Lightning Deal of the Day inconsistencies…

Jash735 Posts: 97 Match Maker

I don’t mean to complain because I’m really loving some of these lightning deals. I don’t even mind spending the odd few bucks on some of them, and I really love the HP ones. But I’ve noticed some pretty big inconsistencies with some of them.

Today’s, for instance, is 600,000 ISO for $25. But I just bought one a week or so ago that was 250,000 ISO for $7.

It’s almost like they’re trying to figure out how much players are willing to be gouged… 🤔


  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards

    When Amazon puts a $200 item on sale, sometimes the sale price is $100, and sometimes it's $175.

    Steep discounts create urgency to buy, but only if they're kept rare. If MPQ offered half-off deals every day, that'd just become the new regular price. We'd all wait, then rush to buy when they had 75% off.

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    I’m not surprised because as you said, it’s as if they’re testing the player base to see how much they’re willing to spend for not just the lightning deals, but all the offers. What was the cost for the ascended Human Torch yesterday, like 11.99 or something? I just remember seeing the cost and thinking we had never seen something being featured at that price before.

    I actually considered this current days lightning deal for a moment seeing how much I am in iso debt at that moment, but didn’t

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,959 Chairperson of the Boards

    Worth remembering: there is almost no cost to putting up an offer that no one takes, besides the labor behind assembling graphics, testing to make sure it works correctly, putting it on the schedule. But they do that every day.

    Anyway a bad offer is just another opportunity to make a little money and maybe someone buys it, or maybe they just get excited next time a better one appears and spend on that.

    But the cost to the devs of no one buying it is marginal.

  • Jash735
    Jash735 Posts: 97 Match Maker


    I thought the same thing, both about HT (odd price…) and the ISO (I did the math and decided to wait for the 250k deal again!).

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards

    @bluewolf said:
    Worth remembering: there is almost no cost to putting up an offer that no one takes, besides the labor behind assembling graphics, testing to make sure it works correctly, putting it on the schedule. But they do that every day.

    Anyway a bad offer is just another opportunity to make a little money and maybe someone buys it, or maybe they just get excited next time a better one appears and spend on that.

    But the cost to the devs of no one buying it is marginal.

    Well, also, none of this stuff has any "cost" to the devs at all! It's not like these are physical goods that have to be manufactured and warehoused and shipped or something. They wouldn't lose money if they sold a million iso for a dollar, just theoretical future revenue that may never happen at all.

    They do have to keep the "exchange rate" of dollars to HP/iso somewhat consistent though, or the in-game economy will fall apart.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,959 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:

    @bluewolf said:
    Worth remembering: there is almost no cost to putting up an offer that no one takes, besides the labor behind assembling graphics, testing to make sure it works correctly, putting it on the schedule. But they do that every day.

    Anyway a bad offer is just another opportunity to make a little money and maybe someone buys it, or maybe they just get excited next time a better one appears and spend on that.

    But the cost to the devs of no one buying it is marginal.

    Well, also, none of this stuff has any "cost" to the devs at all! It's not like these are physical goods that have to be manufactured and warehoused and shipped or something. They wouldn't lose money if they sold a million iso for a dollar, just theoretical future revenue that may never happen at all.

    They do have to keep the "exchange rate" of dollars to HP/iso somewhat consistent though, or the in-game economy will fall apart.

    "Somewhat" is doing a lot of work here, in the modern MPQ era. Once upon a time, you mostly saw HP rates hold steady. Bonus offers were pretty rare and hence often tempting.

    Today you see bundles all the time, and one can try to parse out the different parts and assign value to them, and the HP that is often included. Or look for the (seemingly) monthly 100% bonus HP offers if you are inclined. Or the 30% bonus HP offer that is currently running. And on and on. But if you skip one and want to spend, there'll be some other one tomorrow or in a week that will be appealing.

    No matter what resource you look at, the valuation and costs vary wildly from day to day and offer to offer. Even if the devs have a baseline and build offers from that assumption, it's barely adhered to from my perspective.

    Such a different time, today.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards

    @bluewolf said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @bluewolf said:
    Worth remembering: there is almost no cost to putting up an offer that no one takes, besides the labor behind assembling graphics, testing to make sure it works correctly, putting it on the schedule. But they do that every day.

    Anyway a bad offer is just another opportunity to make a little money and maybe someone buys it, or maybe they just get excited next time a better one appears and spend on that.

    But the cost to the devs of no one buying it is marginal.

    Well, also, none of this stuff has any "cost" to the devs at all! It's not like these are physical goods that have to be manufactured and warehoused and shipped or something. They wouldn't lose money if they sold a million iso for a dollar, just theoretical future revenue that may never happen at all.

    They do have to keep the "exchange rate" of dollars to HP/iso somewhat consistent though, or the in-game economy will fall apart.

    "Somewhat" is doing a lot of work here, in the modern MPQ era. Once upon a time, you mostly saw HP rates hold steady. Bonus offers were pretty rare and hence often tempting.

    Today you see bundles all the time, and one can try to parse out the different parts and assign value to them, and the HP that is often included. Or look for the (seemingly) monthly 100% bonus HP offers if you are inclined. Or the 30% bonus HP offer that is currently running. And on and on. But if you skip one and want to spend, there'll be some other one tomorrow or in a week that will be appealing.

    No matter what resource you look at, the valuation and costs vary wildly from day to day and offer to offer. Even if the devs have a baseline and build offers from that assumption, it's barely adhered to from my perspective.

    Such a different time, today.

    I guess I'm just not paying attention to it. I buy stuff sometimes if it seems like a good deal, but I had no idea it was that variable now.

  • JoeHandle
    JoeHandle Posts: 535 Critical Contributor

    @Jash735 said:
    Today’s, for instance, is 600,000 ISO for $25. But I just bought one a week or so ago that was 250,000 ISO for $7.

    Both offers have appearred before, and will presumably appear again ... unless they don't. Some other variation(s) could appear any day now ... isn't it exciting? For instance, a few times we saw 250K iso for $5. That was during anniversary ... also in the early days of lightning iso offers, IIRC. Maybe that was determined to be too cheap. Maybe.

    It’s almost like they’re trying to figure out how much players are willing to be gouged… 🤔

    All offers are tests and generate data to be collected for analysis. So ... yes, exactly, ofc they are.

    Last thought, there is more to consider that a simple iso/$ calculation. Players can "earn" however much iso they iso earn in a day though play. Even if they played all events that flailed away in sim or LRs ALL day, at some point there is an ultimate cap to what they can earn. That determines how quickly they can build / champ / dupe / ascend characters. The ability to buy additional iso has value, accelerating a player's rate of roster building.

    These iso offers have been offered sort of regularly. If both of these offers were up every week or ever every day this would be easier to see, but if a player was able to buy 250K iso with some regularity, and another player was able to buy 600K iso with similar regularity, well 600K guy would race ahead roster-wise, champing, etc, much faster, so long as covers were flowing and slots available. There can be greater value in being able to buy more per unit of time.

    Ofc, buying iso in these quantities and at relatively low prices too often would just remove iso as a constraint, faster than it already happens in the course of play ... so probably not likely to see these offers, esp the larger qty one, more often than we are.

  • kuntilanak
    kuntilanak Posts: 94 Match Maker

    I find the monetary deals not appealing at all as i just recently champped all the characters barring the latest. Only the occasional 'purchase' with HP i will indulge (in-game currency for in-game stuff). I'm only semi- competitive, so whatever arsenal i have at my disposal for now (all baby champ 5*, with the highest just shy of 480) are good enough to get by. ;)

    NMANOZ1 Posts: 135 Tile Toppler

    Need more 3 stars ascended to 4 stars offers.