Rebalance - Maria Hill (SHIELD Operative) 4*

S0kun ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 618 Critical Contributor

Health & Match Damage

Feeder Chart


Ability: Life Model Ambush
Color: Purple
AP Cost: 8

Fairly basic ability mechanically, it's a simple Trap ability with simple triggering states. Makes sense as this character came out just a little after Trap tiles were really starting to be used, so it followed the design philosophy of the time, which hadn't been cemented for Traps yet. After looking at the numbers, they are a bit low at this point, and our usage of Traps now normally has them triggering on destruction and replacement as well as matching, so it has been updated as such. So while the ability is still mechanically basic, it now has far more usability, with better damage to boot.

Using a Life Model Decoy, Maria sets up a devastating ambush for her foes. Create 2 Purple Trap tiles that deal 3049 damage when matched by either team.
Level 2: Create 3 Trap tiles.
Level 3: Deal 3941 damage.
Level 4: Create 4 Trap tiles that deal 4239 damage.
Level 5: Deal 6879 damage.

Using a Life Model Decoy, Maria sets up a devastating ambush for her foes. Create 2 Purple Trap tiles that deal 4744 damage when removed by either team.
Level 2: Create 3 Trap tiles.
Level 3: Deal 5698 damage.
Level 4: Create 4 Trap tiles that deal 6162 damage.
Level 5: Deal 9972 damage.

Using a Life Model Decoy, Maria sets up a devastating ambush for her foes. Create 2 Purple Trap tiles that deal 31556 damage when matched by either team.
Level 2: Create 3 Trap tiles.
Level 3: Deal 32187 damage.
Level 4: Create 4 Trap tiles that deal 33134 damage.
Level 5: Deal 34712 damage.

Using a Life Model Decoy, Maria sets up a devastating ambush for her foes. Create 2 Purple Trap tiles that deal 38482 damage when removed by either team.
Level 2: Create 3 Trap tiles.
Level 3: Deal 39444 damage.
Level 4: Create 4 Trap tiles that deal 40406 damage.
Level 5: Deal 51951 damage.

Ability: Best of Intentions
Color: Black
AP Cost: 6

This ability is unique in its strength due to the potentially large downside of massive self damage. It works decently well for what it is, and it's definitely flavorful for Maria Hill's personality. However, it doesn't really mesh with her other abilities. So let’s fix that. With the balance update, we've made the ability create many more, but smaller, Strike tiles than before. Strength-wise, there was a little budget at lower levels to increase the amount of overall strength, so we did so, but at level 5 it was actually already slightly overpowered by the numbers. So we left that as-is to keep everything at least as strong as previous. When combined with the updated mechanics of her Purple, this is a way to not only get some extra Strike strength on the board, but also provide a decent chance to immediately set off some of the placed Purple Traps for additional damage. The last portion of the ability in the new text preventing damage if Invisible is actually just a clarification, not a mechanics change, as it has always acted that way.

Maria puts a bold plan into action, ignoring the potential fallout. Create 3 strength 249 Strike tiles and create a 3-turn Countdown tile. When this Countdown tile expires, Maria Hill takes damage equal to 90% of her base health.

Level 2: Creates strength 338 Strike tiles.
Level 3: Creates 4 Strike tiles and creates a 4-turn Countdown tile.
Level 4: Creates strength 487 Strike tiles.
Level 5: Create 5 strength 539 Strike tiles.

Maria puts a bold plan into action, ignoring the potential fallout. Create 14 strength 134 Strike tiles and create a 3-turn Countdown tile. When this Countdown tile expires, Maria Hill takes damage equal to 90% of her base health.

Level 2: Create 15 Strike tiles.
Level 3: Create 17 Strike tiles.
Level 4: Create 19 Strike tiles.
Level 5: Create 24 Strike tiles.

Maria puts a bold plan into action, ignoring the potential fallout. Create 3 strength 2578 Strike tiles and create a 3-turn Countdown tile. When this Countdown tile expires, Maria Hill takes damage equal to 90% of her base health.

Level 2: Creates strength 2733 Strike tiles.
Level 3: Creates 4 Strike tiles and creates a 4-turn Countdown tile.
Level 4: Creates strength 2939 Strike tiles.
Level 5: Create 5 strength 3351 Strike tiles.

Maria puts a bold plan into action, ignoring the potential fallout. Create 14 strength 962 Strike tiles and create a 3-turn Countdown tile. When this Countdown tile expires, Maria Hill takes damage equal to 90% of her base health.

Level 2: Create 15 Strike tiles.
Level 3: Create 17 Strike tiles.
Level 4: Create 19 Strike tiles.
Level 5: Create 24 Strike tiles.

Ability: Get Out Alive
Color: Blue
AP Cost: 7

Simple and does what it says on the tin. Does team damage and makes Maria Invisible. It's actually very AP efficient for damage/AP once you account for some of the budget being eaten by Invisibility, so we wanted to keep that. As a result, we left level 5 as-is, and made sure that the earlier levels matched up to the AP efficiency for damage, raising these by a modest amount.

Maria Hill always has a high-power exit strategy. Deal 558 damage to the enemy team, and turn Invisible for 2 turns.

Level 2: Deal 1228 damage.
Level 3: Deal 1339 damage. Turn Invisible for 3 turns.
Level 4: Deal 2678 damage.
Level 5: Deal 4799 damage. Turn Invisible for 4 turns.

Maria HIll always has a high-power exit strategy. Deal 691 damage to the enemy team, and turn Invisible for 2 turns.

Level 2: Deal 1345 damage.
Level 3: Deal 1531 damage. Turn Invisible for 3 turns.
Level 4: Deal 2801 damage.
Level 5: Deal 4818 damage. Turn Invisible for 4 turns.

Maria Hill always has a high-power exit strategy. Deal 5772 damage to the enemy team, and turn Invisible for 2 turns.

Level 2: Deal 9235 damage.
Level 3: Deal 9986 damage. Turn Invisible for 3 turns.
Level 4: Deal 15007 damage.
Level 5: Deal 21183 damage. Turn Invisible for 4 turns.

Maria Hill always has a high-power exit strategy. Deal 7119 damage to the enemy team, and turn Invisible for 2 turns.

Level 2: Deal 8849 damage.
Level 3: Deal 9618 damage. Turn Invisible for 3 turns.
Level 4: Deal 10579 damage.
Level 5: Deal 13469 damage. Turn Invisible for 4 turns.