Significant Characters MIA from MPQ:

Jellybat Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
edited December 2024 in MPQ General Discussion

Dormammu & Red Skull top my personal list. What other big bads/goods that are missing, stick out to you?



  • meadowsweet
    meadowsweet Posts: 273 Mover and Shaker
    1. Absorbing Man
    2. Agent Mobius
    3. Aloith the Usurper
    4. The Ancient One
    5. Arnim Zola
    6. Avalanche
    7. Banshee
    8. Baron Zemo
    9. Bastion
    10. Beyonder
    11. Black Tom Cassidy
    12. Blackheart
    13. Blink
    14. Callisto
    15. Captain Britain
    16. Captain Universe
    17. Carrion
    18. Cassandra Nova
    19. Chameleon
    20. The Collector
    21. Crossbones
    22. Doppelgänger
    23. Ego the Living Planet
    24. Fin Fang Foom
    25. Fitz & Simmons
    26. Foggy Nelson
    27. Forge
    28. Giant-Man
    29. Gladiator
    30. The Grandmaster
    31. Happy Hogan
    32. Hercules
    33. Hobgoblin
    34. Holocaust
    35. J. Jonah Jameson
    36. Jigsaw
    37. Ka-Zar
    38. Kahhori
    39. Kevin Bacon
    40. K.E.V.I.N. (Knowledge Enhanced Visual Interconnectivity Nexus)
    41. Korvac
    42. Kraglin
    43. Leader
    44. Lilith
    45. Longshot
    46. Madame Web
    47. Madisynn King
    48. The Maker
    49. Mandarin
    50. Man-Thing
    51. Master Mold
    52. Miek
    53. Morph
    54. Nimrod
    55. Nuke
    56. Proteus
    57. Random
    58. Red Skull
    59. Selene
    60. Shadow King
    61. Shatterstar
    62. Shocker
    63. Shuma-Gorath
    64. Silver Sable
    65. Spiral
    66. The Spot
    67. Sunspot
    68. Super-Adaptoid
    69. The Supreme Intelligence
    70. Sylvie Laufeydottir
    71. Taserface
    72. Terrax
    73. Titania
    74. Tombstone
    75. Typhoid Mary
    76. Uatu the Watcher
    77. U.S.Agent
    78. Werewolf by Night
    79. Wonder Man
    80. Yo-Yo
    81. Zeus
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,002 Chairperson of the Boards

    Darkhawk and Enchantress. I would like to also see more Eternals related characters, especially Uranos the Undying and Thena.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,598 Chairperson of the Boards

    Heroes: Justice, Firestar, Quasar, Stingray, Fabulous Frog Man, Gargoyle, Sasquatch, Guardian, Shaman, Aurora, Box, Daimon Hellstorm, The Squadon Supreme (mostly Hyperion), Power Pack, Franklin Richards, Paladin, Cannonball. Mirage, Karma, Warlock, Sunspot, Magma, Cypher, Killraven, Lillandra, Speedball, Namorita, Night Thrasher, Union Jack, The Shroud, Sif, Balder, The Warriors Three, Firelord, Meggan, Fantomex.

    Sort of can be both: Dragon Man, Awesome Andy, The Imperial Guard, Callisto

    Villains: Blackout, The Wrecking Crew, Mr. Hyde, Mesmero, Pyro, Crimson Dynamo, Titanium Man, Radioactive Man, Boomerang, Speed Demon, Hydro Man (proper version), Beetle, Baron Blood, Baron Von Strucker, Fenris Twins, Malekith, Quasimodo, Mad Thinker, Puppet Master, Wendigo, Tiger Shark, Orka, Attuma, Terrax, Korvac, Steel Serpent, Red Ghost + Super Apes, Spymaster.

  • Jellybat
    Jellybat Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    edited December 2024

    Wow! Great lists! Love the Cannonball, Sauron, Blackheart & Fin Fang Foom.

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,442 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2024

    Kaz-ar and Sabu. Either as one character like cloak and dagger or 3 star sabu and 5 star Ka-Zar

  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,972 Chairperson of the Boards

    Great Lakes Avengers as one character, '40s Bucky, '80s US Agent, Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly), Fin Fang Foom, Jolt (Helen "Hallie" Takahama), any MC2 character and the obvious baddies (Arnim Zola, Baron Zemo, Red Skrull).

  • Cataliban
    Cataliban Posts: 51 Match Maker

    Madelyne Pryor (Goblin Queen)
    Blink (Clarice Ferguson)
    Molecule Man (Owen Reece)
    Firelord (Pyreus Kril)

    They're a lot!

  • SuperCarrot
    SuperCarrot Posts: 212 Tile Toppler

    He is a classic.

  • Kross
    Kross Posts: 129 Tile Toppler


  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2024

    There are so many, these are just from the top of my head in no particular order….

    Red Skull
    Obadiah Stane
    Diamondback(Rachel Leighton)
    The Trapster
    The Wizard
    Pip the Troll
    Madelyne Prior
    Dani Moonstar
    Sharon Carter
    US Agent
    Princess Python
    Mr. Hyde
    Madame Masque
    The Beyonder

    I’m sure there are plenty I’m forgetting but those stand out the most for me.

    Also throw in…

    Captain Britain
    Rachel Summers

    Just to complete Excalibur and Alpha Flight.

  • Chrynos1989
    Chrynos1989 Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker

    Devs be like: Write that down, write that down!

  • LucasRaven
    LucasRaven Posts: 53 Match Maker

    @meadowsweet said:
    1. Absorbing Man
    2. Agent Mobius
    3. Aloith the Usurper
    4. The Ancient One
    5. Arnim Zola
    6. Avalanche
    7. Banshee
    8. Baron Zemo
    9. Bastion
    10. Beyonder
    11. Black Tom Cassidy
    12. Blackheart
    13. Blink
    14. Callisto
    15. Captain Britain
    16. Captain Universe
    17. Carrion
    18. Cassandra Nova
    19. Chameleon
    20. The Collector
    21. Crossbones
    22. Doppelgänger
    23. Ego the Living Planet
    24. Fin Fang Foom
    25. Fitz & Simmons
    26. Foggy Nelson
    27. Forge
    28. Giant-Man
    29. Gladiator
    30. The Grandmaster
    31. Happy Hogan
    32. Hercules
    33. Hobgoblin
    34. Holocaust
    35. J. Jonah Jameson
    36. Jigsaw
    37. Ka-Zar
    38. Kahhori
    39. Kevin Bacon
    40. K.E.V.I.N. (Knowledge Enhanced Visual Interconnectivity Nexus)
    41. Korvac
    42. Kraglin
    43. Leader
    44. Lilith
    45. Longshot
    46. Madame Web
    47. Madisynn King
    48. The Maker
    49. Mandarin
    50. Man-Thing
    51. Master Mold
    52. Miek
    53. Morph
    54. Nimrod
    55. Nuke
    56. Proteus
    57. Random
    58. Red Skull
    59. Selene
    60. Shadow King
    61. Shatterstar
    62. Shocker
    63. Shuma-Gorath
    64. Silver Sable
    65. Spiral
    66. The Spot
    67. Sunspot
    68. Super-Adaptoid
    69. The Supreme Intelligence
    70. Sylvie Laufeydottir
    71. Taserface
    72. Terrax
    73. Titania
    74. Tombstone
    75. Typhoid Mary
    76. Uatu the Watcher
    77. U.S.Agent
    78. Werewolf by Night
    79. Wonder Man
    80. Yo-Yo
    81. Zeus

    I mean ... are all these significant? Why have Shuma-Gorath when we have Gargantos? Is Kevin Bacon significant?

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards

    @LucasRaven said:

    @meadowsweet said:
    1. Absorbing Man
    2. Agent Mobius
    3. Aloith the Usurper
    4. The Ancient One
    5. Arnim Zola
    6. Avalanche
    7. Banshee
    8. Baron Zemo
    9. Bastion
    10. Beyonder
    11. Black Tom Cassidy
    12. Blackheart
    13. Blink
    14. Callisto
    15. Captain Britain
    16. Captain Universe
    17. Carrion
    18. Cassandra Nova
    19. Chameleon
    20. The Collector
    21. Crossbones
    22. Doppelgänger
    23. Ego the Living Planet
    24. Fin Fang Foom
    25. Fitz & Simmons
    26. Foggy Nelson
    27. Forge
    28. Giant-Man
    29. Gladiator
    30. The Grandmaster
    31. Happy Hogan
    32. Hercules
    33. Hobgoblin
    34. Holocaust
    35. J. Jonah Jameson
    36. Jigsaw
    37. Ka-Zar
    38. Kahhori
    39. Kevin Bacon
    40. K.E.V.I.N. (Knowledge Enhanced Visual Interconnectivity Nexus)
    41. Korvac
    42. Kraglin
    43. Leader
    44. Lilith
    45. Longshot
    46. Madame Web
    47. Madisynn King
    48. The Maker
    49. Mandarin
    50. Man-Thing
    51. Master Mold
    52. Miek
    53. Morph
    54. Nimrod
    55. Nuke
    56. Proteus
    57. Random
    58. Red Skull
    59. Selene
    60. Shadow King
    61. Shatterstar
    62. Shocker
    63. Shuma-Gorath
    64. Silver Sable
    65. Spiral
    66. The Spot
    67. Sunspot
    68. Super-Adaptoid
    69. The Supreme Intelligence
    70. Sylvie Laufeydottir
    71. Taserface
    72. Terrax
    73. Titania
    74. Tombstone
    75. Typhoid Mary
    76. Uatu the Watcher
    77. U.S.Agent
    78. Werewolf by Night
    79. Wonder Man
    80. Yo-Yo
    81. Zeus

    I mean ... are all these significant? Why have Shuma-Gorath when we have Gargantos? Is Kevin Bacon significant?

    I've said MPQ has been scraping the bottom of the barrel for new characters for years now -- lots of the guys on these kinds of lists are somehow underneath the barrel. You'd need to scrape out the entire barrel then grab a shovel and dig about 5 feet under it to get to them.

  • meadowsweet
    meadowsweet Posts: 273 Mover and Shaker

    @LucasRaven said:
    I mean ... are all these significant? Why have Shuma-Gorath when we have Gargantos? Is Kevin Bacon significant?

    This game has several hundred characters. If it continues on indefinitely at the current character release schedule, it will eventually have hundreds more. I'm not sure why you're getting precious or taking offense at my list.

    I could ask you: Why have so many lazy five-star / three-star copy-pastes of the same character when we already have one?

    Why have so many duplicate versions of the same character when we could be adding new characters and going deeper into the lore? (Black Panther, Black Widow, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Cyclops, Deadpool, Doctor Doom, Elektra, Emma Frost, Gamora, Hawkeye, The Hulk, Iron Man, Jubilee, Loki, Magik, Magneto, Miles Morales, Peggy Carter, She-Hulk, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man, Star-Lord, Storm, Thanos, Thor, Venom, Vulture, Wolverine)

    Are all of these characters significant?:

    • Big Wheel
    • Cosmo
    • Darkveil
    • Dazzler
    • Doctor Bong
    • Goose
    • Headpool
    • The Hunter
    • The Hydra-Stomper
    • Jeffrey
    • Luna Snow
    • Moonstone
    • Reptil
    • Spider-Ham
    • Throg
    • Venomsaurus Rex

    Shuma-Gorath is significant to me because they were one of my favorite characters in Marvel vs. Capcom (and they managed to make that relatively short list ahead of many others):

    And Kevin Bacon was the subject of an entire 42 minute long Guardians of the Galaxy film!

  • LucasRaven
    LucasRaven Posts: 53 Match Maker

    The subject was a GOTG Christmas story, not Kevin Bacon. He was a part of it. I mean, really, he is not a significant character missing from the game.

    I agree with you that there are a lot of insignificant characters in the game, no doubt. If you ask me about significant characters missing, I cannot think of many more than Dormammu, Red Skull and Galactus.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards

    @meadowsweet said:

    @LucasRaven said:
    I mean ... are all these significant? Why have Shuma-Gorath when we have Gargantos? Is Kevin Bacon significant?

    This game has several hundred characters. If it continues on indefinitely at the current character release schedule, it will eventually have hundreds more. I'm not sure why you're getting precious or taking offense at my list.

    I could ask you: Why have so many lazy five-star / three-star copy-pastes of the same character when we already have one?

    Why have so many duplicate versions of the same character when we could be adding new characters and going deeper into the lore? (Black Panther, Black Widow, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Cyclops, Deadpool, Doctor Doom, Elektra, Emma Frost, Gamora, Hawkeye, The Hulk, Iron Man, Jubilee, Loki, Magik, Magneto, Miles Morales, Peggy Carter, She-Hulk, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man, Star-Lord, Storm, Thanos, Thor, Venom, Vulture, Wolverine)

    Are all of these characters significant?:

    • Big Wheel
    • Cosmo
    • Darkveil
    • Dazzler
    • Doctor Bong
    • Goose
    • Headpool
    • The Hunter
    • The Hydra-Stomper
    • Jeffrey
    • Luna Snow
    • Moonstone
    • Reptil
    • Spider-Ham
    • Throg
    • Venomsaurus Rex

    Shuma-Gorath is significant to me because they were one of my favorite characters in Marvel vs. Capcom (and they managed to make that relatively short list ahead of many others):

    And Kevin Bacon was the subject of an entire 42 minute long Guardians of the Galaxy film!

    Many of the insignificant MPQ characters on your list were forced corporate synergy required by Marvel. A lot of others are just goofy jokes by the devs, or their particular favorite insignificant characters. You might have different insignificant favorites, and that's ok, but when they're scraping the bottom of the barrel already, they're going to pick their favorites first.

    The large number of duplicates is because those characters are popular. Like, sorry, but the 18th version of Wolverine or Spider-Man is going to be more popular than the missing members of Alpha Flight, or a minor character from the 90s X-Men show, or...Kevin Bacon?

  • meadowsweet
    meadowsweet Posts: 273 Mover and Shaker

    @entrailbucket said:
    Like, sorry, but the 18th version of Wolverine or Spider-Man is going to be more popular than the missing members of Alpha Flight, or a minor character from the 90s X-Men show, or...Kevin Bacon?

    I'm not really sure what you think "popularity" means in this context though - were Polaris, Okoye, Beta Ray Bill, Kitty Pryde, Medusa, Chasm, etc. more "popular" with the general public than Wolverine or Spider-Man when they were added to the game? No, absolutely not.

    But are they more "popular" among players choosing characters to chase, recruit, level up, and use during play in the game Marvel Puzzle Quest? Of course! Because their powers are way better than any of the Wolverine or Spider-Man variants and you're going to win more matches, faster, use fewer health packs, and receive better rewards for placing higher in head-to-head competition!

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards

    @meadowsweet said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    Like, sorry, but the 18th version of Wolverine or Spider-Man is going to be more popular than the missing members of Alpha Flight, or a minor character from the 90s X-Men show, or...Kevin Bacon?

    I'm not really sure what you think "popularity" means in this context though - were Polaris, Okoye, Beta Ray Bill, Kitty Pryde, Medusa, Chasm, etc. more "popular" with the general public than Wolverine or Spider-Man when they were added to the game? No, absolutely not.

    But are they more "popular" among players choosing characters to chase, recruit, level up, and use during play in the game Marvel Puzzle Quest? Of course! Because their powers are way better than any of the Wolverine or Spider-Man variants and you're going to win more matches, faster, use fewer health packs, and receive better rewards for placing higher in head-to-head competition!

    Most MPQ players, and certainly many spenders, are much more casual players than anyone on this forum.

    The number of players who understand that Polaris or Okoye are among the best characters in the game is likely so tiny that it's really not worth considering. Many of these folks are also free to play, contributing nothing to keeping the game alive. Further catering to them would be a death sentence.

    Would you spend $100 on Shuma Gorath? Or Kevin Bacon? A lot of casual fans of Wolverine or Spider-Man would be happy to shell out for them, even if they aren't as good as Polaris or m'Thor or whoever.

  • meadowsweet
    meadowsweet Posts: 273 Mover and Shaker

    @entrailbucket said:
    Would you spend $100 on Shuma Gorath? Or Kevin Bacon? A lot of casual fans of Wolverine or Spider-Man would be happy to shell out for them, even if they aren't as good as Polaris or m'Thor or whoever.

    Do you have any data at all to support your claim that more players spend more money on well-known but bad characters than high-quality but more obscure characters?

    So according to you, the two characters that players have spent the most money on must be Captain America & Iron Man, right? But characters like Okoye or Polaris must rank near the very bottom of a list of hundreds of characters, correct? Almost no one has ever spent money on them because they're among the least well-known characters in the entire game?

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,469 Chairperson of the Boards

    I find it slightly sad that someone goes to the effort of writing out an enormous list of potential characters, only to have a debate about the word "significant".

    And would I spend $100 on Kevin Bacon? Of course! That's barely even a nice meal for two with a mediocre bottle of wine...