Soft lock with Authority of the Consuls and token creatures [Investigating]

Anonymous2112 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In

I believe there is a bug with regards to the interaction of Authority of the Consuls and token creatures. This interaction causes a soft-lock of the game, resulting in a match forfeit.

While playing the lower-right node of the Colossal Tussle event, I encountered four soft-locks when the opponent attempted to create token creatures when I had Authority of the Consuls in play. The tokens never make it into play, which made troubleshooting this rather challenging, as the action that creates the tokens isn't logged, either.

The only evidence I have is based on two matches which resulted in a soft-lock.

The first was when my opponent was Nissa, Worldwaker. I had Authority of the Consuls in play and saw that my opponent had enough loyalty to trigger "Whispers of Zendikar" (creates 4 forest tokens, plus gem conversion). The moment my opponent triggered this ability, the game soft-locked.

The second was when my opponent was Ajani, Invigorate Leadership. My opponent was at full health when I played Authority of the Consuls and I had no way to deal damage when the turn passed to my opponent. At the end of my opponent's turn, when a cat soldier token would normally be created, the game simply soft-locked.

I don't know if this bug exists outside of the Colossal Tussle event, but based on those two experiences, my belief is there's a bug with Authority of the Consuls and tokens.