Aminatou, the Fateshifter

Magic:PQ Support Team
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Aminatou is a wizard capable of bending fate and destiny. She can foresee the future and the fate of others. Little is known about this young wizard yet, but when asked why her spark ignited with no apparent reason, she answered: “because I foresaw it would one day, and I decided I didn't want to wait for that.”

Aminatou, the Fateshifter, is a White, Blue, and Black Planeswalker available for purchase and selection in Foundations.

  • Create copies and draw cards to increase your mana bonuses.
  • Exile cards from libraries to control the board.
  • Return creatures from exile and make your opponent lose life.

Colors: White, Blue, Black

Mana Bonuses: White (+4) Blue (+3) Black (+4) Red (-2) Green (-2)

Total Leveling Cost: 323750

Deck Limits at Level 60: 06 Creatures, 06 Spells, 07 Supports

  • Ability 1 - Universal Conspiracy (Cost 06)

    • Level 1: Create a copy in your hand of the top card of your library. Then: Draw a card.

    • Level 2: Create a copy in your hand of the top card of your library. Draw a card. Then: One of your colored mana bonuses is increased by X until the end of turn (chosen randomly). X is equal to that card's base mana cost, up to 4.

    • Level 3: Create a copy in your hand of the top card of your library. Draw 2 cards. Then: One of your colored mana bonuses is increased by X until the end of turn (chosen randomly). X is equal to the total base mana cost of those cards, up to 8.

    • Level 4: Create a copy in your hand of the top card of your library. Draw 3 cards. Then: One of your colored mana bonuses is increased by X until the end of turn (chosen randomly). X is equal to the total base mana cost of those cards, up to 15.

  • Ability 2 - Weaving Your Fate (Cost 12)

    • Level 1: Exile the first card from your opponent's library. Exile the first card from your library.

    • Level 2: Exile the first 2 cards from your opponent's library. Exile the first 2 cards from your library. Then: Exile an opposing card at random.

    • Level 3: Exile the first 3 cards from your opponent's library. Exile the first 3 cards from your library. Then: Exile an opposing card at random. This effect can affect Vanguards.

    • Level 4: Exile the first 4 cards from your opponent's library. Exile the first 4 cards from your library. Then: Exile 2 opposing cards at random. This effect can affect Vanguards.

  • Ability 3 - Final Destiny (Cost 18)

    • Level 1: Return the first Support card from your exile into play under your control.

    • Level 2: Return the first 3 Support cards from your exile into play under your control. Then: Your opponent loses X life. X is the number of Support cards you control, including their reinforcements.

    • Level 3: Return the first 6 Support cards from your exile into play under your control. Then: Your opponent loses X life. X is the number of Support cards you control, including their reinforcements.

    • Level 4: Return all cards from your exile into play under your control. Then: Your opponent loses X life. X is the number of cards you control, including their reinforcements.

Released at: 7.0.1

Disclaimer: All content posted before release is subject to change.