Daily Login Rewards

Magic:PQ Support Team
Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,509 Chairperson of the Boards

Hey, folks!

We’d like to talk a bit about the recent changes that were announced to our Daily Login Rewards.
We understand the negative reception these news received and we believe they are due, in part, to how they were presented.
These changes are part of a bigger effort to readjust how rewards work in the game as a whole. This change, in particular, aimed at having more players able to complete the monthly rewards. We understand this change has upset those among you who regularly complete all daily rewards throughout the month, but we are listening to your feedback and will monitor the full extent of these changes. Rest assured that we have plans to implement features for veteran players later on as we progress on our pass through the game's economy.

The next year will see many new implementations to the game, aiming to improve the experience for veterans and new players alike. While we aren’t quite ready to share news on these new features at the moment, you can trust that, like you, we want to bring the best version of the game to as many players as possible.

We’ll make sure to bring more clarity and explain better the changes to come as they are about to take place.



  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker

    Thank you for the response to the concerns @Magic:PQ Support Team , (Lu) appreciate it.

  • ertaii
    ertaii Posts: 226 Tile Toppler

    If that change is a part of a larger revision of the game which aims to rebalance the rewards system, it's great, but don't push it early: wait and release the changes as a whole, so we can actually beneficiate from the new balancing.

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards

    Well, we have to take your word for it.
    A pessimistic person would think this was damage control.
    In my experience, when you only give out the information piecemeal and what appears to be under duress, the message often struggles to come across as intended.

    But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

    I wished you would have written how these changes fit in with the overall objectives for the readjustment. At the very least that you had referred or linked to the original post on the proposed readjustment.

    So we could have understood the context better.

  • camo
    camo Posts: 52 Match Maker

    Thanks for the response.

    IMHO your presentation does have issue but most thing that players upset about simply the total of rewards they would get is less. I believe you can maintain / improve the total or quality of daily rewards given with the new schedule if you want to.

    Its a dissapointment If you plan to still going forward as is, despite many players complain.

    Changes that are made this year indicates that you are gradually driving this game into Pay to Win direction. I guess we will see if new implementation to come would enforce that notion or not. I'm skeptical for now and I'd be glad to be proven wrong.

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 237 Tile Toppler

    @Magic:PQ Support Team if you can’t yet tell us what the other balancing changes are (aside from a drastic reduction in incentives to log in daily) then perhaps you could at least tell us if you will have the concepts of a plan together before or after the new changes go into effect?

    Then the numbers crunchers could crunch the numbers and we could decide if it’s a good idea or not. So far you’re not giving us much to look forward to in game for 2025.

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 693 Critical Contributor

    We are unfortunately skeptical of promised changed to the game, since Oktagon were always promising to do things like change the in-game matchmaking, or rebalance Planeswalkers, or introduce seasonal leaderboards or a new mastery tier... and then just never bothering to do that

    Still, if these changes turn up, that'll be good! For the moment tho, we remain worse off 😢

  • ambrosio191
    ambrosio191 Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker

    Yeah there's been "changes in the works" for years now to rebalance all sorts of things. All that really means is they drastically reduce rewards now (coalition events, leveling up rewards) with the promise of revamping things in the future, which never comes due to time constraints. By the time they do change things it will still be worse than it was, just slightly better than it is now.

    At least we can look forward to more rushed sets and subsequent bugs.

  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor

    Hah! And the new "rebalancing" has manifested! Dual colors now only have 20% off instead of the usual 35%. Well done, Webcore! Are you so desperate for people to buy gold crystals? What a misery move. Merry Christmas to you too!

  • Xibvert
    Xibvert Posts: 145 Tile Toppler

    I think it's also conceptually bad to have a system called daily rewards that doesn't give out rewards each day. At least give something on days 22+ even if it's mana runes every day. That or rename it to Monthly Rewards.

  • stikxs
    stikxs Posts: 537 Critical Contributor

    This change, in particular, aimed at having more players able to complete the monthly rewards.

    "Completing" the monthly rewards is meaningless; players log in as they are able, and want to play. If you were concerned about players not getting the newest sets then the actual QoL improvement would be reordering the packs in the existing daily calendar to FDN>DSK>BLB>OTJ>MKM>ORI. This change also just tells players that are working on collecting cards from the 4th/5th oldest sets to go kick rocks. The only thing this does is reduce free resources and packs while also attempting to gaslight the players into thinking it is for their benefit. If you need to drive more sales (as this was obviously the intention), I might suggest maybe adding in some extra events with entry costs possibly.

  • Tolkne
    Tolkne Posts: 17 Just Dropped In

    Good afternoon and Happy New Year!

    Please reconsider the possibility of receiving awards so that it is fair and worthy for F2P, but unlike donations.

    Why? Because there are players, but I don't know them, they have more salaries and can easily start the game, even with these PMA2 cards and easily buy everything. But it depends on their salaries and ability to pay.

    But there is a problem - not all players have such a high ability to pay. There's a problem, like me. I can't afford to donate the game at this time. And I have to play in such a limited version.
    Hoarding gold and pink coins is very difficult.
    Especially for beginners, it will be more difficult than for veterans. I've been playing for about 2.5 years and I've barely been able to get those and those other cards that are very necessary for an advantage in strategy against an opponent in any situation, like PvP and PvE events.

    However, you see... I don't like the specific details - there are too many runes. In one event, the Fateful Shutdown, there are no rewards, only runes. And that doesn't motivate me to play this event if I already have a million runes or more. And I don't know where to put all these runes.
    If you can answer me, buy the following PWS. But I'll raise the question again - every player has their favorite PWS and they won't buy any more. Because they are satisfied that some PWS have useful abilities and suitable useful decks for the desired PW.

    Therefore, players without VIP and donations will not be able to catch up with veterans, they have to make do with what they have. And they collect such pink and gold crumbs:
    • PvE events
    • Login Daily
    • Quests

    Now there is a problem:
    • The order of Login Daily has been changed today, I don't like it, it feels like the reward has become smaller. -1 motivation.
    • Daily quest about nothing. You do it quickly, but you only get 1-2 boosters, and a little gold, but a lot of runes. Also -1 motivation
    • PvE events.. especially there are such events as Fateful Shutdown - some runes and a couple of boosters. Where are the pinks and golds? -1 motivation.
    Solid runes, but you get 20 gold and 2 regular boosters, and 1 rare booster... but thanks for three such boosters, but over time it makes no sense to play at this event, where they give so many runes and in 2.5 years you will collect millions and more, but where to spend it? And 20 gold - a week or a month, that's a crumb of bread on the table.
    And let me remind you once again, not all players buy VIP and donations for some personal reason, because not everyone has enough money to buy exactly what they need.

    So I'm thinking, and I want to ask for this, in order to consider a way to receive rewards at a reasonable level, in order to interest players and distribute such rewards in a fair manner, and let players choose if they want to buy VIP or gold.
    • Change Login Daily to give out motivating rewards, such as generous ones. They'll thank you, believe me.
    • Change the events to be more frequent, and give them the opportunity to earn gold and pink. Please look at other online games, they give out such events with generous prizes, they motivate players to stay in the game and keep online at this level. If they don't change, the players will leave, and this will affect the online level and income.
    • Adjust the rewards of daily quests to have fewer runes and more things to please the players. And we also need to consider how to deal with quests, because there is 1 time per day.. and this is extremely inconvenient.
    • Outdated boosters, I think the players are already tired of opening such boosters, which already have all the cards open. For example, Dominaria and Phyrexia, I have already collected everything there. And then what? Here it needs to be changed to something else. Otherwise, it will be considered as stagnation and no progress. And in other online games, on the contrary, there is progress and a change in rewards, despite the fact that it does not stand in one place for 2.5 years, but is changed weekly or monthly. To keep the players interested.

    Thank you in advance, but I do not intend to impose such conditions, I want to review and fix everything so that everyone is satisfied with such reasonable rewards and will allow them to retain players, as well as the online level in MTG PQ! For the sake of balance.
    And you can also ask all the players for their opinion on what is missing in this game.

  • ArielSira
    ArielSira Posts: 546 Critical Contributor
    edited 1 January 2025, 19:16

    The "issue" (which is not an issue at all) was that some players didn't log in every day. The only two options then would be increasing the rewards so those people are more likely to log in, or (worse) compacting the same rewards so fewer log ins are needed.

    The current solution given only screams one thing: don't bother visiting our game for more than 21 days.

  • Sorin81
    Sorin81 Posts: 559 Critical Contributor

    Okay, so it's been implemented and the new 21 day **** is now in game.
    What an absolute joke. This is clearly just another way to reduce rewards to all players. Such a scrooge move to make.

    And I imagine many of the new things coming are more ways to reduce what players get but will be dressed up as something special that we should somehow be grateful for. All in the name of "rebalancing". Disgusting.
    But whether what I imagine comes to pass or not it's clear that their intent is to make it more difficult for all players to get rewards and the rewards they do get to be greatly reduced. Definitely made abundantly clear by the lackluster planeswalker discounts and complete lack of event entrance discounts during this holiday/anniversary.

    I could not honestly recommend this game to anyone right now. I won't. And that makes me a bit sad.

  • Youzerfriendly
    Youzerfriendly Posts: 53 Match Maker

    So, the illusion of "completion" outweighs actual rewards? You're taking away my ability, as a dedicated, loyal, VIP paying player, to get rewards to give the illusion of completion to the less dedicated players? We're all getting less, but they're supposed to feel better because they checked the completion box 21 days in? Then no one gets rewarded after 21 days?

    If you wanted people to be able to play less and get the current booster, why didn't you just move the current booster up in the monthly rotation?

    This change is asinine and punishes LITERALLY everyone. The less dedicated players aren't getting more, then getting less rewards and a digital pat on the back. The more dedicated players are just getting less. This is a terrible solution.

  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor

    @Magic:PQ Support Team said:

    The next year will see many new implementations to the game, aiming to improve the experience for veterans and new players alike. While we aren’t quite ready to share news on these new features at the moment, you can trust that, like you, we want to bring the best version of the game to as many players as possible.

    We’ll make sure to bring more clarity and explain better the changes to come as they are about to take place.

    How dare you use the word "trust" after pulling a stunt like this? Did you actually read all the comments above? Your ship is on fire and you need to put out the fire now. There is no time for "we aren't quite ready" and "we'll explain and bring more clarity when they are about to take place". This is definitely not the "best version of the game". You are making it WAY worse with this. In fact, when the community is leaving you lots of feedback like all the above, the least you can do is keep in touch with us. Let me make a start: Can you revert this "quality of life improvement" so that we have the normal daily logon rewards again starting February 2025? At least you have skimmed January 2025 off of us. That should feel great to you.

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 237 Tile Toppler

    @Machine said:
    In fact, when the community is leaving you lots of feedback like all the above, the least you can do is keep in touch with us.

    I know I sound like a broken record and I’m sorry for that.

  • Jua1979
    Jua1979 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In

    I'm incredibly sorry for my team. Level 553. 117 Planeswalkers! Despite everything I've built up in the game, I'm really ready to quit.

    The game had issues in the past, but there was open communication. This new team behind the game, seriously, thank you for destroying my enjoyment and enthusiasm for the game.

    If you look after ALL the players, the game will grow. If not, goodbye.