Let us see the decks of the top tier event players.

I'm sure many of you having participated in events wonder what card decks the top 10 players used to get to the top.
At present all we can only see is their name and the number of ribbons they've won.
I propose we do much better, let us be able to see the card decks they used to win, so we may copy it the next time that event is run.
This is beneficial because:
Many of them rely on secrecy to win, that is unacceptable, if everyone now uses the same card decks they use then they will have competition and it will be fair play as opposed to them just coasting along to an easy victory.


  • Sardis
    Sardis Posts: 17 Just Dropped In

    Sounds like a lot of sour grapes from someone who doesn't want to do the hard work of figuring out what works and what doesn't. Maybe stop being lazy and get to know your cards better?

  • Metroplex78
    Metroplex78 Posts: 74 Match Maker

    @Sardis said:
    Sounds like a lot of sour grapes from someone who doesn't want to do the hard work of figuring out what works and what doesn't. Maybe stop being lazy and get to know your cards better?

    I assure you that is not the case, we all have a right to improve our card decks, by being able to see the decks the top tier players used we can then improve upon it or if we don't have some of their cards, chase them up, in the end everyone wins as competition is good for us.

  • Sardis
    Sardis Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2023

    Always the words of the one who wants a hand out. Point is, do what those players do (which is the same as what I do). If I get beat by a good deck I look at the battle log, I write down the cards used against me and note the plainswalker...sometimes I get to see all 10...sometimes I'm dead before all 10 get played...guess what...they didn't need all 10 to beat me...so I focus on the cards I can see in the battle log and look for the synergies...with a focus on figuring out how this happened.

    I've made decks a player could recreate and yet never win with...because it isn't always about the cards...there's actually things called skill and strategy that are needed. Play certain cards in certain sequences...don't play that card until this thing happens.

    Seriously...this logic of yours works nowhere else in competitive realms...maybe the superbowl winners should hand out their playbooks to the losing teams??? I mean, they can just play it back and see for themselves...right???

  • Metroplex78
    Metroplex78 Posts: 74 Match Maker

    There are entire Discord servers devoted to people sharing, asking for event specific decks so if everyone followed your method: looking up the log, nobody would get anywhere.
    This game thrives on finding out what works, so if we can see the winning decks it's not a bad thing since we can then also use them for our benefit and if not, tweak them to our liking, so no, wanting to know what decks they used is not 'lazy' but smart, you don't have to go the hard way to reinvent the wheel all over again.
    Seems to me you want to stop progress, stop being so close minded and like Michael Jordan said: "Stop, get some help."

  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    I think it might be that last paragraph of your initial post. There's a nicer way to ask and then there's this entitled way of demanding from your fellow players, while throwing in needless accusations in the process. Almost all of your suggestions seem to end with a hint of soreness towards other players. Its like everyone is actively working to make you lose games and objectives. It can't be something to do with your own deck building, right?

    As you said, many top players already happily share their decks on discord so its confusing where that bit about relying on secrecy to win is coming from.

    We should also note that the top spot in the recent PvP coalition events is shared by hundreds of players, so it cant be that hard to build a winning deck anyway. The real challenges are the bugs and crashes.

  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards

    Here are my decks for the current event. I hope these help. :smile:

  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards

    It's there anything you even like about this game? Every thread or comment you make is some sort of complaint either about the game or the player base. We all notice it.

  • Metroplex78
    Metroplex78 Posts: 74 Match Maker

    No game is perfect, they all need constant improvements or they become set in their ways.

  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Metroplex78 said:
    No game is perfect, they all need constant improvements or they become set in their ways.

    I'm guessing you need improvement in your deck building. If you share your decks, I'm sure the players here will be happy to give you some pointers.

  • Tezzeret
    Tezzeret Posts: 223 Tile Toppler

    I always put my coalition.decks as favorites each event so people can click on my name and peep what deck I'm using

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 697 Critical Contributor

    You could just ask

  • totalsiege
    totalsiege Posts: 10 Just Dropped In

    @Metroplex78 said:
    I'm sure many of you having participated in events wonder what card decks the top 10 players used to get to the top.
    At present all we can see is their name and the number of ribbons they've won.
    I propose we do much better, let us be able to see the card decks they used to win, so we may copy it the next time that event is run.
    This is beneficial because:
    Many of them rely on secrecy to win, which is unacceptable, if everyone now uses the same card decks they use then they will have competition and it will be fair play as opposed to them just coasting along to an easy victory.

    Simple use the good ones they are the shiniest that's how you know they are the best.

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 238 Tile Toppler

    @Metroplex78 said:

    Many of them rely on secrecy to win…

    Have you met any of these players?! Because I have and most of them are super-excited to tell me all about the new way they found to break the game… even players that aren’t in FTA (the mega group I built to TL;DR the important bits).

    Who are these secretive players?!?

  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards

    I post my decks to the Discord for every event. Honestly, I've found few people anywhere that are averse to sharing information and deckbuilding tips.

  • Metroplex78
    Metroplex78 Posts: 74 Match Maker

    @Sarah said:

    @Metroplex78 said:

    Many of them rely on secrecy to win…

    Have you met any of these players?! Because I have and most of them are super-excited to tell me all about the new way they found to break the game… even players that aren’t in FTA (the mega group I built to TL;DR the important bits).

    Who are these secretive players?!?

    That's the thing I don't know their Discord servers and can't see their coalitions as they are hidden.

  • Sardis
    Sardis Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2023

    At the end of the day, you are asking the dev's to ignore the right to privacy of their players.

    What you want already exists, as far as decks players are willing to share. You can view the profiles of every player in the top 10 teams and view their posted favorite decks.

    To do anything else impinges on the rights of those players who don't care to share their decks.

  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards

    Every Discord server is private; you need an invite. You can usually find a list to them on the game's subreddit.

  • Metroplex78
    Metroplex78 Posts: 74 Match Maker

    @Mainloop25 said:
    Every Discord server is private; you need an invite. You can usually find a list to them on the game's subreddit.

    I went to r/MTGPuzzleQuest but there was no list, is it another place you're referring to?

  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Sarahschmara am I wrong about this? I thought you could find the links to the various Discords in the recruitment thread?