Mana Crypt not functioning properly [To be Fixed]

Youzerfriendly Posts: 50 Match Maker
edited 28 February 2024, 12:47 in MtGPQ Bugs & Technical Issues

So, I appreciate the bug fix of Mana Crypt not hitting you for life if it doesn't give you mana, however the card still doesn't do what it says it's going to do. The text reads "the first card in your hand that can gain mana". If the first card in your hand is full, then the first card in your hand that can gain mana would be the second card. Mana Crypt is ONLY working on the FIRST card in hand. If the first card in your hand is full, Mana Crypt "triggers" and literally nothing happens.

All of the Mox cards, that aren't even worded as specifically, seem to work similarly? A Mox will fill the first appropriately colored card that isn't full, no questions. You could have 4 full mana red cards, then a white and a red card, and mox ruby will fill the 6th card in your hand, because it's the first red card in your hand that can gain mana.

So while we're on the topic, all the Moxs that currently read:

Mana Field: The first (color) card in your hand gains full mana.

should read:

Mana Field: The first (color) card in your hand that can gain mana gains full mana.

Mana Crypt needs to read:

Mana Field: If the first card in your hand can gain mana, it gains full mana. Then: You lose 9 life.

Either that or make it so it works the way it's worded. Whichever is the intended way for it to function, I just want it to DO what it SAYS. Same for the Moxs.

Video for reference
