The Hunger for MPQ Games (Part 1)

DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2024 in MPQ General Discussion

“Hello Agent” said the screen as it offered me the new hotness of 2* Captain America.

What was going on? Just minutes before I had been contemplating using 5* Hotpool to get some of his events done but now…it was all gone.

“Face front Soldier, Avengers don’t need jacuzzis to get the job done, we have enemies to defeat!”

Did…did 2* Captain America just talk to me?!?!?

“Of course I did” said Cap, a bit condescending it should be said, “You’re trapped in the Matrox caused by a save feedback loop by Dr FaaceBooke, your stuck here in 2014 until things can be fixed.”

2014!?!!! What did it mean? Well I know what 2014 was but…what did it mean?!?

“Can you help me get back to my real time Cap?”

“I will ask 1• Iron Man as soon as we tackle the crisis of the World Wide Web now level me up!”

“Couldn’t we just ask Dr. Strange to use the Time Stone?”

“Dr What and his time clock who?!?! I think you might be confused!”

“Oh! Right…well at least you and Tony are still buddies!”

“Of course we are! Why wouldn’t we be? Why it would take something like Tony betraying the Avengers to government control to upset me!”

“Maybe my Alliance can help!”

With the deft agility of a seasoned MPQ player I quickly found the tab for Alliance - this was it I would surely be spared

“Unlocks at rank 10”

I was stranded.

Meanwhile a message appeared on my device “You were defeated by SmuggTwat69” in It’s a Brick.

So somewhere out there was my true self lost in a different time zone…would I be able to find my way home?!?! ****!

“Language!” said Cap.


  • will7612
    will7612 Posts: 102 Tile Toppler


  • will7612
    will7612 Posts: 102 Tile Toppler


  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,068 Chairperson of the Boards

    🤬'n Rogers.

    These are great. Keep 'em coming.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2024

    Chapter 3: SHIELD Training

    It seems my presence here has been noticed by more than just my ragtag bunch of 1* and lvl 15 Cap as I am greeted with a new message "Train your heroes on the roster" it demands. I try to explain that I am but a ghost in the machine but it won't stop making the little earthquake animation and so I finally give in and press the button. I am greeted by Iron Man. He is having his upper torso rubbed by a disembodied Spider-Man arm. I...I don't remember that from last time I was here. It seems the only way to stop Tony being rubbed is to apply a yellow cover so against my better judgement I give in and do so.

    Suddenly Nick Fury appears:

    "Tap the Level-Up button to increase your heroes level!" he demands. I don't like all this tapping and rubbing but I have little choice I guess. I level up Iron Man to 6.

    "Nice work! Get back out there, Recruit!" bellows Nick Fury.

    RECRUIT?!?!?! What have I done?!?! I knew I shouldn't have rubbed Tony.

    I follow the earthquake pulsing over an arrow and it returns me to a screen that is mostly " Classified" but it looks like my poking and rubbing has levelled me up to 2. I will need to be stronger so I claim my earnings and look back to the path to the Worldwide Web - surely it will lead to the Wizard of CS?

    In the next mission Black Widow asks Spider-Man to tie somebody up. I don't think it's a bondage thing but as Captain America isn't on this mission I guess the kids will play.

    I just want to go home.

    Then...from the future a message!

    " Hello D3go Customer - your message has been received and is being reviewed by our Support Staff" The gods look upon me with favour! "It may take 24 to 72 hours..."


    But wait what is this...I am offered a bounty of picking between Spider-Man, Dr. Strange or Deadp...TIME WIZARD, I CHOOSE TIME WIZARD!!!!!

    But how will I recruit him? My HP is locked in the future and I only have 125 here in this limbo and the cost of a roster slot is....record scratch 25 HP?!?!? Ha ha, STRANGE me!

    You won't keep me locked here for 72 hours Wizard of CS, with my new found magic time buddy we will find a way to be free!

    Level 3 says the game. Quest in progress says the game.

    Hmm...well maybe I have time to find out what happens next in the mission says the moron who screwed up his save data.

    In the future, my true self fights off an assault in It's a Brick but how long can they hold out without me? The stakes are becoming life or...well probably not death but I am definitely not finishing the Deadpool PvE sigh

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards

    Chapter 4 He's a Time Stone Wizard, there has to be a twist?

    "OK Doc, mix me up some of that time travel and get me home baby!" I winked at him to show I had full faith in him.
    "It doesn't work like that, peabrain. You're from the future you must have seen Endgame." Strange grumbled.
    "Seen, yes. Understood, absolutely not!"
    "I have looked into 51 different outcomes and you remain a moron in 50 of them. In only 1 future do you have any chance of success."
    "I like those odds only looked at 51?!?!?"
    "I gave up when I saw the future where you tried to re-set your tablet in the microwave and another where you kept sending CS pictures of goats."
    " So you can't help me?" I sighed sigh
    "Only you can help yourself, kid".
    "Kid?!?! Dude I'm in my fifties!"
    "I was talking about your mental age".

    Wizards, you can't trust them, Tony was right.

    It looked like I was all out of options but then...what new character was this? Devpool...

    And then my plan began to form.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards

    Chapter 5: Devpool for ransom!

    "DEVS!!!!" I screamed at the game, " I have your precious Devpool!!! And if you don't return me to my true timeline RIGHT NOW I am going to... I'm going to...uhm... I'm not going to roster him!!!! Ha ha, that's right! He is going to die on the vine in 13 days from now!!!!!"

    "Now let's not be too hasty now player, you know it is Sunday, the Wizard of CS won't stop napping for at least another 24 hours and until then maybe I can help?" Said Devpool, clinging precariously on the edge of a roster spot. "Add me and we can fix this".

    I eyed him suspiciously and looked at his power set.

    "Hey! This says Bugs, bugs, bugs!!! You did this to me!!!!"

    "I would never do that to a loyal player, especially not one who finished in...ha ha ha...oh man, did you even try last Season with that score?!?! Oh mercy!"

    " Vine death!!!!" I hissed.

    "OK. OK, settle down. Now did you also see that I have a power called Customer support?"

    " you the Wizard of CS?!?!"

    "What? but I do know Bob in the post room and he once visited them! He said they were all daydrunk on a Wednesday surrounded by pizza but he has been known to lie about stuff, like when he claimed he knew what post was on his résumé. I could use my Dev powers to send him a message, to send to Customer Support! Genius, right?" Devpool beamed, clearly pleased with himself.

    " So we are sending a message via unreliable post dept to drunk pizza addicts?"

    "Look do you want to stay stuck here with 2* Cap or not?"

    I looked over to Cap who gesturing towards me and mouthed the words "Lunging Stretches".

    " Just get me outta here!"

    "Going to have to roster me..."

    " How do I know this isn't a trick?" I narrowed my eyes for maximum impact so he knew I could not be tricked.

    " Stretches!"

    " No fine, you win, I'll do it"

    I pressed the recruit button and...75 HP?!? Jesus inflation here is a killer, is it 2023 again?!?!?

    "Yes!!!!" shouted Devpool, "I am free again, ha ha ha!"

    "What's going on here?!?! There wasn't meant to be an evil laugh..."

    "You didn't notice which cover I was did you?"

    "I...what...oh no... purple"

    "That's right - Character Rebalance! And now I am going to rebalance YOU!!!!!"

    "Oh ****" I said with to be fair a reasonable amount of validity.

    "I'm not going to warn you again!" said 2* Cap.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2024

    Chapter 6: Waiting

    Waiting. Watching the clock it has to stop its 9-ish o'clock, tell them, take no more he practices his speech as the email comes in the door...

    Oh! The Wizard of CS has asked for ingredients to fix me, yay!

    Oh the Devpool stuff...ah...yes...we will definitely find out what happens there at some point (looks up Brian Michael Bendis for "Ways to to con your readers there will be Satisfactory endings")

    Meanwhile Devpool schemes and rebalances and schemes...maybe I can spin this like a sort of Crisis on MPQ Earth...sorry, don't read that bit... DEVPOOL!!!!!