spring savings event

slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards

here we go again
rewards might be smaller a lot less shards **** shouldnt pulled

just noticed how bad the rewards are no slots they did classic tokens instead of slots wont pull again

40 puls

4 5s
2 shards


  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,428 Chairperson of the Boards

    Not quite that many, but my 40 open slots should be good for awhile.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2024

    @dianetics said:
    Do you need more slots?
    After all the pulling over the last few months I have 150+ open roster slots.
    I can't be the only one.

    I think I got around 100. More if I merge my low rank 3 stars

    Point is. 5000 hp. For 4 5s 2 shards seem like alot. And other
    junk (they spoiled us)

    At least this is still better then. Snap hell I'm sitting on 30.000 gold there and nothing to buy. (cards overpriced and bundles are insane overpriced)

    Also why is it call spring cleaning. Spring started back in March it's almost summer. 😂

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,411 Chairperson of the Boards

    I'm buying it once because there is a new costume in there that I want.

    I've also got 50+ slots (with plenty more that will come from ascending) so to be honest, I'm happier getting more LTs and CT's than another slot.


  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,697 Chairperson of the Boards

    I flipped the vault and I will do it once more, but I won't burn on it daily.
    I want the Apoc and Thor covers since they seem hard to come by for me.

    I won't push farm it like previous vaults though.

  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards

    The previous vault was a tad better imo, mostly for the 5* and shards in that one. I'm not counting the roster slots, which I have plenty of now (even though they are valued at a lot op HP). But still a great vault this one, worthy of my HP.

  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,702 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2024

    Looks like I have 177 open Roster slots at the moment. I think I'm good with those.

    Less 5 stars, but more LTs and some Classic LTs. I'm sold on it, the 5*s are nice but building up a large hoard of LTs by spending HP (HP I get from opening Classic and LTs, no less,) is the main point of these for more.

  • _TrashPanda
    _TrashPanda Posts: 101 Tile Toppler

    @GrimSkald said:
    Looks like I have 177 open Roster slots at the moment. I think I'm good with those.

    Less 5 stars, but more LTs and some Classic LTs. I'm sold on it, the 5*s are nice but building up a large hoard of LTs by spending HP (HP I get from opening Classic and LTs, no less,) is the main point of these for more.

    100% Agree. This is one of the best ao far

  • MgoBlue51
    MgoBlue51 Posts: 116 Tile Toppler

    I think it's a great follow up from the last one (April fools maybe?). As many have also said, I got a ton of roster slots from that one plus ascension. Well over 100 available. If there were slots in this vault, I probably wouldn't pull at all.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2024

    @GrimSkald said:
    Looks like I have 177 open Roster slots at the moment. I think I'm good with those.

    Less 5 stars, but more LTs and some Classic LTs. I'm sold on it, the 5*s are nice but building up a large hoard of LTs by spending HP (HP I get from opening Classic and LTs, no less,) is the main point of these for more.

    Cant you get lt for free doing deadpool daily thing.

    Edit forgot to add the daily

  • cooperbigdaddy
    cooperbigdaddy Posts: 409 Mover and Shaker

    I will say I am in need of many slots and I am a 4* with a few toes in 5* player. Slots are my most needed resource.

    But I also understand that people who are floating at the top of 5* land need no slots.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards

    @cooperbigdaddy said:
    I will say I am in need of many slots and I am a 4* with a few toes in 5* player. Slots are my most needed resource.

    But I also understand that people who are floating at the top of 5* land need no slots.

    Not really people who are on top of 5 stars it's the people who held onto major hp. Since dec been a lot of vaults that gave out slots. You clear them daily you proballt was looking at 60 slots per vault min

    I think at one time I had over 125.000. Now down to 5k

    I'm still waiting for them to offer up the other 1 stars I don't have for 20 . If I can get all 8. I should be able to net close to 160000 hp opening up 4000 tokens

    Still like to see game have add all.. going to be pain in Ss adding 4000 covers by hand

  • cooperbigdaddy
    cooperbigdaddy Posts: 409 Mover and Shaker

    Oh wow. I don't think I've ever had over 7000 HP at a time. I cleared that March Madness vault...3 times total? And it was the best thing I've ever done, haha.

  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,702 Chairperson of the Boards

    For the December deals vault, the first one they gave, I had like 42K HP. I started out not pulling every day (every 2 or 3 days,) but after a while I started pulling every day. I ended up opening a lot of LTs to fuel the HP, but HP does bounce back very quickly when you're not hoarding.

    I'll definitely keep pulling every day for this one. If I run out of HP, I'll just pull Classics or maybe more Event tokens since I like Magik, Emma, and Jubilee.

  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,702 Chairperson of the Boards

    @slidecage said:

    @GrimSkald said:
    Looks like I have 177 open Roster slots at the moment. I think I'm good with those.

    Less 5 stars, but more LTs and some Classic LTs. I'm sold on it, the 5*s are nice but building up a large hoard of LTs by spending HP (HP I get from opening Classic and LTs, no less,) is the main point of these for more.

    Cant you get lt for free doing deadpool

    5* Deadpool gives you a Spicy Taco token, not even remotely the same I'm afraid. Taco Tokens are about on par with Heroics, I'd say. LTs on the other hand are really the end-game currency, it's all about the 4/5 star pulls...

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2024

    @GrimSkald said:

    @slidecage said:

    @GrimSkald said:
    Looks like I have 177 open Roster slots at the moment. I think I'm good with those.

    Less 5 stars, but more LTs and some Classic LTs. I'm sold on it, the 5*s are nice but building up a large hoard of LTs by spending HP (HP I get from opening Classic and LTs, no less,) is the main point of these for more.

    Cant you get lt for free doing deadpool

    5* Deadpool gives you a Spicy Taco token, not even remotely the same I'm afraid. Taco Tokens are about on par with Heroics, I'd say. LTs on the other hand are really the end-game currency, it's all about the 4/5 star pulls...

    Could swear that you got a ll doing the dead pool daily . Did they change it cause I thought that one node (near the bottom) gave you a ll token some weeks it's one other weeks two

    I see my mistake. I said Deadpool. I meant the Deadpool daily nodes sorry

  • Timemachinego
    Timemachinego Posts: 538 Critical Contributor

    @slidecage said:
    Could swear that you got a ll doing the dead pool daily . Did they change it cause I thought that one node (near the bottom) gave you a ll token some weeks it's one other weeks two

    I see my mistake. I said Deadpool. I meant the Deadpool daily nodes sorry

    You're correct but 6? tokens between LL rotations isn't exactly meaningful. (Assuming you haven't favorited the current characters and old math more or less holds) you'll want to generate about 100 tokens per in-game season to be reasonably sure that you can fully cover the new releases by the time they leave the LL store.

  • JoeHandle
    JoeHandle Posts: 535 Critical Contributor

    @slidecage said:

    Also why is it call spring cleaning. Spring started back in March it's almost summer. 😂

    It's spring until summer solstice ... or at least Memorial Day ... but climate change is pushing that back to May Day. Already pushing 90F here.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards

    @JoeHandle said:

    @slidecage said:

    Also why is it call spring cleaning. Spring started back in March it's almost summer. 😂

    It's spring until summer solstice ... or at least Memorial Day ... but climate change is pushing that back to May Day. Already pushing 90F here.

    Yeap I used to work deliver paper from 94 to 2017 ( when closed down )
    Almost every winter had major snowstorms. These past 5 years we might had one day bad snow .. where was all these hot winters back then