Glyph Elemental Not Working Properly in Multiple Ways [FIXED]

Endbringer Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
edited 19 February 2025, 19:07 in MtGPQ Bugs & Technical Issues

Glyph Elemental, a 2/2 white creature from PMA2 states "Landfall White: Your creatures get +X+X. X is the number of white gems."

After testing this card in quite a few different matches, I noticed the Glyph Elemental was only triggering once per turn though I was definitely hitting Landfall White numerous times per turn. Also, upon certain Landfall Whites, usually on the 2nd turn or beyond, the Glyph Elemental is giving a negative buff to my creatures like -1-1 or more and it is not giving the proper positive buffs half the time. Also, sometimes it just buffs itself even though I have 3 creatures on the board. I was thinking maybe as a bug it was excluding all improved gems and support gems but I was wrong as I watched it produce a +2+2 buff when there were a ton of white gems on the board including at least 4 or 5 basic
white gems. Definitely needs a fix. I was using the PW Ajani, Invigorate Leadership and Healer of the Pride, Scurry of Gremlins, and Archangel Elspeth Vanguard to fuel it all if you want to test it out like I did.


  • Edgar
    Edgar Posts: 39 Just Dropped In

    It seems as though the buff is unique; hitting its effect again, replaces the old one. So if it gave +8/+8 the first time, and you hit Landfall White again, and now there's only 5 white gems, that would explain why it looks like they're getting -3/-3.

  • TheHunter
    TheHunter Posts: 336 Mover and Shaker

    Banner of Kinship, Prime Speaker Zegana, Alquist Proft and possibly other cards have all had this buggy piece of code where a buff that should be added is replaced instead - which means the power of the buffed creature can sometimes go down! Banner of Kinship was fixed, the others are already reported in this forum, I hope the developers take note and look at this.