How are people put into brackets

slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards

This might of been answered before but can't remember.

Meaning if my top 10 people are rank 550 down to say 450 but I only play 20 mins a day. Will I always be put in the same bracket with people who have the same high ranks even if they do 4 clears on each node 3 or more times a day

If you ask me the higher you place I. A bracket should shove you into a harder bracket until you lose your mind and smash your phone into a million pieces 😆

Really though it would be nice if it was set up this way so you don't always see the top people hogging all the rewards .. though top 500 anymore is good enough for me

Pve isn't that bad but pvp is awful . I mean last few season been pusing to 4500 and not even taking top 250

Hell I think this season so far got like 1600 points and think I'm like 598th

Gave up long ago on pve but now thinking same on pvp


  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,247 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2024

    It's the first x people who join that slice and CL. After a PvP bracket of 500 fills, they open a new one.

    Edit: Clearance Level exists, and already IS the thing that prevents you from completing with people who are way ahead of you (or that you're way ahead of). If you qualify for CL10, congratulations! You're the top tier.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,697 Chairperson of the Boards

    There aren't infinite people playing this game. So they cannot always push you up.
    The top level community is probably not growing just because of the time and dedication required to get there.
    You will be competing against those in your tier, but fighting against those of a similar power level.