2 things that would greatly improve the enjoyment of this game

Sardis Posts: 17 Just Dropped In


I'm a long time player, almost from the very start...I have lots of suggestions for improvement of this game, but I will limit this message to two.

  1. The card search engine...create a toggle for standard cards only. Make it searchable for specific color card combos (example: If I just want to see what tri color cards do I have - I just want to see those and not have to go scroll through my entire collection; show me only 5 color cards). Allow tapping on a set icon and have a pop up that tells me what set it is...After all these years I still don't have the 40+ sets memorized by icon. I'm sure there are many more but just these two alone would go a long way.

  2. This one is related to the training grounds and deck construction...though I can forsee a different option that would work even better...so I'll offer both:

A ) have the deck builder in the training grounds (when using the event deck) possess the ability to set 2 secondary objectives from a drop down list that possesses all possible secondaries from all game events (especially coalition events), I and likely most dedicated players would play more if we could practice/test decks all week against the objectives coming up on the weekend.

B ) on Mondays (or just after the conclusion of a weekend event) create a coalition event Training Ground that is already set with the nodes/matches for the next coalition event and remains up until either just before the start of the coalition event, or until it ends, so if something isn’t working, you can try to fix it without risking the loss of a match.

Anyway, that's just my 2 cents worth.

  • Sardis


    DREAMER Posts: 16 Just Dropped In

    I want an editable event deck for the story mode

  • ichine
    ichine Posts: 12 Just Dropped In

    Really interesting points, I agree :) It should be nice also to fight against our own decks to see how Greg plays it

    DREAMER Posts: 16 Just Dropped In

    I’d like to have my favorite decks not opened to everybody too

    DREAMER Posts: 16 Just Dropped In

    2nd deck slot opened for PWs of every level, not only 60

  • totalsiege
    totalsiege Posts: 10 Just Dropped In

    Would like to have the last event deck you used in an event persist for that event until you change it.👍

  • Julie71
    Julie71 MTGPQ Mod Posts: 707 Critical Contributor

    @Magic:PQ Support Team some really good suggestion above. me personally am open all button on each pack sets. ;)

  • Metroplex78
    Metroplex78 Posts: 74 Match Maker

    The only thing that would improve the enjoyment of this game is getting rid of or severely limiting loop decks.

  • Tezzeret
    Tezzeret Posts: 223 Tile Toppler

    Ahh yes the ole standard filter button request. Honestly if new management makes this feature alone it would galvanize the whole community as we have been asking for this forever. And they would have my full support

  • AcidRhapsody
    AcidRhapsody Posts: 27 Just Dropped In

    Also, I'd love to be able to see the event objectives without having to leave the deck editor...

  • AcidRhapsody
    AcidRhapsody Posts: 27 Just Dropped In

    Also, not necessary, but it would be fun to see how many people faced your decks and how they did in Greg's hands... also a match history and deck viewer would be cool as well... sometime I want to see what the heck just smashed my face in without having to try to jigsaw it from the battle report.

  • Sardis
    Sardis Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2023

    Oh, and being able to look at and edit an event deck even when a node isn't available to play would be an amazing improvement.

    Example: A World Reborn

    I've play and beat node 2.1 but I don't like some aspect of my deck or I lost a secondary. The game moves on to 2.2 and grays out 2.1. I should still be able to go in and edit that deck right away, rather than having to get all the way back around to 2.1 again.


    I've played all my available nodes and have to wait 6 hours until the next matches become available. I should be able to go in and look at my decks, make changes, even change the PW if I want, while I wait.

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 220 Tile Toppler

    @Julie71 said:
    @Magic:PQ Support Team some really good suggestion above. me personally am open all button on each pack sets. ;)

    You should listen to @Julie71 because she is very smart. I would like it if all of the cards in a pack opened “at once.”

    I have a lot of unopened packs just because I can’t be bothered to sit through the opening animations—it gives me a headache!

  • Sardis
    Sardis Posts: 17 Just Dropped In

    In addition to my previous post regarding the card search engine...the ability to search by power and defense would be amazing as well.


    Let me see all creature cards with a power of 3 (as well as 3 or less)

    Let me see all creature cards cards with power 6 or more (ie: for Sarkhan the Unbroken decks - L3)

    Let me see all creature cards with with Defense 4 (or 4 or more)

    Or at least the ability to reorder our collection based on such criteria.

    While I'm on it...something else that would be useful would be:

    Let me see all supports with 4 shields (or 4 or more shields; or 3 to 5 shields).

    Or the ability to reorder our collection by support shield count.

  • Sardis
    Sardis Posts: 17 Just Dropped In

    Also, adding details from card pop ups would be great.

    Example: when doing a search for "zombie", cards with amass don't show up unless the word zombie is elsewhere on the card (example: Commence the End Game).

    Also, there are card pop ups with definitions of things, which is great...but there are cards with pop ups within pop ups and those never work, so the link to that information is currently pointless.

  • Sardis
    Sardis Posts: 17 Just Dropped In

    Oh...and being able to toggle so you can just see cards labeled "New" would be great....just saying...

  • Sardis
    Sardis Posts: 17 Just Dropped In

    Also...being able to toggle just the cards you don't have would be nice...especially when looking for ones next chase card.

  • Sardis
    Sardis Posts: 17 Just Dropped In

    @totalsiege said:
    Would like to have the last event deck you used in an event persist for that event until you change it.👍
