all that badly! He got two 5*, nine 4's, some CP and 700 HP not 49 team-up boosts and a kick in the scrotum

    I didn't get any 5★ covers. Out of 48 pulls I did get 2 LTs, 2 Classics, 11 4* covers (including 2 out of the 4 each of Samurai and Echo,) the Ascended Magik and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff. I would have liked the Ascended Elektra but >shrug< that's the way it goes. It's not as if she'll be worth anything as a 5★ -- just another rewards generator.

    The 5★ covers and the Ascended 3★s are the real plum rewards in these vaults (the things you can't get anywhere else.) For just one season it's fine, but I do think letting us be able to always claim them is important, even if it's only one Ascended 3★.

    I didn't get any 5s or any Ascended. Of course as a player I am always in favour of more stuff for us but do have to have some perspective I feel.

    Yeah, fair enough. Trouble is, I already had the Ascended Magik (point of fact it helped me get her to 5★ status, she's now one of my two 3|5★s) so it wasn't particularly valuable to me.

    I'm not saying that I'm pissed, that's just the luck of the draw, but I'd definitely say it's hard to complain of one's luck if one pulled any of the 5★s (even if you had them maxxed, that's still a cover you can convert to someone else.)

    I have FOUR ascended Magiks. It's annoying.

    Don't you need 4 to get her to 3->5? Or are you saying she's already 3->5 and you have 4 more ascended copies of her?


  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,457 Chairperson of the Boards

    @KGB said:

    @Borstock said:

    @Scofie said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @slidecage said:

    @Scofie said:

    @slidecage said:

    @Scofie said:

    @slidecage said:
    60 item vault says a third though missions so that is only 20. Say 15 with over level if lucky. That is only 35 so your still only going to have a 50 chance at getting the ascended .

    They need more info like

    If you complete all 50 levels you will earn 20 tokens

    Compelet all rewards will earn you say 15 more

    There will be a chance to buy hp packages that will earn you up to 15 more

    The final 10 tokens you must buy with cash

    Though I'm guessing that be higher then 10

    Face it it's never coming back to the way it was and really not even worth the hassle anymore they just screwed this up too badly

    Anyone notice this last 2 star did not have the ascended vault

    I think it's fine to speculate about how many tokens are available to buy versus how many are free. It's already been said that there will be more tokens available than rewards, so it could be 70 "free" v 20 "bought" or 30 "free" and 60 "bought" or 80 "free" and 80 "bought".

    What I don't quite understand is being annoyed about the guess you've just made in advance of it being proved right or wrong. You're right that it won't go back to the way it was and I think the reasons for that are pretty clear. There were many people on this forum that said "this won't last because it's too generous". And it hasn't.

    And it depends on your definition of "screwed up", I suppose. They did something overly generous, spotted it and reversed it too far, listened to that criticism and found a good halfway measure. The alternatives are to start with the bad version always and increase it slowly to avoid complaints. Personally, I'd rather they make generous mistakes, bank the extra stuff and not worry about what comes next.

    However many there are, the tokens are still "free". Even if only one token is free, you can still get the ascended character. By reducing the vault size, the chances of getting one item is increased so there's that (though reducing the number of ascended characters diminishes the chance of getting any ascended character). What you're talking about is guaranteeing getting it with free tokens to avoid RNG which is a mechanism that the game lives on. It's why a 5☆ only token would never work well for the game. It's great for players but you need to experience the lows of a long run of owning CT/LTs without a 5☆ to fully enjoy the highs of 4 in a row.

    Mostly all I'm asking is it will be nice if they will put out the numbers of

    How many you get by clearing 50 stages
    How many you get if all missions
    How many will be by hp
    How many hy cash

    So people know the numbers before playing

    Even if it's 5 tokens by cash that means still a chance you could do everything and still miss out on the best item

    In the past I wanted all the ascended and make sure I did all the daily but then figure out it be years before I ever make them higher so mostly stop chasing

    I think the first one only got less then 20 covers added so it will be many many years before I can ascended then

    I think writing that now is a hostage to fortune. They'll want to iterate it and balance rewards across events and all sorts of things. So it won't be published now or in advance. That's basic sales - you will not sell a bundle of tokens on day 3 if you know you've got a 75% chance of getting the rewards for free. Keeping that hidden is a way to capitalise on FOMO.

    I also don't understand why you'd need to know that begin playing? Surely if you're not bothered you'll just get as many as you get without trying and open them? If there's something in there you want, you'll try to get a many as possible and buy if you don't get it?

    The ascended character is by far the most objectively valuable thing in the vault but I like the 5☆s and costumes as much. I'm fine with getting or not getting things for free. If I desperately want something and I dint get it through free tokens, I'll buy vault tokens until I do. It's not a case of all or nothing.

    simple cause if i know if i can earn say 50 out of 60 for free then i will have a reason to make sure i get all missions done.. now if its 30 or 40 out of 60 then i really wouldnt care as much as i know there is still a 50% chance i will not get what i want

    will the X sesonal vault end or will it still go on for 33 days

    This makes no sense whatsoever.

    My only interpretation is that time spent on earning a reward should be proportional to the reward. So Quests that requires a load more effort aren't worth trying for if you have a minimal chance of getting the thing you want anyway. Which I sort of understand: an additional 3 hours playing the game is 3 less hours spent on other things, and you want it to be worth something. Quite where the cut off is between effort and probability, I'm not sure, but I'm very much in the camp of try and see what happens - most quests can be completed with very minor tweaks to gameplay.

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    I don't even know that he did all that badly! He got two 5*, nine 4's, some CP and 700 HP not 49 team-up boosts and a kick in the scrotum

    I didn't get any 5★ covers. Out of 48 pulls I did get 2 LTs, 2 Classics, 11 4* covers (including 2 out of the 4 each of Samurai and Echo,) the Ascended Magik and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff. I would have liked the Ascended Elektra but >shrug< that's the way it goes. It's not as if she'll be worth anything as a 5★ -- just another rewards generator.

    The 5★ covers and the Ascended 3★s are the real plum rewards in these vaults (the things you can't get anywhere else.) For just one season it's fine, but I do think letting us be able to always claim them is important, even if it's only one Ascended 3★.

    I didn't get any 5s or any Ascended. Of course as a player I am always in favour of more stuff for us but do have to have some perspective I feel.

    Yeah, fair enough. Trouble is, I already had the Ascended Magik (point of fact it helped me get her to 5★ status, she's now one of my two 3|5★s) so it wasn't particularly valuable to me.

    I'm not saying that I'm pissed, that's just the luck of the draw, but I'd definitely say it's hard to complain of one's luck if one pulled any of the 5★s (even if you had them maxxed, that's still a cover you can convert to someone else.)

    I have FOUR ascended Magiks. It's annoying.

    Don't you need 4 to get her to 3->5? Or are you saying she's already 3->5 and you have 4 more ascended copies of her?


    I think it was four ascended 3Magik4s. You only need two of those for a 3Magik5. You might keep a 3rd for a 370 4☆ version, but after that you're better off selling 266s rather than build up the extra 3Magik4.

  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,703 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Scofie said:

    @Borstock said:

    @Scofie said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @slidecage said:

    @Scofie said:

    @slidecage said:

    @Scofie said:

    @slidecage said:
    60 item vault says a third though missions so that is only 20. Say 15 with over level if lucky. That is only 35 so your still only going to have a 50 chance at getting the ascended .

    They need more info like

    If you complete all 50 levels you will earn 20 tokens

    Compelet all rewards will earn you say 15 more

    There will be a chance to buy hp packages that will earn you up to 15 more

    The final 10 tokens you must buy with cash

    Though I'm guessing that be higher then 10

    Face it it's never coming back to the way it was and really not even worth the hassle anymore they just screwed this up too badly

    Anyone notice this last 2 star did not have the ascended vault

    I think it's fine to speculate about how many tokens are available to buy versus how many are free. It's already been said that there will be more tokens available than rewards, so it could be 70 "free" v 20 "bought" or 30 "free" and 60 "bought" or 80 "free" and 80 "bought".

    What I don't quite understand is being annoyed about the guess you've just made in advance of it being proved right or wrong. You're right that it won't go back to the way it was and I think the reasons for that are pretty clear. There were many people on this forum that said "this won't last because it's too generous". And it hasn't.

    And it depends on your definition of "screwed up", I suppose. They did something overly generous, spotted it and reversed it too far, listened to that criticism and found a good halfway measure. The alternatives are to start with the bad version always and increase it slowly to avoid complaints. Personally, I'd rather they make generous mistakes, bank the extra stuff and not worry about what comes next.

    However many there are, the tokens are still "free". Even if only one token is free, you can still get the ascended character. By reducing the vault size, the chances of getting one item is increased so there's that (though reducing the number of ascended characters diminishes the chance of getting any ascended character). What you're talking about is guaranteeing getting it with free tokens to avoid RNG which is a mechanism that the game lives on. It's why a 5☆ only token would never work well for the game. It's great for players but you need to experience the lows of a long run of owning CT/LTs without a 5☆ to fully enjoy the highs of 4 in a row.

    Mostly all I'm asking is it will be nice if they will put out the numbers of

    How many you get by clearing 50 stages
    How many you get if all missions
    How many will be by hp
    How many hy cash

    So people know the numbers before playing

    Even if it's 5 tokens by cash that means still a chance you could do everything and still miss out on the best item

    In the past I wanted all the ascended and make sure I did all the daily but then figure out it be years before I ever make them higher so mostly stop chasing

    I think the first one only got less then 20 covers added so it will be many many years before I can ascended then

    I think writing that now is a hostage to fortune. They'll want to iterate it and balance rewards across events and all sorts of things. So it won't be published now or in advance. That's basic sales - you will not sell a bundle of tokens on day 3 if you know you've got a 75% chance of getting the rewards for free. Keeping that hidden is a way to capitalise on FOMO.

    I also don't understand why you'd need to know that begin playing? Surely if you're not bothered you'll just get as many as you get without trying and open them? If there's something in there you want, you'll try to get a many as possible and buy if you don't get it?

    The ascended character is by far the most objectively valuable thing in the vault but I like the 5☆s and costumes as much. I'm fine with getting or not getting things for free. If I desperately want something and I dint get it through free tokens, I'll buy vault tokens until I do. It's not a case of all or nothing.

    simple cause if i know if i can earn say 50 out of 60 for free then i will have a reason to make sure i get all missions done.. now if its 30 or 40 out of 60 then i really wouldnt care as much as i know there is still a 50% chance i will not get what i want

    will the X sesonal vault end or will it still go on for 33 days

    This makes no sense whatsoever.

    My only interpretation is that time spent on earning a reward should be proportional to the reward. So Quests that requires a load more effort aren't worth trying for if you have a minimal chance of getting the thing you want anyway. Which I sort of understand: an additional 3 hours playing the game is 3 less hours spent on other things, and you want it to be worth something. Quite where the cut off is between effort and probability, I'm not sure, but I'm very much in the camp of try and see what happens - most quests can be completed with very minor tweaks to gameplay.

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    I don't even know that he did all that badly! He got two 5*, nine 4's, some CP and 700 HP not 49 team-up boosts and a kick in the scrotum

    I didn't get any 5★ covers. Out of 48 pulls I did get 2 LTs, 2 Classics, 11 4* covers (including 2 out of the 4 each of Samurai and Echo,) the Ascended Magik and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff. I would have liked the Ascended Elektra but >shrug< that's the way it goes. It's not as if she'll be worth anything as a 5★ -- just another rewards generator.

    The 5★ covers and the Ascended 3★s are the real plum rewards in these vaults (the things you can't get anywhere else.) For just one season it's fine, but I do think letting us be able to always claim them is important, even if it's only one Ascended 3★.

    I didn't get any 5s or any Ascended. Of course as a player I am always in favour of more stuff for us but do have to have some perspective I feel.

    Yeah, fair enough. Trouble is, I already had the Ascended Magik (point of fact it helped me get her to 5★ status, she's now one of my two 3|5★s) so it wasn't particularly valuable to me.

    I'm not saying that I'm pissed, that's just the luck of the draw, but I'd definitely say it's hard to complain of one's luck if one pulled any of the 5★s (even if you had them maxxed, that's still a cover you can convert to someone else.)

    I have FOUR ascended Magiks. It's annoying.

    Oof. That is annoying. It'd be nice if you could cover exchange the ascended for another character....

    Yeah, she was in several of the vaults recently, wasn't she? It'd be nice if they varied those up more...

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,848 Chairperson of the Boards

    @KGB said:

    @Borstock said:

    @Scofie said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @slidecage said:

    @Scofie said:

    @slidecage said:

    @Scofie said:

    @slidecage said:
    60 item vault says a third though missions so that is only 20. Say 15 with over level if lucky. That is only 35 so your still only going to have a 50 chance at getting the ascended .

    They need more info like

    If you complete all 50 levels you will earn 20 tokens

    Compelet all rewards will earn you say 15 more

    There will be a chance to buy hp packages that will earn you up to 15 more

    The final 10 tokens you must buy with cash

    Though I'm guessing that be higher then 10

    Face it it's never coming back to the way it was and really not even worth the hassle anymore they just screwed this up too badly

    Anyone notice this last 2 star did not have the ascended vault

    I think it's fine to speculate about how many tokens are available to buy versus how many are free. It's already been said that there will be more tokens available than rewards, so it could be 70 "free" v 20 "bought" or 30 "free" and 60 "bought" or 80 "free" and 80 "bought".

    What I don't quite understand is being annoyed about the guess you've just made in advance of it being proved right or wrong. You're right that it won't go back to the way it was and I think the reasons for that are pretty clear. There were many people on this forum that said "this won't last because it's too generous". And it hasn't.

    And it depends on your definition of "screwed up", I suppose. They did something overly generous, spotted it and reversed it too far, listened to that criticism and found a good halfway measure. The alternatives are to start with the bad version always and increase it slowly to avoid complaints. Personally, I'd rather they make generous mistakes, bank the extra stuff and not worry about what comes next.

    However many there are, the tokens are still "free". Even if only one token is free, you can still get the ascended character. By reducing the vault size, the chances of getting one item is increased so there's that (though reducing the number of ascended characters diminishes the chance of getting any ascended character). What you're talking about is guaranteeing getting it with free tokens to avoid RNG which is a mechanism that the game lives on. It's why a 5☆ only token would never work well for the game. It's great for players but you need to experience the lows of a long run of owning CT/LTs without a 5☆ to fully enjoy the highs of 4 in a row.

    Mostly all I'm asking is it will be nice if they will put out the numbers of

    How many you get by clearing 50 stages
    How many you get if all missions
    How many will be by hp
    How many hy cash

    So people know the numbers before playing

    Even if it's 5 tokens by cash that means still a chance you could do everything and still miss out on the best item

    In the past I wanted all the ascended and make sure I did all the daily but then figure out it be years before I ever make them higher so mostly stop chasing

    I think the first one only got less then 20 covers added so it will be many many years before I can ascended then

    I think writing that now is a hostage to fortune. They'll want to iterate it and balance rewards across events and all sorts of things. So it won't be published now or in advance. That's basic sales - you will not sell a bundle of tokens on day 3 if you know you've got a 75% chance of getting the rewards for free. Keeping that hidden is a way to capitalise on FOMO.

    I also don't understand why you'd need to know that begin playing? Surely if you're not bothered you'll just get as many as you get without trying and open them? If there's something in there you want, you'll try to get a many as possible and buy if you don't get it?

    The ascended character is by far the most objectively valuable thing in the vault but I like the 5☆s and costumes as much. I'm fine with getting or not getting things for free. If I desperately want something and I dint get it through free tokens, I'll buy vault tokens until I do. It's not a case of all or nothing.

    simple cause if i know if i can earn say 50 out of 60 for free then i will have a reason to make sure i get all missions done.. now if its 30 or 40 out of 60 then i really wouldnt care as much as i know there is still a 50% chance i will not get what i want

    will the X sesonal vault end or will it still go on for 33 days

    This makes no sense whatsoever.

    My only interpretation is that time spent on earning a reward should be proportional to the reward. So Quests that requires a load more effort aren't worth trying for if you have a minimal chance of getting the thing you want anyway. Which I sort of understand: an additional 3 hours playing the game is 3 less hours spent on other things, and you want it to be worth something. Quite where the cut off is between effort and probability, I'm not sure, but I'm very much in the camp of try and see what happens - most quests can be completed with very minor tweaks to gameplay.

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    I don't even know that he did all that badly! He got two 5*, nine 4's, some CP and 700 HP not 49 team-up boosts and a kick in the scrotum

    I didn't get any 5★ covers. Out of 48 pulls I did get 2 LTs, 2 Classics, 11 4* covers (including 2 out of the 4 each of Samurai and Echo,) the Ascended Magik and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff. I would have liked the Ascended Elektra but >shrug< that's the way it goes. It's not as if she'll be worth anything as a 5★ -- just another rewards generator.

    The 5★ covers and the Ascended 3★s are the real plum rewards in these vaults (the things you can't get anywhere else.) For just one season it's fine, but I do think letting us be able to always claim them is important, even if it's only one Ascended 3★.

    I didn't get any 5s or any Ascended. Of course as a player I am always in favour of more stuff for us but do have to have some perspective I feel.

    Yeah, fair enough. Trouble is, I already had the Ascended Magik (point of fact it helped me get her to 5★ status, she's now one of my two 3|5★s) so it wasn't particularly valuable to me.

    I'm not saying that I'm pissed, that's just the luck of the draw, but I'd definitely say it's hard to complain of one's luck if one pulled any of the 5★s (even if you had them maxxed, that's still a cover you can convert to someone else.)

    I have FOUR ascended Magiks. It's annoying.

    Don't you need 4 to get her to 3->5? Or are you saying she's already 3->5 and you have 4 more ascended copies of her?


    I had my natural Magik, who I was able to ascend from a 3* to a 4*.

    I don't remember the specifics, but there was some offer that I purchased for HPs that netted me a token to a vault where I got the 3a4 Magik. The same day, or maybe the next day, I earned a token to another vault that netted me another 3a4 Magik. Finally, I earned a token to the February vault that netted me yet another 3a4 Magik.

    Thus, FOUR 3a4 Magiks.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,068 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Borstock said:

    @KGB said:

    @Borstock said:

    @Scofie said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @slidecage said:

    @Scofie said:

    @slidecage said:

    @Scofie said:

    @slidecage said:
    60 item vault says a third though missions so that is only 20. Say 15 with over level if lucky. That is only 35 so your still only going to have a 50 chance at getting the ascended .

    They need more info like

    If you complete all 50 levels you will earn 20 tokens

    Compelet all rewards will earn you say 15 more

    There will be a chance to buy hp packages that will earn you up to 15 more

    The final 10 tokens you must buy with cash

    Though I'm guessing that be higher then 10

    Face it it's never coming back to the way it was and really not even worth the hassle anymore they just screwed this up too badly

    Anyone notice this last 2 star did not have the ascended vault

    I think it's fine to speculate about how many tokens are available to buy versus how many are free. It's already been said that there will be more tokens available than rewards, so it could be 70 "free" v 20 "bought" or 30 "free" and 60 "bought" or 80 "free" and 80 "bought".

    What I don't quite understand is being annoyed about the guess you've just made in advance of it being proved right or wrong. You're right that it won't go back to the way it was and I think the reasons for that are pretty clear. There were many people on this forum that said "this won't last because it's too generous". And it hasn't.

    And it depends on your definition of "screwed up", I suppose. They did something overly generous, spotted it and reversed it too far, listened to that criticism and found a good halfway measure. The alternatives are to start with the bad version always and increase it slowly to avoid complaints. Personally, I'd rather they make generous mistakes, bank the extra stuff and not worry about what comes next.

    However many there are, the tokens are still "free". Even if only one token is free, you can still get the ascended character. By reducing the vault size, the chances of getting one item is increased so there's that (though reducing the number of ascended characters diminishes the chance of getting any ascended character). What you're talking about is guaranteeing getting it with free tokens to avoid RNG which is a mechanism that the game lives on. It's why a 5☆ only token would never work well for the game. It's great for players but you need to experience the lows of a long run of owning CT/LTs without a 5☆ to fully enjoy the highs of 4 in a row.

    Mostly all I'm asking is it will be nice if they will put out the numbers of

    How many you get by clearing 50 stages
    How many you get if all missions
    How many will be by hp
    How many hy cash

    So people know the numbers before playing

    Even if it's 5 tokens by cash that means still a chance you could do everything and still miss out on the best item

    In the past I wanted all the ascended and make sure I did all the daily but then figure out it be years before I ever make them higher so mostly stop chasing

    I think the first one only got less then 20 covers added so it will be many many years before I can ascended then

    I think writing that now is a hostage to fortune. They'll want to iterate it and balance rewards across events and all sorts of things. So it won't be published now or in advance. That's basic sales - you will not sell a bundle of tokens on day 3 if you know you've got a 75% chance of getting the rewards for free. Keeping that hidden is a way to capitalise on FOMO.

    I also don't understand why you'd need to know that begin playing? Surely if you're not bothered you'll just get as many as you get without trying and open them? If there's something in there you want, you'll try to get a many as possible and buy if you don't get it?

    The ascended character is by far the most objectively valuable thing in the vault but I like the 5☆s and costumes as much. I'm fine with getting or not getting things for free. If I desperately want something and I dint get it through free tokens, I'll buy vault tokens until I do. It's not a case of all or nothing.

    simple cause if i know if i can earn say 50 out of 60 for free then i will have a reason to make sure i get all missions done.. now if its 30 or 40 out of 60 then i really wouldnt care as much as i know there is still a 50% chance i will not get what i want

    will the X sesonal vault end or will it still go on for 33 days

    This makes no sense whatsoever.

    My only interpretation is that time spent on earning a reward should be proportional to the reward. So Quests that requires a load more effort aren't worth trying for if you have a minimal chance of getting the thing you want anyway. Which I sort of understand: an additional 3 hours playing the game is 3 less hours spent on other things, and you want it to be worth something. Quite where the cut off is between effort and probability, I'm not sure, but I'm very much in the camp of try and see what happens - most quests can be completed with very minor tweaks to gameplay.

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @GrimSkald said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    I don't even know that he did all that badly! He got two 5*, nine 4's, some CP and 700 HP not 49 team-up boosts and a kick in the scrotum

    I didn't get any 5★ covers. Out of 48 pulls I did get 2 LTs, 2 Classics, 11 4* covers (including 2 out of the 4 each of Samurai and Echo,) the Ascended Magik and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff. I would have liked the Ascended Elektra but >shrug< that's the way it goes. It's not as if she'll be worth anything as a 5★ -- just another rewards generator.

    The 5★ covers and the Ascended 3★s are the real plum rewards in these vaults (the things you can't get anywhere else.) For just one season it's fine, but I do think letting us be able to always claim them is important, even if it's only one Ascended 3★.

    I didn't get any 5s or any Ascended. Of course as a player I am always in favour of more stuff for us but do have to have some perspective I feel.

    Yeah, fair enough. Trouble is, I already had the Ascended Magik (point of fact it helped me get her to 5★ status, she's now one of my two 3|5★s) so it wasn't particularly valuable to me.

    I'm not saying that I'm pissed, that's just the luck of the draw, but I'd definitely say it's hard to complain of one's luck if one pulled any of the 5★s (even if you had them maxxed, that's still a cover you can convert to someone else.)

    I have FOUR ascended Magiks. It's annoying.

    Don't you need 4 to get her to 3->5? Or are you saying she's already 3->5 and you have 4 more ascended copies of her?


    I had my natural Magik, who I was able to ascend from a 3* to a 4*.

    I don't remember the specifics, but there was some offer that I purchased for HPs that netted me a token to a vault where I got the 3a4 Magik. The same day, or maybe the next day, I earned a token to another vault that netted me another 3a4 Magik. Finally, I earned a token to the February vault that netted me yet another 3a4 Magik.

    Thus, FOUR 3a4 Magiks.

    Similar boat but with 3* Hulk. Got three 3a4 hulks and 3* somewhere in the low 200s. The one I max/maxed from dupes not yet sold and then season vault and another vault. The 3* in the 200s was the 3rd dupe I had started after deciding to never sell anything after the champion rewards batches finished.

    Still haven't pulled either ascended in this vault. If I pull the Magik it's same as my hulk predicament minus the one non-ascended one.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards

    Is vip now 4.99 a month or is that only for first month. It shows me renew MVP for 4.99

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,848 Chairperson of the Boards

    @slidecage said:
    Is vip now 4.99 a month or is that only for first month. It shows me renew MVP for 4.99

    I haven't renewed for a while and mine says the regular 9.99.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Borstock said:

    @slidecage said:
    Is vip now 4.99 a month or is that only for first month. It shows me renew MVP for 4.99

    I haven't renewed for a while and mine says the regular 9.99.

    must be for first month

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,529 Chairperson of the Boards

    @slidecage said:
    Is vip now 4.99 a month or is that only for first month. It shows me renew MVP for 4.99

    There have been 1/2 off months here and there. your probably think about that deal

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,963 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Phumade said:

    @slidecage said:
    Is vip now 4.99 a month or is that only for first month. It shows me renew MVP for 4.99

    There have been 1/2 off months here and there. your probably think about that deal

    They have, in the past, done apparent A/B testing on offers and prices and things. If someone hadn't bought VIP in quite a while it would be good marketing to push a half-price offer to them to see if they'll try it out.

    IDK if @slidecage has been buying it previously or not, but it seems like the only thing he'll really buy is the $20 1-5s.