Cool Variants That Would Be Awesome Additions

Hammer3001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler

Simple explanations please.

  1. Capwolf - Captain America Werewolf
  2. Six-Armed Spider-Man - Triple Punch!
  3. Madelyne Pryor Goblin Queen
  4. X-Babies Wolverine
  5. Zombie Iron Man
  6. Brood Queen Rogue
  7. Iron Hammer - Infinity Warp Iron Man/Thor
  8. Soldier Supreme - Infinity Warps Dr Strange/Captain America
  9. ArachKnight - Infinity Warps Spider-Man/Moon Knight
  10. Stryfe - Cable’s clone
  11. X-Man Age of Apocalypse - Cable version
  12. Hellverine - Wolverine Ghost Rider
  13. Hobgoblin - the other great villain
  14. Malice Invisible Woman - she’s gone bad
  15. WWII Bucky Barnes - Cap’s assassin sidekick
  16. Frankencastle - monster Punisher
  17. Punisher War Machine
  18. Diamond Patch - Infinity Warps Wolverine/Emma Frost
  19. Superior Spider-Man
  20. Miles Morales Spider-Man Vampire


  • Timemachinego
    Timemachinego Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
    edited June 2024

    I'm mostly thinking about characters that would fit at different power tiers than their "native" one.

    Venom - King in Black (preferably not Meridus) (5, can do his son as 3)
    Mr. Fantastic - The Maker (5, evil Ultimate universe reed)
    Any Kang variants (3 should have been one of these, probably Rama-tut)
    Kid or Teen Loki - journey into mystery or young avengers v3?
    Void - Dark Sentry (5)
    Moon Knight - Mr. Knight (3)
    Amadeus Cho (non hulk) (2?)
    Daredevil - Black Armor (4)
    Punisher - Fist of the Beast (5)
    Young Cable (krakoa era x-men, 3, make X-Man his 4)
    Blob - Classic (3)

    I'm sure I've got more but these were what came to mind first.

    I also still want my darn Kid Nova (New Warriors v1) 3* > Nova Prime (Annihilation) 5*

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards

    Grey Hulk (joe fixit)
    The 'Nam Era Frank Castle
    Savage Land Rogue
    wolverine (weapon x pipes-n-tubes BWS design)

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    Not so much a new character, but I have long suggested that at least one of the Iron Mans include costumes for as many suits as possible. For example, Iron Man XLVI could have 45 other costumes. They could charge $5 each or something and there will be completists who buy them all. And a lot of people will probably buy at least whichever is their favorite.

  • JoeHandle
    JoeHandle Posts: 535 Critical Contributor

    Cosmic Spider-Man

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    ^ I kind of love the Bucky pre-Winter Soldier idea.

  • Venomous
    Venomous Posts: 236 Tile Toppler

    @Borstock said:
    Not so much a new character, but I have long suggested that at least one of the Iron Mans include costumes for as many suits as possible. For example, Iron Man XLVI could have 45 other costumes. They could charge $5 each or something and there will be completists who buy them all. And a lot of people will probably buy at least whichever is their favorite.

    Honestly I want something KINDA like this. First off, Spider-Man could have the same treatment with just how many costumes he has had. And then split them among his variants.

    But no. When it comes to variants there is 2 I desperately want. 1 is War Machine Punisher.

    But the big one and the reason I quoted you. How much Iron Man has 1 5 star version and Captain America has 2? It's for that reason Superior Iron Man has long been my most requested character and variant. Tombstone coming second place.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    Cap also has a 2*, whereas Tony's low man is a 1*.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards

    @TheVulture said:
    My picks, one for each star rating:
    Bucky Barnes (Captain America & Bucky) 1-star
    I don't think there's any salvaging 4-star Bucky power-wise, so while we may get 3/5 Winter Soldiers some day, I'm choosing WW II Bucky for the radically different look - skipping the Golden Age and short-lived recasts, opting for Captain America & Bucky as the definitive 'dark Bucky' teen version to represent Team Cap at 1-star level.

    Nick Fury (Classic) 2-star
    I don't think classic Nick deserves to be erased from history, and a prime candidate for strong support powers - traditional blue & white suit.

    Moonstone (Classic) 3-star
    She's too much fun in the comics to be forever stuck as a weak 2-star cosplaying Captain Marvel, so picking her for my 3rd in her classic white & gold costume.

    Kang (Iron lad) 4-star
    Make it happen!

    Iron Patriot (Norman Osborne) 5-star
    Neither Iron Man nor Norman Osborne has gotten a decent 5-star yet, so right some wrongs with a good Iron Patriot which combines the two!
    Bonus points: make a new boss event for him and the Thunderbolts.
    Extra bonus points: give him a passive which specifically buffs the Dark Avengers to relevance & which doesn't use up any of his 'power allocation' - an Iron May level buff.

    The XBox version of the game had Iron Patriot in it. I’ve long been curious if he would ever find his way into the other platforms at some point.

  • Hammer3001
    Hammer3001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler

    Here are 20 more:

    1. Bucky Barnes - Captain America
    2. Hellverine - Ghost Rider Daken
    3. Nova - Richard Rider
    4. Weapon H - Hulk/Wolverine
    5. She-Thing - Sharon Ventura
    6. Captain America - Hydra Commander
    7. Viv Vision - teen daughter of Vision
    8. Old King Thor
    9. Unworthy Thor with axe
    10. Team X Wolverine
    11. Team X Sabretooth
    12. Age of Apocalypse Sabertooth with Wild Child
    13. Blade - Blood Hunt
    14. Horseman of Death Wolverine
    15. Zombie Spider-Man
    16. Zombie Wolverine
    17. Dogpool
    18. Princess - Deadpool’s Symbiote Dog
    19. Hulkpool
    20. Cassandra Nova - Professor X’s “twin”
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards

    Many cool designs above, especially Earth/Universe/Paradise X - would love Earth X Daredevil, Banner/Hulk or Black Bolt

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Hammer3001 said:
    Here are 20 more:

    1. Old King Thor
    2. Unworthy Thor with axe

    Pretty sure OKT is a costume for 3* Thor already, and Unworthy Thor is Gladiator Thor, right?

  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards

    @ThaRoadWarrior said:

    @Hammer3001 said:
    Here are 20 more:

    1. Old King Thor
    2. Unworthy Thor with axe

    Pretty sure OKT is a costume for 3* Thor already, and Unworthy Thor is Gladiator Thor, right?

    OKT is a costume for 3* Thor already, but Unworthy Thor is from a run in the comics where Thor was convinced by an antagonist that he was unworthy and stopped being able to lift Mjolnir. 4* Jane Foster is from the same period.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards

    Ah, I see

  • Hammer3001
    Hammer3001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler

    Old King Thor is a costume, but he would be an awesome 5-Star if they gave him cool powers like calling in his 3 granddaughters, cosmic storm & Destroyer Arm Punch.

  • Hammer3001
    Hammer3001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler

    And 20 More…
    1. Thor - Eric Masterson
    2. Maestro Hulk
    3. Red She-Hulk - Betty Ross
    4. Jackal - Ben Reilly
    5. Scarlet Spider - Kaine
    6. Ultron Hank Pym
    7. Jane Howlett
    8. Captain America - Isaiah Bradley
    9. Genesis - Apocalypse clone
    10. Destroyer Iron Man
    11. U.S.Agent
    12. Cosmic Ghost Rider - Spirit of Vengeance/Herald of Galactus Punisher
    13. Green Goblin - Ultimate Comics
    14. Punisher 2099
    15. Ghost Rider 2099
    16. Venom 2099
    17. Venomous Black Widow
    18. Agent Anti-Venom
    19. Vampire Doctor Strange
    20. The Maker - evil Mr. Fantastic