Reactions to v 7.0.1.

Hi Lu,

First reaction to the Daily Award changes. Im I correct in concluding that there will be only 21 days to collect log in rewards going forward? That is a significant impact on the in game economy. Dropping from an expected 180 gold from just logging in to 100. This is a bad idea.
It punishes players who play daily and put in the effort to log in disproportionally. Please reconsider


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    TIMEWARP Posts: 99 Match Maker

    I understand everyone needs to eat. Punishing veteran Free to Play / Play to Win players, and trying to push them to spend (more) money is not helping. Focus more on attracting new players instead of pushing away and disenfranchising the old guard.

  • Ampersand
    Ampersand Posts: 211 Tile Toppler

    What we asked for: Please update the user interface to better organize PW selection or have a longer list of favorite PWs (not just decks)

    What we get: Did you know you can buy gold for money? Here is a helpful tab you can't miss! Please spend money!

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 697 Critical Contributor

    This just seems mean spirited. Merry Christmas!

    Is this an attempt to push more people to buy crystals for cash in order to buy the incredibly overpriced PM2 cards?

    I'm not sure that'll work.

    Or, perhaps you've noticed the increased number of players who now have large hoards of crystals they've never had in the past? This is related to the same issue... I imagine most of those players, like me, are doing that to eventually buy PM2 cards with. Those things are expensive.

    I have been grinding the game a lot this year earning crystals for PM2 cards, and I'm not averse to spending a bit of cash money on the game (I bought Grist and Dack this year!), so after a while I did look into whether it's worth spending money to save myself some time grinding. But... £80 will buy me 12 PM2 cards, which is 10% of the set. That's way out of my price range.

    One of the first things we tell newbies when they show up in our discord asking for advice is 'don't buy PM2 cards, they're not worth it, it's just too expensive to get one of the tiny amount of good ones hidden in the dreck. Webcore already put so many OP cards in the basic Standard sets that you don't need PM2'

    Spending cash on PM2 is for whales only.

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 238 Tile Toppler

    I think it’s because it’s too difficult to remember to program which months have 30 days and which have 31.

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards

    Based on the available information, I’m struggling to see the upside. I wonder if this is the first step in the long touted rebalancing of the in-game economy.

    If that is actually the case then the login changes might be acceptable, but in order to accept this change more information is needed.

    Finally, I would remind you all that we old timers have experienced significant changes to how much loot we can get for free. Sometimes it is necessary to change for the health of the game, because if the alternative is no game, then less is better. But again more information is needed.

  • Larz70
    Larz70 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler

    Thank you for thinking about the players who don't login for more than 21 days a month ... but what about those who login everyday? I think the better solution would have been to help both sets of the population. Reduce the number of days but give out the same amount of crystals, BPs, and runes. Otherwise, it would appear like you were taking away the rewards from your faithful players and giving them to the less faithful.

    Faithful player: receives 180 crystals, 6 BPs, 15,000 mana runes, and a super pack
    Not so faithful: receives 80 crystals, 4 BPs, 6,900 mana runes, and a super pack

    • this is assuming that the not so faithful player only logged in for 21 days

    Faithful player: will receive 100 crystals, 4 BPs, 5,250 mana runes, and a super pack
    Not so faithful: will receive 100 crystals, 4 BPs, 5,250 mana runes, and a super pack

    • the number of BPs did not change for the not so faithful but they are receiving the more recent sets instead of the older ones.

    As you can see, not logging in for more than 21 days will now give you 20 more crystals than usual but 1, 650 less mana runes. You still receive the same number of booster packs, but they are now from the last three recent sets instead of older ones. However, the group of players who login everyday will now be receiving 80 less crystals and almost 10,000 mana runes less. They are also getting two less booster packs.

    This decision is definitely a head scratcher. It is the developer's prerogative to control the amount of resources the players receive. If they deem it too generous and decide it needs reduction, they have the right to do so. However, to reduce it for a group of players and increase it in another (with the exception of mana runes which is reduced for both, albeit unequally), is a mistake. To "improve" the rewards of busy players and "punish" those who are able to play everyday is egregious.

    Daily rewards will always be unequal for players with different time availabilities. Players who login everyday deserve to receive more rewards than those who doesn't. Having said that, making changes to help alleviate the missing out on rewards of players who don't have the luxury of logging in everyday, is very commendable, but please, don't do it at the expense of the loyal players.

    Thank you for listening,

  • ertaii
    ertaii Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    edited December 2024

    I agree with the fact that the daily reward change is a really drawback for faithful players. I don't believe it was designed to help people acquire newest cards faster. If that was the point, you just had to give us the newest set as first rewards and the oldest as last rewards. I feel like the real purpose is to cut gold income by half or so for players, especially f2p. Which happens at the same time you added a new button to buy gold from the vault. How fortunate.

    If I'm mistaken, I hope you'll rollback this change.

  • Anarchangel
    Anarchangel Posts: 55 Match Maker

    6 packs + a Super Pack
    180 Crystals
    15,000 Runes
    4 Packs + a Super Pack
    100 Crystals
    5,250 Runes

    And was it just chopped off the top? Giving us 21 days' worth instead of 30? That would be a 30% cut, but at least, we are assured, it is merely to even things up. Fair's fair, right?
    5 + 15 + 25 + 35 + 45 = 125. It was cut by 20%, even after cutting off 30%.
    I don't like being lied to.

  • camo
    camo Posts: 52 Match Maker

    I already break down my idea on couple of post on this thread. Basically if they want to make the rewards less days, TOTAL of the Crystal should remain the same at least. because of 21 days reward have 80 less Crystals.

    So instead of:
    5+10+20+25+40 (100 Crystals, total of new reward)
    10+25+35+45+65 (180 Crystals, total of old reward)

    Stop punishing players for playing frequent and gaslight them by calling it Improvement. Discouraging loyal player to enjoy the games more on Christmas, what a move.

  • Scydrex7
    Scydrex7 Posts: 57 Match Maker

    Please let us know how this change IMPROVES the game for loyal players.

  • Anarchangel
    Anarchangel Posts: 55 Match Maker
    edited December 2024

    If this is just a mistake, then there are multiple better solutions.
    Mixing the rewards up, so that new packs aren't always at the end of month, would be a better solution.
    Better yet, save yourself some trouble, and leave everything the way it is, and add some new player rewards. We've all seen ads for other games, where they offer free stuff to new players.
    Either random rewards, or reverse order, plus new player rewards, would be even better.

  • Anarchangel
    Anarchangel Posts: 55 Match Maker
    edited December 2024

    I wish we had access to the numbers that you have, Webcore. If we knew where your money is coming from, we'd have a much better idea of what suggestions to make.
    It just doesn't seem like cutting everyone by 80 crystals is going to make you as much as other changes would.
    Like, everyone likes new Planeswalkers. You're doing great with that. And the new events, and everything, it's all good. The rest is all penny-pinching.

  • Anarchangel
    Anarchangel Posts: 55 Match Maker

    Thanks to @camo for pointing out the other thread, which

    discusses possible improvements.

  • camo
    camo Posts: 52 Match Maker
    edited December 2024

    Edited 21 Days Login Rewards with same sum of rewards in form of image here.

    Last 3 pack can be random or better non dupe standard.

  • Asylamb
    Asylamb Posts: 179 Tile Toppler

    Why has no one tagged the official channel?
    @Magic:PQ Support Team your decision about daily logins is not welcomed.

  • Asylamb
    Asylamb Posts: 179 Tile Toppler

    If you shorten the daily logins to 21 days, make sure to give the same amount of rewards as one would get for logging in for 30/31 days.

  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,512 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hey, folks!

    Thank you for bringing forward your concerns and ideas about this situation and you feel it could be fixed, in this and other threads. We're working on reading all of them and matching them with the numbers we have here. We do understand how the way things were announced left you with more questions or complaints than answers. We're working on that and I expect we'll be back with more to say soon.


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