Feedback on the event plague control: infestation

Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
edited October 2023 in MtGPQ General Discussion

Thank you for the very generous prizes in the Halloween events!

I know that you are a new development team, but please for the love of god. Please, please, pretty please take down the event and give us a super pack (or better), so I don’t have to be exposed to this bonanza of slow animations.

Each turn you add at least 2 rat swarm supports that will initially just ping one damage a few times, slightly annoying. However a few rounds into a match, the board is slowly being flooded with rat swarms, and then I have to sit through dozens of slow animations that only gives one damage.
But wait there is more - enter creatures. Whenever a rat swarm is destroyed, every creature will get +1/+1.

In my first match between two PMAjani a few rounds in no we both had 3 creatures on the board, we also had approx. 10 rat swarms each and we typically destroyed 3+ rat swarms during each turn, so now I had to see 18 +1/+1 animations followed shortly by 10 - 1 damage. That was excruciating.

My 2nd match was also 2 PMAjanis, so the same thing happened

3rd match I went up against a Dakkon deck (beautifully designed I would like to add) but this time I quit when Greg got a cascade that emptied his hand.

I returning to see if I can play a turn one deck, which hopefully will bypass these shenanigans completely.


  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    Yep. I was very excited to see a new event, but in the third game got so tired of the animations that I just closed the app and won't be going back.

  • ambrosio191
    ambrosio191 Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker

    The tedious animations are a major problem with this game. Especially with card visualization turned off, they offer no benefit and serve as a source of frustration. I really hope an app U/I overhaul is in the making to address this sort of thing.

    It's too bad they are turning people away from this event. It gives the impression the event is poorly designed, when in reality it's the U/I that's causing the problems.

  • Smokincookz
    Smokincookz Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2023

    I'm packing Legions to Ashes in my deck- not a perfect solution, but it helps cut down Greg's RP tokens
    (Urza's Sylex gets an honorable mention).

  • Firstofhisname419
    Firstofhisname419 Posts: 133 Tile Toppler

    Yes, I like the event. The complaints about the animations is a long-standing one. But it does make the event drag.

  • Stormcrow
    Stormcrow Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker

    There has to be a way to COMBINE animations. If all three of my creatures are getting +1/+1 from [a source], there must be a way to tell the game to combine those three +1/+1s so they happen simultaneously. Likewise if my opponent is getting pinged for 1 damage from 17 different supports, there's gotta be a way to have the game make all 17 pings happen simultaneously. This game has desperately, desperately needed this implemented for YEARS, and if this event is the thing that finally gets it high enough on the priority list that it actually gets done, I will gladly forgive this event for all the time it's taken.

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 697 Critical Contributor

    @Stormcrow said:
    There has to be a way to COMBINE animations. If all three of my creatures are getting +1/+1 from [a source], there must be a way to tell the game to combine those three +1/+1s so they happen simultaneously. Likewise if my opponent is getting pinged for 1 damage from 17 different supports, there's gotta be a way to have the game make all 17 pings happen simultaneously. This game has desperately, desperately needed this implemented for YEARS, and if this event is the thing that finally gets it high enough on the priority list that it actually gets done, I will gladly forgive this event for all the time it's taken.

    My number 1 change I'd make to the animations would be: every time a streamer slowly flies across the screen connecting one thing and another thing... just don't have that happen.

    Honestly the animations in the game should have been addressed years ago. It's probably the way it is because it increases the time spent in the app which is good for metrics even as it irritates and drives away players.

  • ichine
    ichine Posts: 12 Just Dropped In

    I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one shocked by this event animations..

    I've played PMAjani against others PMAjanis, and the games took FOREEEEVER. After each match I was seriously questioning myself if I really wanna complete the event or not...

    Guys, we know you have just arrived but PLEASE, block this animations for good!
    Add the possibility to get rid of them in the options menu for those who want it, at least.

    I talk for me and my husband @BossGhost, we play since day #1, we have a great card collection, and this is the main reason why we are still playing, but this app issue (among 7363762 others..) is too frustrating.

    Thanks in advance

  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Janosik said:

    @Stormcrow said:
    There has to be a way to COMBINE animations. If all three of my creatures are getting +1/+1 from [a source], there must be a way to tell the game to combine those three +1/+1s so they happen simultaneously. Likewise if my opponent is getting pinged for 1 damage from 17 different supports, there's gotta be a way to have the game make all 17 pings happen simultaneously. This game has desperately, desperately needed this implemented for YEARS, and if this event is the thing that finally gets it high enough on the priority list that it actually gets done, I will gladly forgive this event for all the time it's taken.

    My number 1 change I'd make to the animations would be: every time a streamer slowly flies across the screen connecting one thing and another thing... just don't have that happen.

    Honestly the animations in the game should have been addressed years ago. It's probably the way it is because it increases the time spent in the app which is good for metrics even as it irritates and drives away players.

    Yes, this is the main source of frustration with animations. The animation that happens when buffing a creature (or debuffing - see Fear of Death/All-Seeing Arbiter) takes far too long. This goes hand-in-hand also with token generation animation. No event makes this more apparent than this one.

  • ambrosio191
    ambrosio191 Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker

    This isnt the first time we had issues with +1/+1 animations taking forever. Fabricate used to have this issue . The devs at the time changed fabricate to greatly speed up the animations. This change needs to be applied across the board.

  • Julie71
    Julie71 MTGPQ Mod Posts: 707 Critical Contributor

    I enjoyed the event, and I took full advantage of the rats damage. because i ran (rem) so an always easy way around animations change your settings. thanks again for lettings us play something other then the same old same old.

  • Techg
    Techg Posts: 68 Match Maker

    @Julie71 said:
    I enjoyed the event,

    I enjoyed something different as well!

    so an always easy way around animations change your settings.

    Animation settings off does not kept them off and there is still too much interactions with that option in the game.

  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Julie71 said:
    I enjoyed the event, and I took full advantage of the rats damage. because i ran (rem) so an always easy way around animations change your settings. thanks again for lettings us play something other then the same old same old.

    Turning off those settings doesn't change the speed of animations, just turns a few off. It helps, but much more needs to be done.

  • Rant_Ent
    Rant_Ent Posts: 68 Match Maker

    Developer, try play testing.
    It's helpful.
    If your time worth it,why our not?
    Great prizes (10q). But such an tedious agony.

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 238 Tile Toppler

    I could not bring myself to finish the event because the animations were so distracting.

    I don’t mind the concept, but the implementation gives me a headache. Same with pack openings TBH. Wish it would just do it all at once and get it over with.

  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards

    I think this is a problem that both Trick or Treat and Infestation events share. The tricks and treats animations also get old pretty fast, but what's also amusing is that the devs for this event actually thought that players would enjoy looking at those animations even more and suggested that visual aid should be turned on.

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 697 Critical Contributor

    @ambrosio191 said:
    This isnt the first time we had issues with +1/+1 animations taking forever. Fabricate used to have this issue . The devs at the time changed fabricate to greatly speed up the animations. This change needs to be applied across the board.

    Oktagon were not good at generalising their solutions to problems...

  • BongoTheGrey
    BongoTheGrey Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker

    Animations took forever. Most of the match you were just looking at the phone doing absolutely nothing, just waiting for the animations to be over.
    Played 2 games and closed the app. My time is more valuable than that, games are supposed to be fun!

  • Bubbles_CS
    Bubbles_CS Posts: 332 Mover and Shaker

    Trick or Treat was good. This one I didn’t even try. I saw rat swarm and avoided these token animations like the plague.

  • ambrosio191
    ambrosio191 Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker

    @Janosik said:

    @ambrosio191 said:
    This isnt the first time we had issues with +1/+1 animations taking forever. Fabricate used to have this issue . The devs at the time changed fabricate to greatly speed up the animations. This change needs to be applied across the board.

    Oktagon were not good at generalising their solutions to problems...

    This was actually during the Hibernum days, not Oktagon.