Favorite or Starred Cards

akira1 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In

Really appreciate the ‘Standard Only’ card filter. What would really complete card management and filtering for me is an ability to ‘favorite’ or ‘ star’ or ‘bookmark’ cards and then having a way to view or sort for them in the card library. There are common and uncommon cards that are diamonds in the rough but it can be difficult to remember their exact name and set.

So, my suggestion is to add a way to ‘mark’ cards for players to quickly and easily find cards in their collection. It is a deck building game after all.

I know we can save decks and that is a way of sorts but I will often pull a card, like it, but not have an exact deck for it. I just know it’s good and I’d like to be able to find it again the next time I’m building out a deck
