Gorgon (X of Swords) "bug". Matched tiles do not count as "destroyed", for Calculated Strikes

JSP869 Posts: 827 Critical Contributor

Tiles need to actually be destroyed through powers such as MThor's Red, Yellow or Blue for the code to register them as "destroyed" in order to use Gorgon's Calculated Strikes.

You also need to have Gorgon positioned ahead of MThor (so center, or left, with her to the right) or her "bug" means the game code will not register the tiles destroyed by her passive as having been destroyed on that turn.

It's possible the extra tiles removed/destroyed in a row or column through a match 4 do count/register for Calculated Strikes, however, that doesn't help you if your turn does not continue after that match 4.

So when setting up your team make sure you position Gorgon front & center, or at least to the left, with MThor to the right, or you won't gain the benefit of the destroyed tiles for Gorgon.


  • JSP869
    JSP869 Posts: 827 Critical Contributor

    Apparently this is fairly well known, that matched tiles are not considered "destroyed". I think I do recall being aware of this, but I filed it away in the "not terribly relevant" drawer due to almost never using characters who rely on "destroyed" tiles to amplify their powers. And even when I was 'forced' to use such characters I almost assuredly still relied on my regularly used big hitters to get the job done.