Consistency Among PMA Walkers

JTK421 Posts: 31 Just Dropped In

As I’ve played against the PMA Walkers, I've realized that they don’t play similarly. For example, Ajani's Enlisted, Chandra's Ignited and Nissa's Seeded all give their benefits to the enemy Walker when matched (I don't know if Liliana works this way as well, as I've never had a Buried card in my graveyard while playing her). Teferi, on the other hand, only benefits that player. Is there a bit of bias? Maybe, but he denies (pun intended) both the cards and the mana that would be useful to fight him. Any of the other five, and you can draw your answers to and claw your way back, but even if you manage to not have your cards discarded to Time Bubble, then you have to make do on tiny amounts of mana while Teferi continues to make Time Bubbles or get mana when you play your deck.

My solution would be to let either player matching a Deny gem make a Time Bubble, and reduce the Time Bubble to draining only. This would allow opponents to at least have a fighting chance by going after the Deny gems, much like going after Enlist when you're low on life, or Seed when you need to boost your token deck's mana output.