Release Notes 7.0.1

Magic:PQ Support Team
Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,512 Chairperson of the Boards
edited December 2024 in MtGPQ News & Announcements

New Planeswalkers

Xenagos, the Reveler

Xenagos was once an influential deity in Theros: the God of Revels and King Stranger. Egotist and self-centered, Xenagos opened his way to godhood just to meet his death by Elspeth’s hands.

Xenagos, the Reveler, is a Red and Green planeswalker available for purchase and selection in Foundations. His abilities will:

  • Exile cards of your library to draw cards with mana.
  • Create a Satyr token that performs effects.
  • Exile cards of your library to increase your board.

Colors: Red, Green

Mana Bonuses: White (-2) Blue (+2) Black (-2) Red (+5) Green (+5)

Total Leveling Cost: 160720

Deck Limits at Level 60: 06 Creatures, 09 Spells, 04 Supports

  • Ability 1 - Rollick Night (Cost 06) *Exile the top 2 cards of your library. Then: Draw 2 cards. Those cards gain 4 mana.

  • Ability 2 - Expanding the Horizon (Cost 11) Create an Explorer Satyr token. Reinforce it 5 times.

  • Ability 3 - Bakkeia (Cost 23) Exile the top 7 cards of your library. Return the first 3 different creatures from your exile into the battlefield under your control with their reinforcements. Then: Reinforce your Satyr creatures 6 time(s).

Aminatou, the Fateshifter

Aminatou is a wizard capable of bending fate and destiny. She can foresee the future and the fate of others. Little is known about this young wizard yet, but when asked why her spark ignited with no apparent reason, she answered: “because I foresaw it would one day, and I decided I didn't want to wait for that.”

Aminatou, the Fateshifter, is a White, Blue, and Black Planeswalker available for purchase and selection in Foundations.

  • Create copies and draw cards to increase your mana bonuses.
  • Exile cards from libraries to control the board.
  • Return creatures from exile and make your opponent lose life.

Colors: White, Blue, Black

Mana Bonuses: White (+4) Blue (+3) Black (+4) Red (-2) Green (-2)

Total Leveling Cost: 323750

Deck Limits at Level 60: 06 Creatures, 06 Spells, 07 Supports

  • Ability 1 - Universal Conspiracy (Cost 06) *Create a copy in your hand of the top card of your library. Draw 3 cards. Then: One of your colored mana bonuses is increased by X until the end of turn (chosen randomly). X is equal to the total base mana cost of those cards, up to 15.

  • Ability 2 - Weaving Your Fate (Cost 12) Exile the first 4 cards from your opponent's library. Exile the first 4 cards from your library. Then: Exile 2 opposing cards at random. This effect can affect Vanguards.

  • Ability 3 - Final Destiny (Cost 18) *Return all cards from your exile into play under your control. Then: Your opponent loses X life. X is the number of cards you control, including their reinforcements.

(For the complete notes, check our Planeswalker Details forum.)

Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker

*The most cruel and perverse being in all multiverse, responsible for the death of thousands of lives, Nicol Bolas uses all his millennial knowledge and power to pursue his own selfish goals. After his defeat in the War of the Spark, Nicol Bolas is imprisoned in the Meditation Realm, watched over by Ugin. *

Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, is a Black, Blue and Red Planeswalker that will be available for purchase and selection in Foundations.

  • Each player discards cards, and only you draw cards with mana.
  • Gain control of an opposing creature or destroy a creature.
  • Destroy all opposing cards to deal damage to your opponent.

Colors: Blue, Black Red

Mana Bonuses: White (-2) Blue (+3) Black (+4) Red (+4) Green (-2)

Total Leveling Cost: 323750

Deck Limits at Level 60: 08 Creatures, 06 Spells, 05 Supports

  • Ability 1 - Give Up Your Dreams (Cost 10) *Each player discards all cards that cost 15 or more. Draw 3 cards. Those cards gain X mana. X is the number of cards discarded this way.

  • Ability 2 - Bow Before Me! (Cost 12) *If you control 2 or less creatures, gain control of target opposing creature. That creature gains Haste and Menace. Otherwise: Destroy target creature.

  • Ability 3 - Behold My Mighty Hand (Cost 30) *Destroy all opposing cards. This effect can affect Vanguards. Drain all mana from your opponent's hand. Deal X damage to your opponent's Planeswalker. X is the number of cards destroyed this way, including their reinforcements.

New Vanguards

This release features seven new Vanguards:

They can be obtained through the FDN Vanguard packs, which will be available in the Vault for the first time just after the release.

Quality of Life Improvements

With the end of year approaching, we are ready to release some improvements you’ve asked for a while.

First, hints can now be opened over other hints. What exactly does it mean?

  • You can now open hints within other hints;

  • Hints of Planeswalker passive skills can also be opened from within their respective bundles in the Special tab of the Store.

New layout for the login screen

Our login screen has changed! Now it is more clear when you are using a guest account and not a previously registered one. With this change, we expect to reduce the occurrence of players thinking they ‘lost’ their accounts due to incorrectly starting the game with a guest account after reinstalling the game..

Something for new players: It’s now possible to access Events as soon as the first 3 battles of the tutorial are completed. This way they’ll be able to jump into action quicker and enjoy the game!

This is the first step towards some changes we want to implement for this step of the game, but we are not ready to share more details at this time.

Oh, and… the Shop!

As some of you might have noticed just above in these notes, the Vault has been renamed, and a new tab for Mana Crystal offers has been added to streamline navigation.

Changes to Daily Login Rewards

We’ve analyzed the numbers and noticed an expressive portion of players did not complete more than 21 days of login. This means losing a whole week of rewards, including a pack from one of the latest sets. Based on that, we updated how the daily rewards are distributed, so logging in for 21 days will be enough to access the most recent packs.

This change to the login rewards structure will start on January 1st, 2025.


Cards and Planeswalkers

  • Fixed: Chimil, the Inner Sun interacting incorrectly with “Then” effects that cause mana to be drained.

  • Fixed: Sovereign Okinec Ahau counting itself when triggering its buff to creatures.

  • Fixed: Banner of Kinship miscalculating its buff when cast a second time.

  • Fixed: Fear of Sleep Paralysis not triggering its own Eerie effect when other copies of it are cast.

  • Fixed: Mystical Teachings offering only one Spell card or multiple copies of the same card under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed: Chandra, Flameshaper’s Playing with Fire giving no mana under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed: Parting Gust being cast with no targets on the board.

  • Changed: Prized Amalgam and Soulless Jailer caused an infinite loop. Soulless Jailer has been altered:

    • Before: When a card enters play from a graveyard: Destroy that card.
    • Now: When a card enters play from a graveyard: Exile that card instead.
  • Fixed: Wick, the Whorled Mind creating Rat Swarm tokens instead of Rat Plague ones.

  • Fixed: Proud Pack-Rhino not stacking Shield counters.

  • Fixed: Kambal, Profiteering Mayor causing life loss instead of damage.

  • Fixed: Arcane Epiphany not drawing cards when cast.

  • Fixed: Crime Emblem hint showing up outside the screen edge when clicked by the player.


  • Fixed: Into the Wilds of Eldraine’s Restless Cottage not performing its first effect under some circumstances.

  • Fixed: Event Rewards AKH and KLD Rare Cards not showing in the Shop to be claimed.

  • Fixed: Kaito, Cunning Infiltrator showing misaligned in event screens nodes.