does anybody else play / upgrade this way

drcheese Posts: 12 Just Dropped In

i have all characters rostered except for a couple of 1-stars. my current style of upgrading my roster is "favoriting" the lowest leveled 3 and 4 starred champed characters (currently Kamala Khan and Vulture at 195 for 3-star, and Dr Bong, Mr Negative and Peni Parker at 282 for 4-star). It's a bit slow but I like it for raising the floor of levels plus it slows down the rate at which i have to buy additional roster slots. how does everybody else level up their roster


  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,529 Chairperson of the Boards

    After they are champed, I just them grow based on event rewards etc. I do use favorites, but it’s really based more on if I need to get a char to specific reward.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,068 Chairperson of the Boards

    That's exactly how I do it. I'm currently working on getting my 3* dupes up to lvl 260 from lvl 250. I go in increments of 10 and always start with the lowest. I also keep my eye on who is upcoming in progress and placement rewards and adjust my plans if needed.

    For my 4s, I'm currently working on the 4s who don't feed a 5*. Again with the lowest, going 10 levels at a time. Currently in the 310 to 320 range.

    Always tinkering and adjusting, but this is how I'm currently doing it for the last year and a half-ish.

  • drcheese
    drcheese Posts: 12 Just Dropped In

    increments of 10 huh! that's an interesting way to do it i think i'll do that too

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,457 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Phumade said:
    After they are champed, I just them grow based on event rewards etc. I do use favorites, but it’s really based more on if I need to get a char to specific reward.

    I'm with you. Closest one to an LT or 5* shards that will level one up. By the time the shards are done there are normally a couple close enough to reprioritise.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,068 Chairperson of the Boards

    @drcheese said:
    increments of 10 huh! that's an interesting way to do it i think i'll do that too

    Started doing that to help get my mmr back to where I could handle the opponents I was getting in pvp. Stuck with it since. Takes me about 6 or 7 days to go 10 levels on a 3*. A 4* depends on if I break a hoard or not, so they tend to go much slower.

    No right or wrong way to do it. I've done the same thing @Phumade said, primarily with 4s. The only thing I won't ever do is favorite multiple characters in a tier. One 3, one 4*, one 5*.

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,529 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2023

    @WilliamK1983 said:
    The only thing I won't ever do is favorite multiple characters in a tier. One 3*, one 4*, one 5*.

    This is by far the most important guideline. You really want to only favorite 1 char at each tier. I've been guilty of being lazy and have multiple favorites, but it really is in your best interests to accomplish the task as fast as you can.

  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2023

    90% of the time I don't put a single iso into a character until I'm ready to champ them.

    The 10% who do get iso ahead of time are brand new 4s and 3s while their PvP is running, then I wait until I have 13 covers and the iso and rip the band-aid off all at once.

    Lately I have had a few 5*s that I've have taken to max level at 12 covers since I was favoriting their feeder and knew I'd be spending on them next anyway.

    Right now with ascension I've been concentrating all my favorites to the characters that I am closest to having a second max champ of with my 3*, to the 4* that feeds whichever classic 5* I'm trying to champ and bringing up my top six to eight 5*s within 5 levels of each other to avoid MMR problems.

    NMANOZ1 Posts: 135 Tile Toppler

    I do the same thing with classic 5 stars.

  • Aweberman
    Aweberman Posts: 443 Mover and Shaker

    What I've been doing for the past year or more is targeting the characters that feed whatever 5-Star I'm chasing. So for awhile it was 3nos > 4hanos > Thano5. Now that I have him where I want him, I'm shifting to Omega Red (3) > Sabretooth > Omega Red (5). (Eventually. I actually have Shuri as my target at the moment to get my last couple of Okoye covers out of her before ascending her.)

  • Zalasta
    Zalasta Posts: 302 Mover and Shaker

    I used to favorite based on feeders to classic 5-stars. Now that they’re all champed, I’m choosing based on who I’m targeting for ascension. I also don’t generally level my 2s & 3s until I have enough covers to max champ. That’s because they don’t really help much in the 5-star arena, and I still have a significant ISO deficit. New 5’s & 4’s get first crack at available ISO. My duplicate 4’s are probably going to remain unleveled for a while.