Suggestion: MOM Aftermath set

JTK421 Posts: 31 Just Dropped In

Is this a clickbait title? Yes.

But hear me out. When MoM came out, MtGPQ was going through some stuff (just look at the release notes for MoM at the time.) We got what amounts to about half the set and a major mechanic completely ignored. So I have a wish, and like the best spells in magic, it’s modal.

Make a better Aftermath set so you can add more cards to the game! The small version of this are simple cards like Alabaster Host Sanctifier, Guardian of Ghirapur, Marshal of Zhalfir and Swordsworn Cavalier. The medium version is also include the non-Battle TDFCs like Ayara, Heliod, Polukranos and Tarkir Duneshaper. The hardest version is figuring out and implementing Battles.

Please at least consider the first option!


  • wraszowixuXuxi
    wraszowixuXuxi Posts: 72 Match Maker

    It could still be in their pocket of plans. I kinda considered this idea too, when MoM came half-released and/or when it was revealed that things were passing on to WebCore. I think an answer they posted to questions like that was that it wasn't immediately in the works for them, but ["Some things might show up when you least expect it"] or something like that. Maybe that is slightly fulfilled by us getting some of the Aftermath desparked Planeswalker cards in sets afterwards that kinda fit them (Calix for some enchantment tribal in WOE.... Wait... That actually might be the only one for now). You know, besides the ones that were made as Masterpieces for MoM itself.

    Seriously though, the elite pack for March is literally the art of the new card that we were gonna get for Jirina Kudro. SHE was the reason why I even tried to start chasing some masterpieces back when we got (original?) Ikoria because I wanted more stuff to play with that used experience points because I absolutely loved both Daxos and Kalemne for what they could do. And, in paper MtG, I had bought two of the other Experience Commanders to try and shell into a Sidisi, Brood Tyrant deck. I am still kinda sad that when we did get that Ezuri in Puzzle Quest in ONE that it didn't also use experience points somehow, and just oil counters. Tangenting though.

    I second an Aftermath set and/or a March of the Machine part 2, even if it winds up being as a new From the Vault thing for us. Maybe if battles come back as a thing in Edge of Eternities later this year (MtG IP set number 2... Or is it 3?), maybe we might get a nod around then. But that is also maybe being the set that rotates DMU-MOM out of Standard (if Edge is the third set). Rankle and Torbran, you will be missed.