Raise Level and Train Powers dimmed out

I was going to complain about not being able to press Raise Level/Train Powers from the match "Train" screen (if at current or total max level and if you do not have any covers for training), but I just discovered that while they are dimmed, they are still active. If you press on them you're given the appropriate screen.

I think that's even more unintuitive than having them normal colored. I've spent most of the past week annoyed that I couldn't access them.


  • To me they are a quick indication of whether that cover is leveled as far as I can at present.
  • fatcatfan wrote:
    To me they are a quick indication of whether that cover is leveled as far as I can at present.

    Yeah, except it can be wrong. If the first character in your roster is maxed out then when you switch to another character it'll be wrong. Once you go into that character and come back out then it's right. I presume it's also right if the first cover isn't maxed.

    I have a 3/2/2 M Hawkeye at L25. Both buttons are dimmed. But click on "Raise Level" and his current max is 37.

    Ditto for my 5/3/3 IM40 at L80, with a max of 115.
  • Ah. None of mine are maxed icon_lol.gif , so I haven't seen that