Case of the Shattered Pact is still not getting the Solved emblem

FCLedZep Posts: 32 Just Dropped In

Case of the Shattered Pact is still not getting the Solved emblem. I had here on the battlefield in Face the Hydra Node 2-2 together with Song of Creation, Calix, Guide by Fate, and Bloodbond March but nothing happened at the beginning of combat and the magnifier kept turning around the gem.


  • FCLedZep
    FCLedZep Posts: 32 Just Dropped In

    @Magic:PQ Support Team
    Card text: To Solve: If you control cards with all colors - This card gains the Solved Emblem. This is only checked at the beginning of both players turn. That is pretty lame right? It should check before you can give a creature Haste and Double Strike. Can you fix this please? 🙏