End of Year MPQ Feature Updates
Something to know at the outset here is that while we did take a little value from the Season Pass itself (because the average value of a Vault Token is more than what it replaced), the Vault itself is pretty much pure "bonus" additional value for the game economy.
What you might not be aware of, by reading this statement: We dont want 120 rewards.
We want that 1:120 4* ascended cover
That guaranteed cover (if you did the work for quests) was the USP of that vault. That is what you're taking away.
Ascending 3* is a boring tedious timeintensive task, that can take years. Please don't take reaching this earlier away from us.
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@supergarv said:
@IceIXSomething to know at the outset here is that while we did take a little value from the Season Pass itself (because the average value of a Vault Token is more than what it replaced), the Vault itself is pretty much pure "bonus" additional value for the game economy.
What you might not be aware of, by reading this statement: We dont want 120 rewards.
We want that 1:120 4* ascended cover
That guaranteed cover (if you did the work for quests) was the USP of that vault. That is what you're taking away.
Ascending 3* is a boring tedious timeintensive task, that can take years. Please don't take reaching this earlier away from us.
I agree with the sentiment here but this game is almost entirely RNG-based in terms of rewards from tokens. The only difference is that there was previously a mechanism to avoid the disappointment of RNG by completing everything.
There well be, I expect, still a way to clear the vault fully if RNG isn't your friend but there may be a real life cost to that - we've seen bundles of vault tokens for sale before.
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@IceIX said:
@slidecage said:
Something to know at the outset here is that while we did take a little value from the Season Pass itself (because the average value of a Vault Token is more than what it replaced), the Vault itself is pretty much pure "bonus" additional value for the game economy. I totally get the feeling that you should be able to pull everything from the Vault at the outset, but to keep things balanced, we'd then have to take that from somewhere else, OR we eat up the bits of expansion budget we have for other features down the road unless and until we introduce other features that sink out the added resources. And I bet players as a whole would be (rightfully) angry if we cut (numbers out of nowhere, illustration only) 10K HP and 50 CP from 5-Star champ rewards to allow for it.
That's not to say that it will or will not possible to clear this Vault (the contents are not finalized), now or in the future as we iterate. But please be aware that this is currently planned to be additional stuff to get as opposed to base expected economy income.
Simple way to fix this and allow you to make cash
Free side. If you do all missions you can earn up to 80 out of 120. Items
Pay said. If you do all missions you can pull all items plus have some extra
This is where I had a problem with the old season pass. If you missed a daily there is a chance you could miss pulling the ascended.
Now if reading right. Even if you get all tokens. There is still a chance you will not get top prize
I will still play but won't make it a demand I play daily if there is a chance I still will not earn the best prize
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@Zarqa said:
@IceIX said:
@slidecage said:
Something to know at the outset here is that while we did take a little value from the Season Pass itself (because the average value of a Vault Token is more than what it replaced), the Vault itself is pretty much pure "bonus" additional value for the game economy. I totally get the feeling that you should be able to pull everything from the Vault at the outset, but to keep things balanced, we'd then have to take that from somewhere else, OR we eat up the bits of expansion budget we have for other features down the road unless and until we introduce other features that sink out the added resources. And I bet players as a whole would be (rightfully) angry if we cut (numbers out of nowhere, illustration only) 10K HP and 50 CP from 5-Star champ rewards to allow for it.
That's not to say that it will or will not possible to clear this Vault (the contents are not finalized), now or in the future as we iterate. But please be aware that this is currently planned to be additional stuff to get as opposed to base expected economy income.
I posted this on Discord already and I know you’ve seen it, Ice, but cross-posting here so I can share my feedback with this community too:
I really liked the previous Season Vault system where you would guarantee to clear the vault as long as you did every single quest, and could pay for more tokens if you missed some. I’m very disappointed that the new system won’t guarantee a full Vault clear.
That changes everything for me. Especially since this plays out over a full season of playing. That’s a lot of time investment to find out at the end that you didn’t get the shiny thing you played for.
Please reconsider.
Your top post says that the Vault will have the shiny stuff like ascended chars and 5 stars, not the Pass levels. Those are the rewards the players want (and expect based on the previous Season Vaults). Making it a % chance just feels frustrating, considering we could get them assured before.
This 100%.
+1 like.6 -
@Scofie said:
@supergarv said:
@IceIXSomething to know at the outset here is that while we did take a little value from the Season Pass itself (because the average value of a Vault Token is more than what it replaced), the Vault itself is pretty much pure "bonus" additional value for the game economy.
What you might not be aware of, by reading this statement: We dont want 120 rewards.
We want that 1:120 4* ascended cover
That guaranteed cover (if you did the work for quests) was the USP of that vault. That is what you're taking away.
Ascending 3* is a boring tedious timeintensive task, that can take years. Please don't take reaching this earlier away from us.
I agree with the sentiment here but this game is almost entirely RNG-based in terms of rewards from tokens. The only difference is that there was previously a mechanism to avoid the disappointment of RNG by completing everything.
There well be, I expect, still a way to clear the vault fully if RNG isn't your friend but there may be a real life cost to that - we've seen bundles of vault tokens for sale before.
That is of course what they will do. With the previous vaults there were bundles of tokens you could buy. If you completed all the quests there was no reason to buy these bundles. Now if you miss out on the item you want buying a bundle of tokens will be the only way to make sure you get it.
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This all could have been avoided by telling CS that there will be no more swaps. It's a 2 or 3 sentence email to CS that could have went out and a two sentence forum post.
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Hopefully they don’t consider this ‘too player friendly’ but rather reasonable to encourage engagement:
50 tokens from free side of pass
50 tokens from paid side of pass
10 tokens from ‘bonus’ levels from the free side of the pass.
10 tokens from ‘bonus’ levels from the paid side of the pass.Voila, 120 tokens available. Players aren’t IMMEDIATELY discouraged from engaging at all because they know they will be beholden to RNG (devs are discounting this reality imo), but only those who are 100% engaged, as well as purchased the paid pass (which imo is fairly priced), will be guaranteed to fully clear the vault.
For those who don’t want to do all the missions (15 wins and strongest match missions when there’s no sandbox is not fun) or are comfortable stopping when they clear the pass, they can buy tokens.
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@Theghouse said:
@KGB said:
Also where are you coming up with 3000 USD for swap costs?My post says verbatim that's to catch up to a player with 10-15 of the best toons at 550, which is what I did, and a number of other players have done to become a competitive 550 player.
65k HP in swap cost to get a classic 5 to 550. 20k back in champ rewards. 45k net cost. For 10 toons that 450k HP. For 15 toons thats 675k HP. At 20k HP per $100 USD stark salary rate that's a price range of $2200-$3300 USD.
If you insist on doing that way then yes, you'll pay cash.
Or you do it the way I suggested. Each time you 550 a set of latest you generate 60K HP which you can then use to 550 an older classic which nets you 20K more HP for a net of 15K. It's slower but costs no money, only the earned 60K HP from 550ing the latest.
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@entrailbucket said:
There's no way it's thousands. Hundreds? Maybe. Probably a lot less than you think. It certainly wasn't used for 6 years. The policy change was made 6 years ago, but at that time it was only mega-mega whales who could use it.
It wasn't used by anyone else until years after that, and the significant increase in the last year or so is probably why it got killed off.
Hundreds absolutely. Thousands likely. It's assuredly a lot more than you think.
You're right that the 550 player group wasn't very large, and there just wasn't a lot to truly swap for in the PanThos, Gambit, or Thorkoye days. But they were probably happening by the time Kitty was released, and with the controversy of how Prof$ was released and how that messed with LLs surely people were talking about swaps then. That was before I was a part of the competitive community on LINE, and before I understood the things going on with 550 players.
There were huge numbers of hoard breaks for Apoc and many swaps for classic toons that still had a place in the meta. BRB, Thor, or some waited for Onslaught to enter and swapped for iHulk who went to Classics when Onslaught entered. This was probably the biggest time up to that point that a lot of people pulling had multiple useful toons from previous generations of the game that were still truly meaningful in the meta to swap for. That was 4.5 years ago.
I don't recall a lot of swaps during Shang time in LL because so many broke earlier with Apoc. But I'm sure they happened, maybe for those who weren't ready during Apoc's time.
There were tons of swaps during the Colossus Wanda hoard break for those who missed or hoarded through the Apoc break using Hulkoye with a smaller iHulk.
Big numbers of swaps continued during the Chasm mThor break, during the Omega Red break, and during the Aunt May break. And when Aunt May was released a number of competitive players were on the 550 train, swapping monthly.
And during every big hoard break, you not only had your existing 550 players keeping up, but a new generation of players entering 550 land.
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Like many others above have mentioned, the prizes in the seasonal vaults aren't equal. Some (ascended characters) are VASTLY more valuable than others, probably more than the rest of the entire vault combined.
Before we could guarantee we could empty the vault if we did all the quests (two different months I went to pull 75+ to get the ascended character). Now at best we'll get 2/3 (80/120). Can you tell us if the seasonal vault tokens are all interchangeable? So lets say it's Guardians season and I pull the ascended characters by tokens 40, if I stop pulling and save the remaining 40 will I be able to use them in the next season vault (say Avengers) so that I'd start with 40 there and get to 120 if I did all the quests? That would at least make things a bit more palatable.
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@KGB said:
@Theghouse said:
@KGB said:
Also where are you coming up with 3000 USD for swap costs?My post says verbatim that's to catch up to a player with 10-15 of the best toons at 550, which is what I did, and a number of other players have done to become a competitive 550 player.
65k HP in swap cost to get a classic 5 to 550. 20k back in champ rewards. 45k net cost. For 10 toons that 450k HP. For 15 toons thats 675k HP. At 20k HP per $100 USD stark salary rate that's a price range of $2200-$3300 USD.
If you insist on doing that way then yes, you'll pay cash.
Or you do it the way I suggested. Each time you 550 a set of latest you generate 60K HP which you can then use to 550 an older classic which nets you 20K more HP for a net of 15K. It's slower but costs no money, only the earned 60K HP from 550ing the latest.
You're absolutely right and it only helps support my point. The only way to avoid a massive paywall on the new swap feature is to only swap for 1 extra 550, for every trio of latest.
Sorry to all the players who were looking forward to the same opportunity many including myself had to swap their way into a highly competitive roster of 10-15 of the best toons in the game all at 550.
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@Theghouse I still think those numbers are lower than you think. Everything you're talking about will be mostly after I left (most of) the competitive LINE community, but even still, it can't have gotten that big (can it?). How many people are in the big BC now (when I stopped paying attention it was like 200 people, and was already impossible to manage with that many)? And how many of them have 550s at all?
LINE rooms have a way of warping your understanding of what a normal player looks like -- that group is the top fraction of a percentage of the game.
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On many occasions of the old seasonal vaults, I would not get one or both of the ascended chars until after pick 70, and in fact on two occasions, they were literally pick 80.
But knowing that I would get them I slogged through it all, playing quite sub optimally for some of them, because the reward was worth it.
If the hurdles are too high, and the risk/benefit reward ratio is too low, it will be just like pulling classic tokens, sometimes you get lucky, most of the time it’s just another (not the drop you hoped for) drop in the bucket.
Some of these forced mechanics come at a cost of placement or efficiency.
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@entrailbucket said:
@Theghouse I still think those numbers are lower than you think. Everything you're talking about will be mostly after I left (most of) the competitive LINE community, but even still, it can't have gotten that big (can it?). How many people are in the big BC now (when I stopped paying attention it was like 200 people, and was already impossible to manage with that many)? And how many of them have 550s at all?LINE rooms have a way of warping your understanding of what a normal player looks like -- that group is the top fraction of a percentage of the game.
It definitely is bigger than you remember, and t10 PVE is at the most competitive it's been in the last 4-5 years.
I'm in no way saying the competitive scene represents the normal player, but let's all be honest, it's the only group that was engaging in 5* cover swaps.
So for most players, this feature is just another new exorbitantly priced method to acquire covers, just like purchasing 5* covers for CP or shards in the resource store.
Competitive 550 players, and those grinding and hoarding their way to join them, are the only ones who have had a major part of the roster building options over the last 6 years completely disrupted and hidden behind a massive new paywall.
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@Theghouse said:
@entrailbucket said:
@Theghouse I still think those numbers are lower than you think. Everything you're talking about will be mostly after I left (most of) the competitive LINE community, but even still, it can't have gotten that big (can it?). How many people are in the big BC now (when I stopped paying attention it was like 200 people, and was already impossible to manage with that many)? And how many of them have 550s at all?LINE rooms have a way of warping your understanding of what a normal player looks like -- that group is the top fraction of a percentage of the game.
It definitely is bigger than you remember, and t10 PVE is at the most competitive it's been in the last 4-5 years.
Woof. As somebody who spent years helping to run the first big multi alliance BCs, I have pity on those mods. I honestly figured the entire enterprise would collapse on itself before it got much bigger -- the constant whining, politicking, hop-leaking, targeted-sniping, "my alliancemate is friendly but he's not in the room so don't hit him or we'll kick you out," secret cupcake room-having, "don't pass that guy for #1 even though he's not in here," etc was just too much for me to handle. The current mods must be saints!
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@entrailbucket said:
@Theghouse said:
@entrailbucket said:
@Theghouse I still think those numbers are lower than you think. Everything you're talking about will be mostly after I left (most of) the competitive LINE community, but even still, it can't have gotten that big (can it?). How many people are in the big BC now (when I stopped paying attention it was like 200 people, and was already impossible to manage with that many)? And how many of them have 550s at all?LINE rooms have a way of warping your understanding of what a normal player looks like -- that group is the top fraction of a percentage of the game.
It definitely is bigger than you remember, and t10 PVE is at the most competitive it's been in the last 4-5 years.
Woof. As somebody who spent years helping to run the first big multi alliance BCs, I have pity on those mods. I honestly figured the entire enterprise would collapse on itself before it got much bigger -- the constant whining, politicking, hop-leaking, targeted-sniping, "my alliancemate is friendly but he's not in the room so don't hit him or we'll kick you out," secret cupcake room-having, "don't pass that guy for #1 even though he's not in here," etc was just too much for me to handle. The current mods must be saints!
That is as bad as you remember lol
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@Theghouse said:
@entrailbucket said:
@Theghouse said:
@entrailbucket said:
@Theghouse I still think those numbers are lower than you think. Everything you're talking about will be mostly after I left (most of) the competitive LINE community, but even still, it can't have gotten that big (can it?). How many people are in the big BC now (when I stopped paying attention it was like 200 people, and was already impossible to manage with that many)? And how many of them have 550s at all?LINE rooms have a way of warping your understanding of what a normal player looks like -- that group is the top fraction of a percentage of the game.
It definitely is bigger than you remember, and t10 PVE is at the most competitive it's been in the last 4-5 years.
Woof. As somebody who spent years helping to run the first big multi alliance BCs, I have pity on those mods. I honestly figured the entire enterprise would collapse on itself before it got much bigger -- the constant whining, politicking, hop-leaking, targeted-sniping, "my alliancemate is friendly but he's not in the room so don't hit him or we'll kick you out," secret cupcake room-having, "don't pass that guy for #1 even though he's not in here," etc was just too much for me to handle. The current mods must be saints!
That is as bad as you remember lol
It's not as bad as it used to be, at least not in s4. I wasn't around when EB was a mod but do know exactly what you guys are talking about.
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@Pantera236 said:
@Theghouse said:
@entrailbucket said:
@Theghouse said:
@entrailbucket said:
@Theghouse I still think those numbers are lower than you think. Everything you're talking about will be mostly after I left (most of) the competitive LINE community, but even still, it can't have gotten that big (can it?). How many people are in the big BC now (when I stopped paying attention it was like 200 people, and was already impossible to manage with that many)? And how many of them have 550s at all?LINE rooms have a way of warping your understanding of what a normal player looks like -- that group is the top fraction of a percentage of the game.
It definitely is bigger than you remember, and t10 PVE is at the most competitive it's been in the last 4-5 years.
Woof. As somebody who spent years helping to run the first big multi alliance BCs, I have pity on those mods. I honestly figured the entire enterprise would collapse on itself before it got much bigger -- the constant whining, politicking, hop-leaking, targeted-sniping, "my alliancemate is friendly but he's not in the room so don't hit him or we'll kick you out," secret cupcake room-having, "don't pass that guy for #1 even though he's not in here," etc was just too much for me to handle. The current mods must be saints!
That is as bad as you remember lol
It's not as bad as it used to be, at least not in s4. I wasn't around when EB was a mod but do know exactly what you guys are talking about.
This sounds ridiculous, but there is a very good chance that I created the s4 BC you're in. I can't remember the actual lineage of it after I left, so it might not be the one I'm thinking of, but...yeah.
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