New Character Poll

Alfje17 Posts: 3,957 Chairperson of the Boards

Love that we can choose a new character from time to time, but I'd like to hear why people want certain characters.

New Character Poll 27 votes

Toad (Mortimer Toynbee)
Jash735SuperCarrot 2 votes
Purple Man (Zebediah Kilgrave)
Alfje17grumbLEGOmeadowsweetThe_dogma 4 votes
Bob (Agent of H.Y.D.R.A.)
Godzillafan67 1 vote
Sauron (Karl Lykos)
bluewolfskittledaddy 2 votes
Boom Boom (Tabitha Smith)
ThaRoadWarriorProfShoehornTpsimoesUnityGamerAJblueICE 5 votes
Maximus (Inhuman Royal)
Paste-Pot Pete (Peter Petruski)
DAZ0273dianetics 2 votes
Kid Colt / Arizona Annia Western Duo)
Ptahhotep 1 vote
Black King (Sebastian Shaw)
xKOBALTxCodexbonny79HuracanDolorTimemachinegoEienRyuuPndes76CASSIDYFROSTJinx 9 votes
Wizard (Bentley Wittman)
bigjojo04 1 vote


  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,957 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2024
    Purple Man (Zebediah Kilgrave)

    There are a few characters that I like more, but I really want to see how Kilgrave's powers will work in this game (hopefully he'll take over another toon and not just copy their powers or something like that)

  • ProfShoehorn
    ProfShoehorn Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    Boom Boom (Tabitha Smith)

    Well, I am a big fan of the original X-Force run (see my attempts to twist clues to fit Forearm) and Boom-Boom would have been my choice if the vote wasn’t locked behind a Google Account log-in. Sauron would have been choice #2.

  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 636 Critical Contributor
    Bob (Agent of H.Y.D.R.A.)

    Bob. I've been waiting a long while to have a playable henchman.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards
    Paste-Pot Pete (Peter Petruski)

    If you need somebody to give those heroes a pasting then you need somebody who will stick to the plan and glue the team together so it doesn't go to pot and peter out. That is the reason I am adhering to my choice.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,697 Chairperson of the Boards
    Paste-Pot Pete (Peter Petruski)

    I want Deaths Head because his name has the words death and head. Plus he is like a cyberpunk robot assassin...or something.

  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards

    @dianetics said:
    I want Deaths Head because his name has the words death and head. Plus he is like a cyberpunk robot assassin...or something.

    I would've voted for him in a heartbeat, yes?

  • Ptahhotep
    Ptahhotep Posts: 435 Mover and Shaker
    Kid Colt / Arizona Annia Western Duo)

    There’s a whole bunch of untapped western characters. I had thought that the Rawhide Kid would be the most likely to be included in the game, but these two are OK.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Boom Boom (Tabitha Smith)

    @dianetics said:
    I want Deaths Head because his name has the words death and head. Plus he is like a cyberpunk robot assassin...or something.

    Don't we technically already have Death's Head 1 in the form of Deathlok? Or is it Death's Head II that we have? I seem to recall some sort of brain-switch nonsense to the origin story for DHII involving Deathlok but can't recall at the moment what's going on there.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Boom Boom (Tabitha Smith)

    I went with Boom Boom, and continue to hope that at some point they'll go full-Liefeld on the art with one of these characters.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2024

    @meadowsweet said:
    I still think that Jessica Jones season one is among the most powerful stories that Marvel has put on a screen (big or small.) Maybe putting Purple Man / Zebediah Killgrave in a match-3 game doesn't do justice to that narrative, but like @Alfje17 said, I think he lends himself to interesting powers:

    • opponent matches & powers damage their own teammates for X turns
    • they hand over AP in a color of your choice
    • one enemy is stunned until their teammates can damage Killgrave

    I loved season 1 up until the point I learned what his power was (voice and not direct mental control). Instantly I figured out all you needed to do is wear a set of headphones and listen to some music and you'd be immune to him (or anyone who doesn't speak English etc) and I was very disappointed in him as a villain and the fact I thought of doing that LONG before the show characters did. Maybe he's different in the comics but I considered him a joke as a villain after learning of his power (especially these days when you walk the streets and pretty much every other person has ear buds in and listens to music on their phone).

    Since his power is known (voice), all the enemy team would simply wear headphones/ear buds and listen to Spotify while attacking him. Plus wouldn't machines (Vision, Ulton) animals (Lockjaw, Devil Dino etc) and aliens (Gargantos) be 100% immune?


  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,957 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sauron (Karl Lykos)

    @KGB said:

    @meadowsweet said:
    I still think that Jessica Jones season one is among the most powerful stories that Marvel has put on a screen (big or small.) Maybe putting Purple Man / Zebediah Killgrave in a match-3 game doesn't do justice to that narrative, but like @Alfje17 said, I think he lends himself to interesting powers:

    • opponent matches & powers damage their own teammates for X turns
    • they hand over AP in a color of your choice
    • one enemy is stunned until their teammates can damage Killgrave

    I loved season 1 up until the point I learned what his power was (voice and not direct mental control). Instantly I figured out all you needed to do is wear a set of headphones and listen to some music and you'd be immune to him (or anyone who doesn't speak English etc) and I was very disappointed in him as a villain and the fact I thought of doing that LONG before the show characters did. Maybe he's different in the comics but I considered him a joke as a villain after learning of his power (especially these days when you walk the streets and pretty much every other person has ear buds in and listens to music on their phone).

    Since his power is known (voice), all the enemy team would simply wear headphones/ear buds and listen to Spotify while attacking him. Plus wouldn't machines (Vision, Ulton) animals (Lockjaw, Devil Dino etc) and aliens (Gargantos) be 100% immune?


    In the comics, it's slightly different (I think as I did not watch the show yet) as he has pheromones that he emits which cause him to be able to control people, but he needs to use his voice to do so (he has no telepathy). He was a pretty good idea as a Daredevil villain (where he first appeared way back in issue #4) since DD can't exactly easily shut out sound or really smell, and still function well.

    You have a good point about shutting out his voice and I'm pretty certain they've used that idea a few times when fighting him.

    Presumably his best approach is to catch people unaware at this point, especially, as the Marvel superheroes are generally well aware of his capabilities and limitations.

    All comics or superhero storylines tend to require a large amount of suspension of disbelief.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards
    Paste-Pot Pete (Peter Petruski)

    @KGB said:

    @meadowsweet said:
    I still think that Jessica Jones season one is among the most powerful stories that Marvel has put on a screen (big or small.) Maybe putting Purple Man / Zebediah Killgrave in a match-3 game doesn't do justice to that narrative, but like @Alfje17 said, I think he lends himself to interesting powers:

    • opponent matches & powers damage their own teammates for X turns
    • they hand over AP in a color of your choice
    • one enemy is stunned until their teammates can damage Killgrave

    I loved season 1 up until the point I learned what his power was (voice and not direct mental control). Instantly I figured out all you needed to do is wear a set of headphones and listen to some music and you'd be immune to him (or anyone who doesn't speak English etc) and I was very disappointed in him as a villain and the fact I thought of doing that LONG before the show characters did. Maybe he's different in the comics but I considered him a joke as a villain after learning of his power (especially these days when you walk the streets and pretty much every other person has ear buds in and listens to music on their phone).

    Since his power is known (voice), all the enemy team would simply wear headphones/ear buds and listen to Spotify while attacking him. Plus wouldn't machines (Vision, Ulton) animals (Lockjaw, Devil Dino etc) and aliens (Gargantos) be 100% immune?


    In the comic books he emits pheremones which make people open to suggestion/control. These can be breathed in or absorbed through the skin. This means certain characters are immune such as The Vision and also Wonder Man was also in the Emperor Doom GN. Regardless of this - the very strong willed can also resist hm as Dr. Doom proves by taking off his helmet in Killgrave's presence and still being able to resist his mental control.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2024

    @bluewolf , @DAZ0273 - Thanks for taking the time to fill me in on the comic version with the pheremones.

    The other disappointing part of season 1 was finding out he had no ambition. As in he didn't want to take over the world or even become rich or be a super spy for some foreign power etc. Nope, all he wanted was a personal servant to do his laundry, make his dinner, provide conjugal services and function as a bodyguard in public. He could have gotten all that by just having some rich widow marry him and have her leave her fortune to him he could hire people to do that and he'd never have to get involved with any super hero or criminal activities.


  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,697 Chairperson of the Boards
    Paste-Pot Pete (Peter Petruski)

    @ThaRoadWarrior said:
    Don't we technically already have Death's Head 1 in the form of Deathlok? Or is it Death's Head II that we have? I seem to recall some sort of brain-switch nonsense to the origin story for DHII involving Deathlok but can't recall at the moment what's going on there.

    Deaths Head 2 was originally Minion. A robot assassin that absorbed other synthetics personalities.
    He killed deaths head absorbed his personality and deaths head kind of took over minion.

    Nothing to do with deathlok as far as I know.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,250 Chairperson of the Boards

    @dianetics said:

    @ThaRoadWarrior said:
    Don't we technically already have Death's Head 1 in the form of Deathlok? Or is it Death's Head II that we have? I seem to recall some sort of brain-switch nonsense to the origin story for DHII involving Deathlok but can't recall at the moment what's going on there.

    Deaths Head 2 was originally Minion. A robot assassin that absorbed other synthetics personalities.
    He killed deaths head absorbed his personality and deaths head kind of took over minion.

    Nothing to do with deathlok as far as I know.

    They should definitely add the Minions to MPQ. Those guys are super cute!

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,957 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sauron (Karl Lykos)

    @KGB said:
    @bluewolf , @DAZ0273 - Thanks for taking the time to fill me in on the comic version with the pheremones.

    The other disappointing part of season 1 was finding out he had no ambition. As in he didn't want to take over the world or even become rich or be a super spy for some foreign power etc. Nope, all he wanted was a personal servant to do his laundry, make his dinner, provide conjugal services and function as a bodyguard in public. He could have gotten all that by just having some rich widow marry him and have her leave her fortune to him he could hire people to do that and he'd never have to get involved with any super hero or criminal activities.


    What if S3: the villains win

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker
    edited February 2024
    Wizard (Bentley Wittman)

    I want The Wizard, followed shortly thereafter by Pete and then a Boss Event featuring the Frightful Four.

    That’s probably asking for a lot, but it’s my wishlist if you will.

  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,957 Chairperson of the Boards
    Purple Man (Zebediah Kilgrave)

    The people have spoken: Black King (Sebastian Shaw) won this and the official poll!
    I do expect to see at least some of the other choices in the game eventually, so all is not lost yet for Maximus (Inhuman Royal) ;)

  • JoeHandle
    JoeHandle Posts: 535 Critical Contributor

    best song free association.